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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. You're not quoting a ticket number that I can see - what email address are your messages going to?
  2. I have no recollection over the past 15+ years of Evernote ever having deleted content from a user account. All due respect, but you're using an operating system that hasn't been updated or supported by Microsoft for 4 years now. There is no basis for accusing anything installed on that system of being at fault for anything.
  3. This is like sports teams - you're either a hierarchy fan, or a tags fan; but given that there's no mechanism for anything other than stacks, notebooks and tags, I think the best option is to find ways to use what is available. I've been able to 'extend' the existing flexibility a little by using note links and titles - I don't (so far) use stacks for organisation, and I use tags as a last resort. My system is to use a notebook for every contact and for any significant actions; and to include a ToC 'parent' note in each one with links to the main body of notes. So my parent note with the main notebook, plus any related action notebooks (indexed from the 'parent') represent another level or two in the admin. There are crossovers, obviously - situations where more than one place exists for a simgle note; but that's where my tags come in! It may sound a bit chaotic, but it suits the way I work.
  4. No actual clue - it was my assumption that since everything was moved to Italy, support would follow suit. It would be nice to know (and some good PR) if someone like @Federico Simionato could do another briefing, or one of those polished videos, to show us some pictures of the shiny new site and the Evernote staff...
  5. I recently raised a ticket on something and the (human) response was over a week - probably 9-10 days if you count the weekends. Don't know if the new Support team work 24/7, but there have been so many changes recently that I'm not surprised they're stretched... plus there seems to be an intensive campaign to convert Legacy users - which probably means a lot of new people on a learning curve.
  6. Random windows placement seems to be a Windows feature rather than an Evernote issue. Fortunately Win+<arrow> will jump a window in any direction, grabbing the title bar allows a drag, and if you have Windows 11 there are automatic windows layouts you can use. I have a 2-screen system with (unfortunately) slightly different resolutions, so sometimes I open a note window on one screen that is over the screen boundaries, but moving it to the other screen will fix the issue. If you have a ticket number from Support, you're in the queue; but as they're a little busy, 9-10 days seems to be the current normal wait time.
  7. Or mabe not. I run two Windows devices - one W10 and one 11 and my Evernotes - web & install are working fine - although I'm on 10.64.3 on both installs. Maybe uninstall and reinstall from Evernote.com?
  8. If they were updates - maybe try uninstalling and reinstalling?
  9. Hi. Your email may not be in your control, but I don't see that there's anything to stop you from logging on with that infomation and your password and changing the address to something current... Change your account login email address
  10. Yup. PDF searches are fine, and if you get an AI search going you can ask plain language questions about the content.
  11. Hi. Never noticed that glitch myself, and of course it will depend where the images in your note came from and whether they're all together or spread through the note, but off the top of my head, have you tried Ctrl+A to select the whole note / exporting the note to html (all the image files will be in their own folder) / drag/dropping individual images to your desktop and selecting the whole group from there?
  12. HI. If you have only recently reinstalled, the app will be busy rebuilding indexes in the background. Give it a day or two to catch up - and follow up your reinstall with Support to check the account is working properly.
  13. Hi. Are you using the tasks feature, a checklist or a checkbox for your tasks? And what device / OS / Evernite version are you using?
  14. Hi. This means that Evernote's servers received too many requests in a very short time. It resets after a little while, but whatever you are doing seems a lot more than just tapping a shortcut..
  15. I believe Evernote does move long-unused accounts to archive storage. The owner is always notified, and of course is told that the account needs to be reactivated if/ when they come back to access it. Evernote does not 'wipe' contents and the reactivation process should be a simple one. However it is possible to set up a new blank account rather easily - check that you are using the correct login. Evernote.com has a 'forgot password' process that may help - provided you still use the email address from the original account. The Forums here are mostly other users, and the only source of help on password matters is Support. Support is rather busy at the moment - we're seeing 8-10 day waits for a reaction; but the OP should at least have received a ticket number to register a place in the queue.
  16. Hi. Yeah - the problem with what sounds like fairly major changes, is that they have to sync up to the server, and then back down to any other devices connected to the account. If you then use another device and see the 'old' setup, because sync hasn't happened yet, and then make more changes to 'correct' the matter, you're simply complicating and confusing the situation. Use the web client if you are a subscriber, to see the current state of play on the server. Give the display a few minutes to catch itself up. If what you see there is correct, you could uninstall and reinstall your desktop client as follows: ○ Sign out of Evernote / remove database from the device ○ Uninstall (PCs) with Revo Uninstaller Free (Windows) or Appcleaner (Mac) ○ Power off and on again / Reinstall from Evernote.com Your local database and search index will be recreated from the server.
  17. Hi. It shouldn't be hard - contact Support through https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new - use the issue type "Account". You should get a ticket number to confirm the request has been received. It may take some days for it to be processed, but the ticket number means you are in a queue.
  18. Nope, not even close. It was an outage that prevented access for a few hours, but did not change anything already stored online. Please give us your device/ OS/ Evernote version.
  19. No. Please give us your device/ OS/ Evernote version.
  20. Seems mostly like a slow internet connection - are you going through any firewalls? VPN? Are other web-based services working normally?
  21. I updated yesterday and had a scary white Evernote window with no content for a minute or two - was about to do the full uninstall/ reinstall but tried signing out and back in first, which got me my content back. Might just be my system - AFAIK no issues since. Win 11.
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