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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. There's a feature request page for this somewhere - you could add your click to that if you can find it (try a general web search rather than the Forum search bar). Otherwise you already know part of the answer... linking to sections is possible, provided you put your sections in separate notes. Simply start a new note for each section with a standard subject - "001 <document title>" and increment the number as you add more sections. Then search for intitle:<document title> to list all your notes, and sort that list by title. Create a Table of Content and jump around as you wish. (For bonus points you can include a 'home' note link back to the ToC in your sections...)
  2. Hi. I'm not a Mac user and haven't upgraded to the latest version of Evernote (10.x), so can't comment on whether this is a bug or a feature, but if you are on the latest version now, it may help to install the Legacy (old) version, which runs alongside the new app but retains all the original functionality. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  3. Hi. My first suggestion would be to stay with Legacy, but Workflowy now has a clipper, and IMHO is a great way to rapidly clip and sort web research into relevant chunks... https://blog.workflowy.com/2020/07/20/workflowy-web-clipper-a-smoother-way-to-research/ WFClipper works on Google Chrome and any Chrome-based browser I've tried so far - Vivaldi / Brave / Sidekick.
  4. Hi. Evernote can import most document file types, but you'd have to find some way to export or translate the files from NSX. You'd need a script to import bulk files.
  5. I'm going to have have to change my signature to something like "I had my patience tested. I'm negative" - I'd try to clip that once. Then I'd screenshot it and paste the image, with a 'copy link location' for the URL. I tend not to wonder or worry why things don't happen - I must be an engineer at heart; if it don't work first time I use a bigger hammer... 😉
  6. So we're accepting this is a real deal now? While T&C's protect a company from most things, playing fast and loose with your data during a current subscription is not one of them. Last time I had a provider 'suggest' another company was ready to look after my account because they were going out of business, I had to opt IN to that deal a couple of months before it happened. If you have any concerns about your Evernote data, just keep a regular backup (possible through the Legacy options, the last public releases and third party apps like Backupery and CloudHQ). You will almost certainly have time to get a final copy before you pull the plug if that's what you want to do, but you're covered if not. And if anything happens you don't like - go find your friendly local Data Protection body; those fine people have the power to impose some eye-watering fines if they want to. In any event all of this is just locker-room chatter - and don't forget that Evernote's hungry young competitors will be relishing this fuss and palaver, and possibly adding a bit of fuel to the fire from time to time. The more uncertain Evernote's users are, the more likely they are to move away to someone more deserving of their subscriptions. Us paying users are quite a valuable resource. Which is why it's so dumb of Evernote to leave everyone hanging!
  7. "Justifiably?" When (except for iOS) you can install a complete fix in 20 minutes or less? That's more due to the way that App Stores Work, but since Android is less secure than Apple, sideloads are a possibility. See https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/evernote-corporation/evernote/evernote-8-13-3-release/ -or- https://evernote.en.uptodown.com/android/download/2259282 for the historic APKs "Their silence" has been a corporate policy for the past 12 years. It doesn't make anything clear. - And I don't see any buyouts as very likely; Most (all?) of the main players already have their own skin in the game. Google has Keep forinstance. If they bought the Big Elephant they'd have to scrap one or the other, and most of the current paying customers - who chose Evernote over the competition in the first place - would likely jump ship leaving the new owner with a lot of Basic accounts and very little actual revenue. Evernote's current T&C's (link above somewhere) are pretty clear that no sharing can take place - "your data is your data". As others have already said: you'd have to have an opportunity to opt in or out of some scheme if they want to change it, so you'd get a few weeks notice at least. But again - rather than stress about this theoretical possibility, why don't we just get on with business and leave Evernote desperately fixing theirs, and see what happens in a few weeks?
  8. <Sigh> Pointing out the facts of life is not 'defending', it's just being practical. And I'm no defender of the current ongoing slow-motion car-crash of a release - I've been actively suggesting that folks go back to Legacy when they hit issues. I'm still using the last public releases for Android and Windows with updating firmly turned OFF for the time being. Watching all this breast-beating about the new release being toxic is like watching a kid lie in 2 inches of water and panic about drowning. Just get up guys - you'll be fine...a little damp maybe, but generally fine...
  9. Hi. You're looking for the ability to paste random characters into notes? The character you're querying comes up as LS in notepad++ (Line Separator) which according to this comment is 'not widely supported'. So I guess someone somewhere added a random rogue character to the text which caused an issue. It's never happened to me before in 12+ years of using Evernote, although there are many other reasons why copy/ paste doesn't work so well on odd occasions. As you already have, I tend to find ways around that when it happens...
  10. Hi. The only links in Evernote are to 1) other notes in the same account 2) web pages, and 3) installed apps on the local device. Mobile devices don't have local notes as such - they are downloaded on demand from the server. Depending on your Evernote version / OS and device a note link might open in the installed app or in a browser. I'd suggest you try out the options for web pages and apps to see which you feel is the better way to deal with your use case.
  11. I'm glad to see we're having a mature, reasonable discussion about this... Just to restate the obvious - Evernote had (as far as we know) no way to provide nested notebooks up to the present. They've never said they won't do it - just that they can't with the coding structure that was only replaced a few weeks ago. Given that the previous public version had a whole range of features that were dropped for the relaunch and are now (mostly) being added back with each revision on a 2-week timescale, it may be some time before they're in a position to start adding new major tricks. Even if they do start that process, with more than 200M current clients using the app 365/24/7 they're going to (hopefully) take some time to make sure that introducing a new feature will not stop other established services working. QA and beta testing may take some time. Unless they already started working on this, nested folders might make an appearance in a year or so's time if they have space in their schedule. If you're prepared to wait, then fine - please form an orderly queue. If this is an absolutely vital feature that you cannot live without, then unless your name is Harry Potter you're going to have to find it somewhere else. Just sayin'. That's not defending, just stating the facts of life. And I use a couple of third party apps for outlining (Workflowy) and folder structures when I need them (RightNote) but most of my 52K notes are in Evernote.
