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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. No clue as to reasons or fixes, but I'd recommend that any subscribers here raise a support ticket and point the team to this topic - Evernote can look into this and give you some direct feedback. If there is an 'official' answer, please post it back in this thread! https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  2. There is a 'coming soon' section in release notes, but that seems to be for Legacy features that are now being restored. The major new Home Page setup didn't get a mention until it hit updates everywhere, and that's generally how Evernote are with feature requests. They don't say whether or when something new might be added, because even when they're working on it, they don't know whether some glitch will come up to delay the project or make it unfeasable. Plus why make it easy for their competitors to match features before they even come out?
  3. Hi. I'd assume there's some technical reason it's not there already. You've probably already worked out that you could "group" the notes by tagging...
  4. Hi. @jwmoreland & @xaa - as you both are subscribers, you get a better chance of personal feedback and some action on this if you raise it directly with Support. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  5. Hi. Please see this Forum page... https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/67-billingpaymentsubscriptionadministrative-issues/
  6. Hi. Seems to me you could try uninstalling your current setup / restart your device and reinstall - if you download a new installer from Evernote.com you will then have the latest version - which if it continues automatically excludes the possibility that it's an upgrade message.
  7. Hi. Local notebooks won't be back - see your other post for the reasons why - which are purely techical, not part of some weird conspiracy. As I understand it - purely as a user - any notes you sync with Evernote are as secure as any assets you store with online banking. It's true that if information is online it's at risk - but then unless you have a PC that is not connected to any internal or external network, information on your PC is probably more exposed to hacking than anything deposited with Evernote. All you have to do is click on an email attachment / load the wrong web page / go to a business page that has been hijacked by malware, and you could be ransomed at home. Evernote is in the business of protecting its clients' data, like your bank is in the business of protecting your cash. They do that full time. They are (trust me) better at it than you would be! There is more from them on the topic... How does Evernote use my personal information and data?
  8. Hi. You do know that it's possible to go back to the version you (presumably) knew and loved in the Legacy Version? (On desktop at least... 🙂) https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  9. Hi. On an initial share, the share-ee gets an email invite. Is that still in their spam folder? I've never had an issue sharing from 6.25 - can't speak for v10, but others will be able to comment on that; how exactly are you sharing? Which menus / links are you clicking? And have you tried to share from both v10 and Legacy?
  10. Well I have 54K notes and find the v10 version borderline unusable purely on its lack of speed - it's nice to look at when it eventually loads, but hopeless for anything 'quick' (i.e. less than 30 seconds between screen refreshes). It is possible to swop back to 5.33 in Settings I believe - but I'm pottering along since I don't usually use the web version.
  11. Hi. We're a -mainly- user supported Forum here, so for a response from Evernote please submit a Support ticket Given that web pages can be coded in a zillion different ways, it's mildly impressive that Evernote can pick any content at all, so there's little chance of the app being able to lay out different pages consistently for you. Taking a literal snapshot of the page is guaranteed to give you the layout, and will be OCR'd for searches, though links from the page won't work. Clipping the article, a simplified article or a selection will give you any web links from that area. You'll often find that pages offer to print themselves - a feature which you can divert to a PDF file, which gives the best option for accuracy - but sometimes doesn't include links. Or you may find that a page's 'print' layout will remove some of the styling and give you a better clip. Sometimes it's easier to clip in Mobile than it is on Desktop and vice-versa (because the screen layout changes). It's up to individual users to work around the limitations of any specific pages and get the clip which provides the best compromise between accuracy and interaction. If you raise a support ticket quoting a specific URL that causes you a problem, Support may be able to tweak Clipper to deal with that coding
  12. Hi. I may be overly paranoid, but it would never occur to me to leave one device with a note open and then try to modify it on another device. As far as the poor innocent Server is concerned, a TK is logged in to the account not editing (ie just displaying) one note AND a TK is logged into the account editing (changing) the same note. Both connections must have their own 'handshakes', so you're presenting a digital device with the ultimate change=true, change=false scenario. I'm surprised it only gave you a duplicate note. We may have said this before - when editing one document, close and sync (ie select another note) on one device, before opening it on another...
  13. ..and on a completely rewritten app too... check here for how to remove devices from the account... Understanding the device limit
  14. Hi. If you're seeing that notice when downloading from Evernote.com, then you're probably doing it wrong. The download should merely give you another file to install as usual. You could try uninstalling Evernote via Windows and then try the update?
  15. If someone gets hold of your password and you didn't enable 2-factor access, then another person could use another device and no-one could tell whether or not that access was you. If you have 2FA set up, then there should be no problems.
  16. Hi. Short answer - currently, no. I use Workflowy. It's infinitely expandable. https://workflowy.com/s/example-stub/7eEN3KzuV67vG1qg
  17. Well, it's either fixing non-breaking spaces, or opening a text file to copy the correct code. There's no magic wand to fix this immediately... (I have seen others attach files from their code editor of choice to a note and just edit or copy those direct)
  18. Hi. You're showing as a Basic customer here, so will have no access to Support* if you have already ended your subscription, but This is the first complaint I've seen about significant sync issues. There are 200M+ users. I'm still on Legacy (which would have been an option for you on desktop devices). I have no problems (I'm aware of) with sync. As a subscriber you could certainly have obtained some help on syncing issues if the online support didn't help - Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues Evernote need to have some idea of what the problem is - if indeed there is one - before they can try to 'fix it'. * Sorry: not entirely true. See - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  19. I'm still on Legacy with 54K+ notes - and daily full database backups. I'll worry about moving when and if I have to.
  20. Close it down how? If you File > Exit correctly it 'should' remember your windows state.
  21. I didn't update to v10 and I currently rock just over 54K notes on Windows v6.25 which has 'worked' (to a degree) for me for the past several years. I don't see Evernote closing off the servers anytime soon, and if you have tech issues, a re-install or some basic system house-cleaning will usually resolve them. Plus you have us - faint hope I know - but there are lots of knowledgeable bodies around here who can help you over any speed-bumps. With Legacy, and even now in the lastest v10, you should have the ability to export notes in HTML and ENEX should you wish to move on - and Evernote has hinted there will be more options coming. Plus all the competition are salivating over Evernote's 9-digit user numbers and many offer 'import from Evernote' options you can use if necessary. You're hardly tied down. I don't know how OneNote scans stuff, but Evernote can do the same with the mobile apps - use the camera to 'import' a document - and the desktops, if you have a scanner. Images and PDFs will be OCR'd and searchable (although it's best to get that done locally to have a 'searchable' PDF file). OneNote has a couple of tricks of its own, and if you need that functionality there's no bar to using both apps side by side (apart from it being a pain to search in two places and remember which does what!). I couldn't tell you what the current state of play is - but you might want to check how easy it would be to export stuff from that ecosystem should you commit.
  22. I have exported some Evernote data to Excel pretty easily. In List view add / remove columns by right-clicking the title line and display All Notes or the results of a search. "Select All" and copy/ paste into Excel. Works in Legacy Windows Desktop.
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