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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Unfortunately It's only possible to select metadata if you export to ENEX or HTML in v10.
  2. Hi. You got charged a subscription for a service that you did not - apparently - unsubscribe from. Seems a little harsh to accuse Evernote of theft. As a subscriber you have access to email support here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new. You can ask them for a refund. (We're mainly other users in the forums here...)
  3. No clue about the issue. but the fix may be to uninstall Evernote with Revo Uninstaller Free and then re-download and reinstall.
  4. Did you do that here? https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action
  5. AFAIK there has never before been an option to clip different parts of a we page as one note. However now it IS POSSIBLE. Try "multiquote" ??
  6. Still not seeing any other complaints here about failures to login... (to be fair, there was one, but they had the password wrong). If you are determined to ignore Support and have alreay tried all the obvious fixes, I'll leave you to your righteous misery. (It's also helpful by the way to say in your initial post what you may have already tried to fix your situation, because it saves us time repeating dumb advice that you're going to ignore anway...) Do let us know if/ when you find a fix...
  7. Your backup file may be worse than useless if you come to use it... The ENEX format does not include notebook metadata, so your backup will be one huge notebook containing all of your notes. The best option is to copy each notebook into its own ENEX file. A subscription service such as Backupery will do this for you.
  8. This being a (mainly) user-supported Forum, 'official' responses are not something you find here. Talk to Support for more on that. The fact we're seeing a lot more 'Legacy won't log in' reports here might be a clue though - the big red "This App Is Out Of Date" banner may have been significant...
  9. If you're having an issue, it makes sense to eliminate anything that might be contributing to it. Plus if you're editing on another device, do you want to watch the same edit happening (or not) on another screen? Your choice.
  10. Where? F2 will retitle a note, but in the Notebooks page, selecting a notebook shows you a list of all the notes in that notebook. There's no way to tell the app that you want to change its name. Likewise selecting the notebook in the left panel shows you its contents and F2 jumps to the note displayed to change that title. It's a design choice. Maybe not a great one, but it's not causing any major issues...
  11. So let's see... how many of the following have you done? Powered your device off and on again Contacted Evernote Support via https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true using the issue type "Account" Checked that you have a direct connection to the internet (ie no VPN or business firewall) and that other applications are connecting correctly Exited Evernote (if the app is running) and restarted it basic uninstall - exit and uninstall the app, download a new version: then reinstall clean uninstall - use Revo Uninstaller or Appcleaner or similar, download from https://evernote.com/download and try to log in again. Your data will be rebuilt from the server. Posting here isn't likely to get anything done in the near future apart from attracting comments from other users like me who have logged out an logged back in to my main Evernote account plus a test account without any obvious issues. PS - If you are using Legacy, you may want to download v10 for access; if you're not a subscriber, you may have exceeded your device limit.
  12. There's some help here - https://noteapps.info/apps/compare
  13. I have 60,000+ notes, with about 150 documents saved in a secure cloud drive with a link from the relevant note(s). I do not put my most secure stuff online at all. There's a small drawer with paper files by my desk. I would strongly doubt that many users would need an extra level of encryption for a significant number of notes. Plus the risk of forgetting passwords and the overhead of the extra layer in getting to notes when I need information... This feature has (so far) 73 votes in favour - others have hundreds. I don't see this becoming a priority...
  14. Sadly I can't read that document. Have you exceeded the device limit on your account? You can check here https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068
  15. A lot of people can't log in to Legacy, since it's been wearing a big red Out Of Date banner for a while. Try again with v10. I'm using the same versions via app, web and Android and am logged in on all three. And what 'known issue'? There was an outage. It got fixed.
  16. By my count that's two, so far. (Haven't gotten around to the other thread where this huge crisis is being trended yet). As to Support - your ticket (just the one from each user will do fine) may be their first indication that something went wrong. Also they can look into more tech stuff than most of us here can, and it gets you into the queue for attention. Plus if they get a couple of thousand tickets, alarm bells will ring.
  17. Evernote clearly aren't aware of an issue, and two users with issues doesn't exactly scream "crisis!" - maybe check out your local connectivity and give us a little more information - you know, the usual 'device / OS / Evernote version stuff?
  18. Yet others can log in without issue. Maybe contact Support?
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