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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. If you could access via the desktop version, it might be an option to install the Legacy app too - and in one or the other you'd be able to switch off the note body pane and click on the note name just in a note list... but still: the only way I can think of deleting a note via the web app is to open the Notebook link and click the three dots menu next to the name of the notebook containing your rogue note. Choose 'create a new note' so you get to open that new note in the correct notebook but should be able to see the rogue note name in the note list. Drag that note name to the Trash folder, and it's (almost) gone. Then empty the trash to make it happen for real. Good luck...
  2. Wow - and the same thing happens with both the web client and the installed desktop client? That is one bad note... AFAIR the web client shouldn't reopen to the last note you were editing; if you can get to another notebook you could maybe delete that note so you can proceed?
  3. Hi. Use the Legacy version if you can, for full access to download copies of your database. It should also be possible to select one notebook at a time in the new vesrion and export files to an ENEX backup. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  4. Hi. What's in the note? One or more web clips / images / media? Lots of text? How big is it? Are you on a domestic or commercial network connection? What device?
  5. Unless someone else has a better suggestion then, I think you're up to needing a Support ticket - they may be able to look at the note (if you're able to share) or your activity logs and tell you what's going on in your system.
  6. Hi. If your note is clipped from the web it probably contains a lot of formatting code as well as actual text, and if it displays with all the original layout, your system is using a lot of resources to make it look pretty. If you save the same page in 'simplified' form, or if you can remove the formatting from what you have, things should speed up... You might also look at saving the original page as a searchable PDF so an index is already in place in the document.
  7. Well, that's not expected behaviour - I'd suggest contacting Support and maybe share your activity logs with them? https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  8. Hi. The sync is actually from one device to the server, and from the server to another device - hence the advice elsewhere around here, to make sure you sync both before and after adding or editing a note, to ensure that you're dealing with the latest version. If there are any discrepancies between devices, sign in to Evernote.com and check the note content there.
  9. Hi. If all else fails - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  10. Ah - sorry; missed that point. Still, it's more likely to be the image file than a bug in the software. There were more than 250,000 hits for 'why does my photo display sideways' in Google, so it's not an isolated case in any software. You could report this to support and send them the image file to investigate further... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  11. Hi. As you already use 2FA I'd be surprised if there was an issue here. I had some 'odd' accesses logged to my account from India at one stage, though the IP address quoted as the source was clearly mine. The only information Evernote can capture is the IP origin of any login, and IP addresses are sometimes hard to pin to a geographic location. I'd suggest you report the matter via Twitter and leave Evernote to work out why the false positives are happening. https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  12. Hi. Images from mobile devices sometimes include incomplete or incorrect orientation information in the file. The easy fix is to 'correct' the image in external software - open and re-save the file to see if that fixes the issue... rotate an extra 90 deg if you need to.
  13. Hi. Accounts with a large number of notes cannot access the new web version. I'm also still using web 5.33.
  14. Hi. You should find any deleted items in the Trash notebook. I also suggest you also back up your database so that this won't be a problem in future...
  15. Hi. Have you ever been able to forward emails to Evernote? Can you try sending from a different email address? Resetting your Evernote account email address? Find your Evernote email address
  16. Hi. If you paid via iTunes, they are the ones you need to contact... but see the comments and links above.
  17. Hi. Check the Import Folder settings again. You have the option to leave files in the folder once imported, or to delete them after import. It's sensible to remove the files to avoid confusion - the original becomes part of the database and any changes to the file in the folder won't be repeated in the attachment - although as you're finding, changes to that file will cause it to be re-imported...
  18. Hi. AFAIK, no. Once you reset the address, the new one rules. Talk to Support by all means - but I don't hold out much hope... Sorry.
  19. Well, v10 was out in October of last year I believe... but read the reviews and consider carefully whether you think this was a problem or a miraculous escape.... 😆
  20. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314 EDIT: Sorry; and... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  21. Hi. We're a (mainly) user-supported forum, so can't comment except from personal experience. No clue whether Evernote is aware of this issue unless you tell them about it by reaching out to Support. Only suggestion from me would be to look at copy/ pasting your entire note content into Word or Libre Office or something similar and printing from there...
  22. Hmmn. Tried the Legacy version? You need to reach out to Support too - they should be a little quicker with their responses by now...
  23. Sorry that didn't work - maybe someone else can assist. Workflowy is basically an outliner - type a comment, then another; hit 'tab' on the second one and it becomes a child of the first entry. The hierarchy is (they say) 'infinite', though I haven't used it much beyond about 10 levels. There are various aids to text entry - type any date in any format and it will be properly formatted in a standard style; and there are different displays - I used a Kanban board for the link in my signature. Its two major features are search - type any keyword, tag or date and you get an almost instant display of the hit(s) for that term; and the fact that each individual bullet has a unique, sharable, web address - again see my signature. That's the contents of a single bullet + children arranged as a Kanban board. Because of the links flexibility it can also link between bullets, and (my favourite) it can 'mirror' a bullet - which is to say the same information can appear in more than one place, and it will be editable in all the places it appears. So (forinstance) addresses can be entered once, but appended to any mention of a name or company in subsequent notes. If I become aware that the details need changing I can edit one entry and it will change all instances. It more recently has acquired image and file storage, and it streams Youtube and Twitter access - though all that's just out of beta. Workflowy is an amazing app - I use it to curate my Evernote account - with a couple of hundred notebooks and 53,000 notes I need to leave myself reminders about where stuff goes, and keep easily searchable lists of contact numbers and file links. It's not (yet) serious competition for Evernote - but give it a few years, and it might grow! - Apologies if that was much more than you cared to know! 🙂
  24. Hi. Import folders are not yet a feature, though they're still 'coming soon' according to release notes. Evernote trailed the business / personal split a little while ago - Prepare your Evernote Business account for update If this is your business, I'd suggest you consider switching back to just using a premium account and use separate stacks for business / personal. If others have access to the account, then clearly that's not practical, but there are no easy ways to switch between accounts - could you share one or more notebooks from one account to another and limit access to that notebook in Business to just you personally?
  25. Hi. Just for info - although the space is provided by and administered by Evernote we're a mainly user supported forum. Aggravation is wasted on us - please vent at Support if you need to. As to recovering links - short term you may find that typing a space after a text link will convert it back into a hyperlink. Or check out Note History to see if the format is recoverable there. Or if you haven't already, you could install the Legacy version and use that until Support can help you out. I'm still using the 'old' Windows version while things like this are happening - I know I'll have to update eventually, but everything is working as well as it used to around here... Hope you get your links back.
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