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Daniel N.

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  1. Found a solution: https://github.com/vzhd1701/evernote-backup/releases/download/v1.9.3/bin_evernote_backup_1.9.3_win_x64.zip Leave Evernote now forever.
  2. Tested this tipp with a small notebook - did not work. Round 20% notes without title.
  3. Tried to find an issue like "ä" or "é" in titel - no common factor found. I have a notebook with 32 notes - 6 titels missing and another one with over 1000 notes, 200 titels missing. I´m using Windows 10 and Evernote 10.67.2 as a free version. HTML-Export seems to be working, but to migrate to joplin I need an enex-file.
  4. I want to export my notebooks via enex-file. But I lose some titels within the process. Round 20% of the notes lose their titel! What can I do?
  5. Thanks. Removed some Personal data. Do you think, search problems exist also in paid versions?
  6. Until recently, I was able to use the search in the Android app, so that the content of the notes was also taken into account in the search. Now it is so that I can only find or search for words that are in the title of the note. If I search for a word, a result will only be shown if the word appears in a note. Others do not appear. It works as usual in the desktop app. I've already reinstalled the Android app and couldn't fix the problem. I would be very happy if you can help me! Account Info ---------------------------------------- Android version: 8.0.0 Evernote version: 8.13.3(1083335) Evernote revision: 8.13.3_2551 Evernote type: public
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