  12. I'd be surprised if anyone believes Evernote has a focus at the moment... I did a little side research via ProductHunt: https://www.producthunt.com/discussions/do-you-use-notetaking-apps-which-one-would-you-suggest-and-why and Evernote still seems to be at the top of the list even for the most recent comments. The changes may have been traumatic for those of us who use the app as an essential part of our workflow - and didn't think to sidestep the update when it first arrived - but for the general run of user it seems OK. Evernote made some mistakes (which is like saying 'oops' after you hit the big red button) in launching as they did and how they did - It may have seemed clear to them that they were launching a much cut-down version (which makes sense if you're piloting a brand new architecture) but it wasn't clear to anyone else. They may have thought that the new wrapper process would make it easy to update and upgrade the app (they may have listened to the sales pitch!) but now find that with thousands of users screaming at the gates wanting everything fixed, it's a tad harder to concentrate and deliver - but engaging with us is just going to take up someone's time when they could be coding; so -again probably rightly- they're concentrating on working on what they got and avoiding all distractions. I wouldn't bet against some internal management panic too in that if they don't get this fixed investors are going to get worried, at a time when there's plenty else to get worried about... It would definitely have been nice if Evernote had done a 'yep - it was an error - go back to Legacy for a while as we fix this' type of thing... but then their lawyers probably said "and what about all those claims for refunds that will follow..." which is probably what killed that thought.
  13. I assume that although this is all in the same 'wrapper', the interface with the native OS is necessarily subject to some variation - and there are presumably options to allow the developers to exercise their own controls on what works and what doesn't. I'm not qualified to comment much a on any of this - I just want it to work!!
  14. It did occur to me earlier that multi-select might be difficult for web and mobiles, since they only have what's downloaded to the local device to work from, while desktops have local note records to flag. The web version is reliant on the local browser and a continuing connection - so if you need to take a while to select a lot of files, getting all the right files flagged might be... interesting. I'd suspect technical issues as a reason for delaying the web option. It also occurs to me that the reason for multi tagging for the OP might be to export notes for migration or backup, the work around might be to look for an external online option like CloudHQ - https://blog.cloudhq.net/how-and-why-you-should-backup-evernote/
  15. Nope - 'Legacy' would be the one... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  16. It makes sense - a PDF could be a couple of MB and take several minutes to download (to a mobile) in full. If users had to wait that long to see a note, it wouldn't be worth it. This way, once the note is visible it's your choice whether or not to open the PDF and read it...
  17. Long story short - EN10 is recently re-written code that they're in process of building back up to the full-featured app (including multi-select) that did exist but was coded natively for each device OS on which it ran. So there were several versions for Android, iOS, MacOS, Web and Windows. There was nothing for Linux. Some apps had more functionality than others due to the OS they were using, and any upgrades had to be - painfully and expensively - coded at least 5 times. The new code is the same for all operating systems, so when it is updated you'll get the same features on all devices - including Web and (eventually) Linux. v10 was launched a few weeks ago and is already up to 10.5 with new features and bug-fixes. More is coming. For the moment multi-select is not available in the new code.
  18. Hmmn. Sorry - should have read the details more closely; you do realise that PDF files are not downloaded to mobiles by default? All my PDF files show as icons and need downloading to the device before they will open. I installed Xodo Docs which will open the PDF files for me (the default reader option is in Android settings) so I have no problem reading PDF files once downloaded. You can print (or maybe export) PDF pages to individual JPG files if you wish to be able to see them in your notes...
  19. Hi. Try uninstalling Evernote and checking that library folder to make sure the file is deleted - remove it if necessary - and reinstall. If that doesn't work try uninstalling via AppCleaner to remove everything related to Evernote / restart / reinstall.
  20. Is this also v10? You can go back to the previous version (8.13) but you'll have to search for ways to install a non-Play Store download, and disable the auto-update feature for Evernote if you want to keep using it... https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/evernote-corporation/evernote/evernote-8-13-3-release/
  21. The good thing about Legacy is that it exports to HTML and ENEX and can print to PDF. Various other apps exist that can read one or the other of those formats, and an increasing number can import Evernote notes direct. If you need to leave, you're covered: the only (slight) difficulty is finding something comparable to move on to. I don't think Evernote can leave their legacy system running indefinitely - while they're not 'supporting' the old apps, I'd guess anyone running new and Legacy side-by-side is consuming more resource than someone solely on EN10. But again - until they can reasonably argue that the new version is truly comparable with Legacy, and some significant proportion of their users are using v10, they can't start to apply any pressure by closing it off. We're here (IMHO) for some months at least. So there's a solid chance that -maybe- the horse will learn how to sing. Since I'm continuing as normal on the last Public version with no intent to "upgrade" unless and until I must, I'm prepared to give them the chance. Plus I see no reason for crossing bridges until I have to - I have enough current issues without voluntarily adopting any more!
  22. Hi. That would have been before they rewrote the base code and launched a cut-down version to ease into the new system. More is coming, but if you need to use the old system, try this - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  23. ?? https://dev.evernote.com/support/ This is not Stack Overflow, sorry...
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