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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Its a fair point - but given that I'm trying to find out why users are sticking with legacy versions and not using v10, I'm hardly going to find out they're not using it because it's too nice... I've been using Evernote for 12 years or so and have 50k+ notes - and I'm amazingly grateful for the fantastic software and the friendly support I've received over that time. In my case I'm waiting for Import Folders and missing Local Notebooks (though I have a work-around in place for that) and -as a beta-tester for the Linux app- I'm not impressed with the speed or reliability of that version yet. I'm just waiting for more updates...
  2. I may have exaggerated the number, though it seems like a lot - there's a list over on Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/Evernote/comments/j87fb9/please_help_me_find_the_evernote_alternative/
  3. Hi. I'm using the same version you are and will continue to do so for a while, though 6.25.1 is the 'last' of the Legacy series of Evernote. The versions restart with Evernote 10 which you can download and install from Evernote.com if you wish to do so. Windows Store has (apparently) not gotten around to updating the version they offer yet. V10 has had a 'mixed' reception, so I'd suggest you read a few reviews first...
  4. Try asking Ford when they're releasing a new model and whether it'll be a self-driver - no company is going to make promises it may not be able to keep, or give away anything new that's in the pipeline. You're absolutely right that every user is different in what they want from the app - the only way to test it out is to actually use it. You could either install the new version alongside the Legacy app and just dip in from time to time, or if you have another email address you could start a new basic account on the new version. If Evernote isn't what you need, there are a few alternatives around (about 80, at last count). Good luck in your new home...
  5. I don't think this is directly to do with the new Evernote version - they recently changed their policy on private -vs- business notes. See Prepare your Evernote Business account for update. You may have lost access to some notes because they're in a different account. If you are the only person using the access I'd suggest you move all your notes from business to your own personal account and cancel the business connection. If there are only a few others using the account you may be better of just sharing a notebook between all the users so you all have access to the same content. All of that is better discussed with Support though - we're mainly users here. EDIT: Actually I believe that as a Business user, you will get some help here too - CustomerSuccess@evernote.com
  6. That would be the Net Nanny runny this Forum, which isn't connected with Evernote but does expect everyone to be businesslike. As to your actual query, several releases for new variants in Windows, Mac, Android and iOS over the last few weeks suggest that Evernote is taking the updates fairly seriously and that it should be up to speed fairly shortly. Meantime why not stay with Legacy (like I am) until Evernote kicks you off? There will be ample time to move elsewhere if and when you have to.
  7. Thanks for clearing that up. According to Evernote's release notes, this came back in January - JANUARY 29, 2021 - VERSION 10.7.6 NEW If you think the spellchecker should mind its own business, good news: you can now switch it on or off in the preferences menu. We made some tweaks under the hood so it’s even quicker for you to create notes. We added a new keyboard shortcut! Open your tag filters by pressing Shift-Cmd-J. Stability and performance improvements. FIXED We fixed a few annoying bugs that were holding you back from signing in. Miscellaneous bug fixes. COMING SOON Search and switch to a different note using a keyboard shortcut Create new audio recordings and playback audio files Global keyboard shortcuts Additional export options Import folder
  8. You got that this is a mainly user-driven site, right? So to make the biggest impact for your gripe (and maybe get it fixed) you could either post a feature request to see how many others agree with this, or raise a support ticket for some direct feedback. Your choice. I don't actually care at the moment, because I'm firmly on the Legacy product with updates turned off until things get a little more turned around. https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/449-product-feedbackfeature-requests/ https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  9. Hi. Which would you prefer: an option to refuse updates (or at least defer them until you were ready to deal with any fall-out), or an automatic 'save user settings' as part of the process? You could suggest that in Feature requests and see how many others agree... (Sorry - we're [mostly] not Evernote. This is a user-driven website which Evernote staffers do read, but there are a lot of requests and posts... Feature Requests at least get some attention.)
