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About gotofritz

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  1. Thanks @PinkElephant Well to each their own @Frki2 :-) I guess that's the basic problem behind EN, they need to be all things to all people to keep the investors happy, but we are all different and have different needs... in my case I used EN mostly with the web clipper, as a way to curate page, code fragments and screenshots from around the web, and Obsidian works brilliantly for that, especially now that it finally has an Android version (Disclaimer: haven't tried it yet)
  2. I upgraded without thinking too much of it, and I found myself with V10... not sure how to revert back to Legacy, no doubt you can find versions knocking around somewhere, but that's only postponing the inevitable, isn't it? anyway, good luck with Legacy :-)
  3. For those of use who have been with EN for years every new update has been a disappointment. Now with v10 comes the nonsense about not being able to select a bunch of notes and delete them. You have to do it in batch of 50. And even then, it takes 5 mins or so because it sends an individual request per note /facepalm Who comes up with this *****? Every design decision seems tailored towards punishing users for being foolish enough to store enough notes in their app. Finally converted bulk converted my notes to markdown and moved over to obsidian. What a breath of fresh air. On top of everything else, I've finally got all my notes in my hard disk, just like it used to be in the early days of EN, when I first became a subscriber. ***** you, EN
  4. It works if I use "simplified article" but that's not what I want - it's useless for source code...
  5. I have the issue from time to time, just trying again (without logging out or anything...) seems to solve the issue for me. Brave browser, OS X
  6. Tried to clip this page https://dev.to/midiblocks/introducing-handsfree-js-integrate-hand-face-and-pose-gestures-to-your-frontend-4g3p and I get the message: Too many resources Page has too many resources, max is 1000 The page has 41 images and 191 href links, so nowhere near 1000. What is going on?
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