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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. It's not possible to create tags in a shared-to-you notebook. Only the owner can create tags.
  2. Hi. See: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/4412901122451
  3. "Near future" I'd doubt - there's some technical debt to sort out, and like I said in one of these threads, it make sense to fix the 'mainstream' product before trying to port it elsewhere - no point in having two teams working with one having to go back to square one from time to time if the leads change track. In some months' time - maybe. We're mainly other users here. Evernoters do read the forums, but when is open to question. Direct contacts to https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new or feedback@evernote.com will get read.
  4. Hi. We're mainly other users here - please contact Support for more help... and maybe try uninstalling Evernote with Appcleaner or similar and reinstalling from Evernote.com
  5. Hi. Try uninstalling with Appcleaner, then restart / reinstall from Evernote.com. If that fails, contact Support.
  6. What was the question? You would need to ask it of Support anyways - we're mainly other users here...
  7. Judging by the four recent posts on more or less the same topic, I can tell. Please don't post more than once on any issue. The forums are (mostly) user-supported and it's just adding to our workload. Plus - if I try to merge posts together... things have been known to go badly. Please don't make me need to try again... 🤨
  8. It's no longer (currently) possible to share a notebook directly, but a third-party service Postach.io will convert one or more notebooks into 'blog' pages and can be adapted to provide a serviceable website. such as this rather basic and badly-maintained offering. https://cliffeactual.com Add the tag 'published' to a note, and it will appear online. Haven't looked at the terms recently, but I believe you can publish a small number of separate 'blogs' for free. Subscribing adds features - such as passwords - and unlimited blogs. Evernote shortcuts are editable - Customize keyboard shortcuts
  9. I reported that to the Forum admins to see if they can get it expedited in any way...
  10. ? I still have a 10+ year-old ScanSnap S1500 which scans to a Windows folder on my desktop, from which files go to Evernote via either an Import Folder or drag-n-drop. -On your other points, Evernote said - some years ago now - that Legacy apps were no longer supported. Out of respect for subscribers and existing users, they haven't cut off access yet... but I imagine they have a line that once crossed, will mean no more compatibility worries for them. Once Legacy usage drops below x%, access will at the least become erratic, and may simply stop. I'd think they're getting closer by the day...
  11. Did you receive a ticket number after your submission? If so, please quote it here.
  12. 97% coverage isn't enough? https://www.theregister.com/2023/07/18/linux_desktop_debate/ -And. This is a sensible business decision. It makes much more sense to get the overall product working properly, then port a completed version to a new OS, rather than have two separate teams working side by side.
  13. Hi. Penultimate is still an Evernote app available for iPad, but has not been updated for over a year. The 'best' way to capture and OCR handwriting may depend on your personal usage - would us prefer to use paper and scan the results? A smart pen or pad? A separate mobile app syncing back to Evernote? You should do an internet search for your budget, OS and available devices, but other Evernote users have suggested these options: 🔹Goodnotes - https://www.goodnotes.com (save OCR'd PDF to Evernote) 🔹Livescribe - https://uk.livescribe.com/ 🔹Nebo - https://www.nebo.app 🔹Rocketbook - https://getrocketbook.co.uk 🔹Wacom - https://www.wacom.com/en-gb
  14. Good catch! I didn't look further than the file name...
  15. Hi. Your attachment here is called 'untitled', where it should be named 'meeting.wav' (or MP3 / WMA / AIFF - whatever file format your device normally saves). If you rename it with the correct extension, it should play. Which means that you just gifted me a complete copy of your discussion. Please delete the file from your post (this is a public forum) by going to the three dots menu in your post. I have not listened to the file and it is now deleted from my database. As to changing the email address... see https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313338
  16. According to your profile, you joined this 'obscure forum' 3 years ago and you are complaining about a post -and an incident- that happened 10 days ago. Your other recent post here - - suggests you are not very familiar with how things actually work. If you have queries we are happy to help if we can, but please bear in mind we are just users here - any complaints should go to Evernote direct. There's also a code of conduct for posting here. https://discussion.evernote.com/guidelines/
  17. Hi. Not sure what you are looking for here. If you are a subscriber and have been unable to use a feature, or find that your content has been randomly deleted (which does not normally happen) I would have expected that you contact Evernote Support (https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new) to get help. If your notes are not being saved locally it sounds as though you are using the Web client - if you use the Evernote app, installable on almost all mobile or PC-based devices, then offline working is possible. If you close a web page when working offline, Evernote did not delete your work - you just did. If you're writing notes regularly then - depending on what device and OS you use - there are other, better, handwriting apps like Goodnotes - https://www.goodnotes.com (which will save OCR'd PDFs to Evernote). If you still believe you have a 'draw' issue, please do contact Support (that's not us - mainly other users here). If you are simply looking for alternatives, then there's no need to flag your departure - please check out the options here https://noteapps.info/apps/compare See also: Cancel Subscription: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005949208 Close Account: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056549574 Deactivate Account: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314088 Permanently close Account: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056549574
  18. Hi. Are you exporting Evernote notes via the installed app? What format are they going to? ENEX / PDF or HTML? It's possible that a corrupted note is crashing the export - if you can identify the offending note (or notes) you could export everything else and maybe create a new note and copy paste the body of the corrupted note into a new note framework to see if that resolves the issue. If not, try exporting the notes to ENEX and theh re-importing the ENEX file to your account. That process (if it works) should clear any errors. Failing everything else, try exporting the notes in 3-4 batches. When you identify the batch containing the problem note(s) export it in smaller numbers so you can isolate the bad notes, then try to correct as above.
  19. Hi. Please share your device / OS and Evernote version. Defaults can be set from a desktop by going to Settings / Notes. Changing the current setting will affect all future attachments, but not existing ones. For information, this forum is mainly supported by other users who don't have a say in the application's design, subscriptions or support responses. If you didn't get an automated response from Support with a ticket number however, it's probable that they didn't receive your request. You could try again here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  20. Hi. Have you tried signing in using your Evernote credentials? More information here - Sign in to Evernote with Google
  21. If your pages are searchable and therefore contain a plain text layer, all of it will be indexed. The only limits are on the amount of OCR conversion Evernote is prepared to do from the server, and they won't process a searchable PDF at all. Oh, and the note size limit, Evernote system limits
  22. Hi. Don't see your details above, so: device / OS / Evernote app version / browser - and are we talking about the Google Workspace Marketplace clipper which appears on the Gmail page, or the standard clipper which is installed in the browser? The standard clipper, I notice, does a fine job of clipping all or part of an email content if you set it to 'multi select'.
  23. I'm impressed that we're having a raging argument about a feature that doesn't currently exist. If it comes back as an option - which it always was - then I'd use it. As it doesn't (currently) exist I find ways around it. I don't much care how much it would benefit society 'if' or 'when' it comes back - only Evernote can influence that. While everyone's opinions on the matter are allowed and welcome, please let's tone down the repartee to polite disagreement...
  24. Hi. There's a 'forgot password' link on Evernote.com which may help. Otherwise you need to contact Support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
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