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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. This is a (mainly) user-supported Forum and we have no access to mail servers or account details. My best advice would have been 'use a different mail sender' which you've already discovered. Support will look into this for you, and they're the best people to do so. I can't imagine how many emails Evernote receives on a daily basis, but it's going to be a lot If your mail sender is not a mainstream hub it may take a while to examine exactly what they're receiving from there. Best advice is 'be patient!'.
  2. Hi. Try here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  3. Hi. You're correct in one respect - we don't like it. But it isn't 'as true today' because the version of the web app that you're currently using is only about 6 months old. Plus I think I have seen an Evernote comment that it's truly bad security to allow your device instant access to your database without a security check. (I could be wrong.) To get an Evernote perspective on this - contact Support https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (which we're not.)
  4. Hi. We're a (mainly) user-supported Forum so can't do anything directly about the videos, but if you click the little gear wheel on the video you should be able to alter the speed down if you need to. You'll also be able to give Evernote some direct feedback (if you still want to) here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  5. If you already filled in the form - Thanks! SurveyMonkey just informed me that I'm only allowed 40 responses on a free survey, so I switched to a Google form so I can keep on collecting data for a while. It's not necessary to fill in the form again - all responses so far are saved. Here's the initial results (ironically in a Workflowy bullet) - I'll add these stats into the Google results and report again in a while... The new Google survey is here if you want to complete it or share it around... https://forms.gle/nPptQpzNQ5xFJWCU8 EDIT: Forgot to add in the takeaways so far: Slowness seems to be the main bugbear - the new app just takes too long Import Folders, Local (unsynced) Notebooks and a more convenient way to get an automatic local backup are all missed Features that still exist but don't work as well - got us back to slowness again. The word 'unusable' came up a lot...
  6. Hi. Evernote -famously- do NOT usually comment on the reasoning behind their decisions (although I've only been trolling around here for several years... I could be wrong!). If you're a subscriber and you'd like a direct feedback from Evernote - contact Support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  7. Hi. I didn't realise there were 'tip of the day' messages - can you post some screen shots?
  8. Hi. As soon as you install Legacy (see posts above yours) or when Evernote re-include it... 'soon'...
  9. Sorry, but - you're using a free service. It has rules. The options around them are: to subscribe... or to stop using the app.
  10. Hi. https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/113698-how-to-submit-a-ticket-for-billingpayment-subscription-student-discounts-and-referral-points-issues/
  11. Hi. Integration is not possible with two accounts. No bar to your using direct links to files stored in either one, but only one can (currently) be integrated.
  12. Here goes my Evernote Guru badge... I had an interesting email from Evernote a couple of days ago.. it has been noted that I'm still using Evernote Windows 6.25 and EN wondered why I haven't moved up to the new app. (Seems like the powers that be aren't reading any forums...) Anyhow I gave them my views - missing features (import folders) and speed issues - on which they wanted more details, which I gave. I wondered if you'd like to contribute too. Here's a survey with some admittedly basic question. It'll take about a minute for you to complete this anonymously. I'll post the results. It is NOT an official survey, and I have no standing with the company other than (semi) loyal user! Help point Evernote in the direction of better takeup on v10!! https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NGRNDFQ Changed to a Google form (sorry) because SurveyMonkey says I have to pay to receive more than 40 answers! (Note: sometimes the small print actually matters....). The same survey is now here>> https://forms.gle/nPptQpzNQ5xFJWCU8
  13. Unless and until it's found in 'coming soon' announcements, we'll never know whether or when it might appear - Evernote is (usually) famously close-mouthed about features in development.
  14. Hi. No-one's an expert on v10 if that's what you're using. You're a subscriber, so can check with Support to find out if this is a 'feature' or a bug, but I would expect that any note with pictures should show some kind of image. It can take time for the thumbnail image to appear, but if you find that copied images do not show thumbnails even after a few days, I do suggest you report it. (NB AFAIK Evernote only recognises a few common image formats - make sure your copies are saved as JPG or PNG!)
  15. Hi. Why tag at all? Do you have problems finding the notes you need? If you can use Evernote happily without tagging, then just stop. You need to be a little familiar with the search language, but it will find any word or phrase in the title or body of your notes. If that's enough - then stop. If you have trouble finding all the receipts or clips that you look for, then use a tag to find them quickly. It's not meant to be a challenge...
  16. Nobody here has mentioned what devices you're using - if you're on Desktop the simple fix is to install the Legacy version* which will give you back the standard image handling options. There's no step back available for mobiles or the web version - Evernote is still bringing out updates and improvements to the new version so things should improve, but what you see is pretty much all that is available for the meantime - just make sure you're on the latest release. There must be work-arounds for what you want to do.. images are not 'locked' into notes - they can be downloaded, emailed, opened on another device or shared to another account... Subscribers can report issues to Evernote Support (which we're not) so they may be able to help too... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new * https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  17. Hi. This is a public forum, so I'd strongly suggest you delete everything in your note after line 5 since the rest is a gift to spammers and identity thieves. This forum is also -mainly- supported by other users. The main fix for mobile devices is to uninstall and reinstall the app which you could certainly try - be aware though that depending on your device you may now find that Evernote v10 is the only version on offer. You can try to contact Evernote support on https://twitter.com/evernotehelps but they are no longer supporting the older versions of Evernote and will likely suggest that you update to v10 if you can.
  18. Hi. Not yet. Evernote doesn't (so far) provide a means of linking to locations within one note. Depending on your use case it's always possible to split a very long document into relevant sections as individual notes linked together by the title - "001 How to get started with Fusion Power"-to- "309 How to get started with Fusion Power" foristance. Search the title phrase and copy the list of names and internal links. Copy the ToC to a new note and add some introduction / explanation and you have your index.
  19. Hi. All due respect, but if you have more than 100,000 active records that need to be searched frequently, you're doing something wrong. I've been using Evernote for 11-12 years now and I've generated 53,000 notes in that time. A lot of those come from a professional library that I converted to e-documents. (It used to occupy a small room full of paper on shelves and in filing cabinets - it's now on an external hard drive the size of one book...). You'll have to work hard to generate more notes... To answer your question - two separate accounts are exactly what they sound like. Two isolated silos for information that would have to be set up completely separately. Searches in one would not affect the other. It might be possible to set up a duplicate tag structure by backing up one account, 'restoring' it to the second, then deleting all the old notes.. leaving behind the infrastructure of the original account without the content. Also on searching - a Business account would be no better, because you search (I believe) in either your own personal account, or in the main database; there are no global searches. If a very large number of notes is a definite requirement, I fear you may need to look at other note organisers to realise a 100,000+ note storage and search feature. They are unlikely to offer Evernote's 'any device' flexibility and you would need to ask their support teams whether such a requirement is viable with their product. One I just looked at to find out whether they had a maximum is "Rightnote" https://www.bauerapps.com/rightnote/. They don't quote a maximum but do make the point that the more notes you have, the slower their service will take to load. I don't know where the drop-off point would be for their, or any other application - you might need to do some research!
  20. Hi @Mike P - where was that list from? Is a current list of active shortcuts anywhere?
  21. Er... no. Read the rest of this Forum for some examples! I'm still on Legacy, and staying there until Evernote shows some signs of matching their previous performance. While they're working hard to update and upgrade the user experience, Evernote haven't given any details of what features are being returned in what order. It's a waiting game...
  22. Hoe do you have two versions installed? You said you had factory reset the device and wanted to get back to the beta - implying that there's nothing currently on your device. If you downloaded a replacement beta, where did that come from? Can you give us a screenshot of the advice that using the standard version might cause issues?
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