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About nooxwtx

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  1. Thanks for the replies. I know. It's just searching is such an important task. And every other application selects the text in similar scenarios. I'm left handed. When my left hand is on the mouse my right hand is in the cursor-key area. So if I want to edit the previous search I can easily remove the selection and edit the text. It's a good starting point that the previous search words are still there, because I encounter more and more search fields (especially on websites) where this isn't the case and that is also annoying. But selection the words or offer a setting for that would be great. I find it annoying that Evernote often behaves differently to other programs. If I would only use Evernote I surely can adapt. But it's not so great when applications behave differently. I remember the time when Ctrl-Q was for "Quicksearch" and you could not change that. I was used to Ctrl-F/F3/Ctrl-F3 for different types of searches. I finally got used to Ctrl-Q but then I started to use it in other applications. But often Ctrl-Q is for "Quit" ...
  2. If I want to do another search after a previous one the previous search words are not highlighted as in pretty much every other similar use case in every other program I know of. I find this very annoying but have not find a discussion about it. Is there some setting? I tried to use the legacy app as long as I could but on my new work laptop I installed the new app.
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