  10. Hi. Again, how exactly did you 'abandon' these folders? If you exported them to ENEX files, they're no longer part of Evernote's cloud. It is possible to re-import them into Evernote as a 'new' folder, but it has never been possible to browse the notes in an exported file as though it were a standard folder. If the folders were exported as HTML files it would be possible to view them in a browser, but not in Evernote. If the notebook were exported as separate note files, it becomes a standard Cloud folder - and none of these cases are in the Evernote Cloud. The only content within Evernote is what you see in your account. I see you have a Business account - are you saying that you have trouble accessing files in the Business account? Evernote recently split Business account and their connected personal accounts into separate issues, so you could be logged into one account and be unable to access the other with first logging in... If that's the case you need to contact Evernote and verify the user ID and password connected with both accounts to gain access.
  11. Hmmn. No clue what's going on there. Sadly we're not Support - this is a (mainly) user-driven Forum - so no way to analyse your activity log in detail. You could try Evernote via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps for more on that...
  12. Hi. What exactly do you want to do to (or with) your cloud-based folders? AFAIK Evernote hasn't changed the way it links to external files and folders - the Google Drive integration still works, and similar links can be made to any other cloud drive - I use DropBox and Onedrive as well. (By the way I'm still using the 'old' version of Evernote which is -so far- more capable than Version 10 and still available as 'Legacy'.)
  13. Hi. Depending on your device, there are various options. Evernote Help pages should er, 'help' you find any shortcuts that are available - though the recent change in app versions means that some of these are currently unavailable. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004807 If you're using the Web version, browser add-ins like Text Blaze will insert dates (any many other things) in various formats, and on Desktops there apps like Phrase Express will do the same thing.
  14. Hi. The verification code probably means someone -obviously not you- is trying to access your account, possibly by mistake but with a badly-coded robot process that's continuing to try to get into the account. You should report it to Evernote Support (which we're not) and consider changing your account details... Several threads in the Forums deal with 'phantom' access to accounts - usually via a user name and password sourced from another account breach online. If Evernote is given the right credentials for access it doesn't have any way to trace that a user is not elsewhere in the world. There are several ways to protect your account - check for breaches here: https://sec.hpi.de/ilc/?lang=en or https://haveibeenpwned.com/ or https://cybernews.com/personal-data-leak-check/ and https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004395487-What-to-do-if-you-suspect-unauthorized-access-to-your-Evernote-account https://evernote.com/security
  15. Hi. Don't know why you're getting that message, but I'd suggest you stop the share. The sharee won't get any messages - other than the fact the note is not available when/ if they try to access it again; you can deal with that situation if it arises by just re-sharing.
  16. Hi. source:web.clip seems to work fine for me - I got nearly 8,000 hits and the selection I checked were indeed clips. There are more searches of the same type - https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/search_grammar.php
  17. It does look like most of that note is an image. AFAIK it would have been copyable from the Legacy version. If that's a web page clip, then the way to make it available would be to copy/ paste it from the original page directly into a Word document and attach the file to a note. As it is you may find that exporting attachments or directly copying the image from the note (or the page) and pasting it back into place will 'correct' the results. No clue why it won't just copy from the note though...
  18. Software providers don't do requests - they're always interested in suggestions, but can't necessarily deliver on some for budgetary or technical reasons. Until 6 months ago, I'd guess the main reason was technical: the note editor software couldn't handle graphics. In the new version it might be feasible - but they're a bit busy completing the role-out first.
  19. Hi - thanks for the info. It'll get seen by Evernote in due course, but we're a (mainly) user-driven Forum. It would be helpful if you could report it direct so Support can ask any relevant questions... and it might get fixed sooner rather than later that way. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  20. Hi. Don't think many people compare the two - they download either the MS version, or the Evernote version and get on with it. We've generally believed that the two are essentially the same so you go by whichever update process you're used to - which is the only difference. I believe that it may be slightly more involved to change your account level if you're dealing via Microsoft, but details.. details... Thanks for the update anyhow.
  21. Hi. You're (kind've) asking the wrong question. @Shane D. is an Evernote employee and the Administrator of this space. But he's not necessarily authorised to disclose when or whether some features will come back. Evernote so far have confirmed that some features are no longer supported - local notebooks for one - but Applescript has not been mentioned. I'd be very surprised if it were not reintroduced once they stop developing the app quite so frenetically, but that may not be for a while. Your choice as to renewals...
  22. Hi. I'm not sure of the limits on search hits, but I'm sure it's greater than 128 - do you have more than that many notes containing your search term? And search will tell you if a note in the Trash notebook contains your search data. Empty the Trash to avoid that happening...
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