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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Again, the 'old' explanation for Note History was that a backup was run "several times per day" so if that's still the case, with RTE I imagine that several quick changes (within a couple of hours) might be included into one backup. Not ideal but probably better that 1,000 different versions from each individual change...
  2. Hmmn. Had you moved that note between notebooks, or created a new copy of a previous note?* Add the situation to your Support request for them to look at... * I seem to remember that there were situations in which Note History got blanked - being restored from ENEX / moved to another notebook / copied or duplicated... can't find a current mention of it, and maybe that no longer applies...
  3. Hi. 6.25.1 was the last general release before v10 came on the scene. While V10 was being introduced they changed 25.1 slightly to 25.2 and .3 so it would run alongside the then fairly new v10 without too many problems. What the situation is now, a couple of years later I couldn't say. Legacy users seem to have experienced sync issues from time to time, and because the app is no longer supported, you may find that your OS or your browser may have their own changes which prevent the 'old' app from running. AFAIK there's no longer any published documentation on either app to verify whether what you get from third-party sites is genuine.
  4. With some help from Microsoft I tracked down more details of my 'threats' which apparently came from more folders than Evernote, so I guess this isn't an issue to worry about. I also remembered that I run Evernote on my 'other' computer - a Win 10 Laptop - which doesn't show me these issues, so it isn't a software issue. Also Elektron is used quite widely and if it had a vulnerability I'm sure someone would have fixed it by now. Sorry for jumping at shadows - I'm just going to go run some in-depth scans to make sure everything is clear.
  5. Hi. No - we are still waiting for the autodelete function. If you want to check though, you could import and delete a small text file from, there, making sure its still available in Evernote.
  6. Hi all - just adding a cross-link for any Windows users...
  7. I just got through ranting at Microsoft because Win 11 Defender keeps on telling me it has saved me from threats, or it needs me to look at threats, but I could never find any more details on what these threats actually were. Stoopid app. Embarassingly, after my rant, I found some details and quite a few look like this... - and yes that's my Evernote roaming cache folder we're looking at. I don't for a minute think that there's some sort of leak here - I'm more worried that Defender is randomly deleting and quarantining some of Evernote's temporary working files, and that might be one reason for the occasionally weird behaviour we see reported on Windows. Thankfully I'm not having any issues (that I'm aware of) so these files might just be redundant bits of Elektron or something - but I'm reporting it to Evernote, and I'll add the ticket here. Anyone else seeing "threat removed" or "threat quaratined" messages - you might like to investigate more thoroughly and join in if you want! EDIT: Duly reported - #3765440
  8. Hmmn. Other than some complicated way to extract authors from exported data and compile a list of names I don't think this will be possible, but to get it on Evernote's radar as soon as possible, I'd recommend feeding this back to Support (we're mainly users here). One fallback option is AI search, the other is - temporarily - to look for an installer for Evernote 6.25.3 (Windows) and run that for as long as you can. If you go that route, don't use v10 and Legacy at the same time - ideally just stick to one until you can find a viable work-around with v10. The search for an author, then tag all the files would work well in Legacy, and if you used a unique system, like an x-prefix, all your author tags would pop-up on a tag search for "x-". Please keep us in the loop as thus plays out!
  9. So all paying users who use v10 only are also supporting Legacy users who choose not to move across? Don't see that being popular...
  10. Hi. You could of course Tag for authors, but I'd imagine that is you've been doing this for a whle you already have a lot of notes. Have you tried the AI search? Just ask for "notes where <name> is the author" If you find it accurate, you could use that to bulk-tag notes as a backup...
  11. No clue. Are you logged in? Has the post been deleted? Please give the URL or a screenshot.
  12. Hi. Contact Evernote! We're mainly other users here, unable to assist with any account-level issues. If you can raise a support ticket, post the number here and we can ask a Forum Admin to expedite a response. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  13. Do you have a support ticket number? We can ask an Admin to look into this...
  14. Hi. How do you know your account has been deleted and wiped? What emails have you received / error messages have you seen? Have you tried the 'forgot password' link from Evernote.com?
  15. I use the little black 'x' to remove one search term, then click in the box to type another. The box moves, but the cursor remains there ready to type. (This has also been raised somewhere else in the Forums)
  16. Hmmn. @KoZz - didn't realise you were such a powerful user! Stuff, as they say, happens. If the queries come up again, we'll answer them again. I did ask the site Admins whether they can help, but even using all my Moderator powers, I got nuthin'. (Don't tell anyone but I may have made a few mistakes merging threads in the past. I try not to do that any more...!)
  17. This discussion is going nowhere - the Forums is third party software that we don't have the ability to change. The rules are Evernote's, which we also don't have the ability to change. If you wish to report someone for some form of abuse, then -as I said earlier- you need to contact Evernote.
  18. While I sympthise with your frustrations, I don't see Evernote being able to reverse the decision to use the Elektron framework. I'm finding the responses quicker now than they have ever been, and I have moved over both my Win 10 laptop - which was running Legacy - and my Win 11 Desktop to v10.63.3 It's different and will take some getting used to; but it's either than or another app.
  19. Hi. If you're a subscriber, it's not the same problem. What version of Evernote do you have?
  20. Should simply be a question of importing notes from that file. I'd suggest you do a 10-note test first though - export a small number of notes to Enex and then step through the process of importing back from that file. From memory importing does store notes in a new notebook, but you'd have a terrible clean-up issue if it didn't.. And - contact Support!
  21. The forums here are third party software, and the point hasn't come up before. If you still have access to Evernote support you can tell them yourself, but despite my apparently elevated status I'm also just a user like most of us here.
  22. Hi. Use curly brackets { } or the blue cross in note editing to add a code block?
  23. Hi. Another Mac user found that a complete uninstall and reinstall helped - I suggested AppCleaner or similar to get all traces, but they seem to have done it manually somehow. It can also make a difference whether you're using the App Store version or the Evernote.com version - so maybe reinstall from Evernote direct if you go that route...?
  24. I use dates in the titles of my notes - as in: 20231010 - so sorting alphabetically by title gives me a timeline.
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