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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. You missed the previous 10 pages on this subject I take it? Please vote here. How are you seeing other people's notes? Are these shared into your account, or all you all sharing one account?
  2. Hi. Have you tried upgrading on a mobile? Other than a bad local network connection I can't think of any reason why the payment screen would hang. If the mobile route fails, you need to contact Support - we're mostly users here. Support is via https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true - use the issue type "Account" - or go via Settings in the mobile app.
  3. Hmmn. That's not what I said either. I'm another user, not a coding engineer. Evernote receive their own feedback and decide what features to add. It's a matter of fact that the feature is not currently available (and will not likely be available) for some time, because it needs to go through development and testing. If and when it is available I'll probably use it, but it isn't an issue for me. Since it matters to you, there are two options - use a workaround or find another app. Your choice.
  4. Hi. Can't see anything in preferences or settings for the installed app or Clipper. My notes continue to show an author. I'd suggest you contact Support (who are not us) to see if they can help.
  5. Hi. The Forums are mainly user-supported, so we can't help much with payments and refunds apart from suggesting you contact Support. Both subscribers and non-subscribers can contact Support through https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true - use the issue type "Account" More here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/21400396397587
  6. Hi. Have you tried a template? Save the empty checked items and create a new checklist as and when you need to. Beware there are checkboxes and checklists - you may do better to create the form in a word-processor and attach that to a note, or use the Tasks feature. Checklists have a tick box at the beginning of each line, and if it is ticked ✅ , the whole line will be crossed out. If you try to insert a tick box anywhere else, you get a slightly different symbol. Insert a checklist by typing square brackets and a space "[] " or from the editor menu (possibly under the 'more' item) - hit return for another line with a box. Checkboxes can appear anywhere in a line of text (except at the start) and if completed ❎ do not cross out the content. Insert a checkbox by typing "[] " anywhere but the start of a line, or using the "+" menu in the note editor. Weirdly checkboxes spontaneously convert to checklists if you create one at the beginning of a line and hit return. If there is a list of several checkboxes, they will all convert. Reminders - by definition, all checkboxes and lists are contained by notes, and a note can have a single reminder. There is no option for multiple reminders within notes, or for reminder for specific items. Beware that currently there is no way to find checklists whether they contain completed items or not. "Todo:" and "Contains:" searches can only locate checkboxes. See also https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313618
  7. Maybe get in touch with Support? (Who are not us - mainly other users here...)
  8. Better than what? It's not possible to archive a Stack, but you can export the notebooks contained in one stack to ENEX files with suitable names like "ProjectOne-NotebookOne", "ProjectOne-NotebookTwo" etc - or just have a zzz-Archive stack and add notebooks to that so they're easily excluded from searches.
  9. If you read the thread that you posted in, you should have seen that it never went away...
  10. Bearing in mind that Evernote paused (?) development on the Linux app because they want to concentrate on getting the overall infrastructure right, I'd doubt they have the time or the inclination to develop a new level of subscription. Plus limiting usage by volume or by device just generates arguments about the 'vital information' that some user is locked out of. If you want to pay less for fewer features, there are probably dozens of options out there. See https://noteapps.info for some of them...
  11. General info about Android (or maybe Samsung) performance - I have a fairly new Samsung Tab 7 which was working well with 10.56 until I tried the AI search whch froze the app. I uninstalled and reinstalled - the app opens and I just get white screens, and the rotating arrow. Uninstalled / restarted / reinstalled - still the same. Plus if I tap an icon, the app crashes. Hopefully 10.57 may help fix this when I can get to it!
  12. Just to confirm - AFAIK Evernote has never had an option to clip to a single note using the web-clipper. There are several ways to get around that, depending on what you're clipping. The easy one is clip to a new note and just merge that note with, or copy the content from it to, your chosen target. You can also copy/ paste, drag and drop, multi-select, and copy items to the local desktop to collect them together, then copy the group to your note. Edit: Forgot: there is also an option, if you are a subscriber, to email content into a note, and that way you can append it to an existing note if you wish.
  13. Hi. Free access is still access, so yes - you need to cancel your subscription with Apple so they stop taking the money from your account, but keep on logging into it with your existing user details. Beware that there are some limitations on a free account, the most important of which is probably what devices you use for access. Our general advice is to stick to the Web service via Evernote.com, so you still have the ability to change some settings; plus a mobile version on your phone or tablet. You are only allowed two devices, and a limited number of resets - so don't make too many mistakes otherwise you could be locked out of the account for a period. More on devices here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068
  14. A reinstall worked for me - I got 10.56.3 - and access to the server database is immediate. Unfortunately I'd downloaded 60k+ notes to 20GB of my SD card, so I could work in my tablet without a network connection, and all that is gone; the reinstall took all of 3 minutes. The downloads will be ongoing for days....
  15. I can confirm the freeze - or rather I was stuck on the search page for 2-3 minutes with small adjustments popping up from time to time, and then the screen reset to my home page and eventually Android popped up a 'not responding' error. I sent a report. On restart Evernote is still stuck on the AI search. Panels will scroll up and down, but none of the command icons work. Reinstall coming up... EDIT <sigh> I just realised I spent several days downloading 20GB of offline notes that I'll now have to replace too...
  16. I understand - I had a recent ticket that lasted that long before a human acknowledgement and is still waiting on a second team review. I also pay a Professional subscription. I think Evernote wandered into a 'perfect storm' situation as I mentioned previously. The takeover / the system failures / the price increase and the focus on converting users still using legacy - who are also now going through their own learning curve and reaction to changes - has led to an avalanche of support requests. In a former life I managed an internet user support team, and I know that while the staff will be doing their best to deal with everything as effectively as possible, the problem is that you can't just magic extra help. Evernote may have planned ahead for increased reports, but if they guessed wrong on their staffing and training, it takes a finite amount of time to train someone new to the software how to deal with queries, and a longer amount of time for new staff to make a difference... The reports curve will peak, and then peak again, because people get impatient and remind or repost their queries. Meantime the available support curve will always lag well behind. It's one of those situations where throwing money (or people) at the issue can't help. The team just have to keep on slogging through requests and adding as many resources as possible as quickly as possible... and hoping that things will get better in time. Having said all of which - if you can post a ticket reference I will happily flag it for the Forum Admins - who are not Support, but can maybe add some urgency to the request.
  17. On that point and if anyone is interested - my loyalties are definitely negotiable, but they do carry a premium price...
  18. Agreed! I did a full backup of 60K notes over 5 days. If you want, it should be possible to opt out of HTML saves in Settings, and the Quota pauses are a pain. I did verify with Backupery that if you switch the device off or otherwise lose connection during the process, BU will resume when the system does. At the moment I believe full backups are the only option. Not ideal, but if you have a lot of notebooks it is a relatively painless way to back things up...
  19. I don't use all 20+ of the options, but say I'm looking to find my account information for a cloud drive called 'sync'. I'll do an Evernote search for that word, and... guess which one is my note? I don't even have to look at a full list of the hits...
  20. I disagree that we're disagreeing - thumbnails may be important to you, but they're not especially so to me; and Evernote's current feedback from users presumably doesn't indicate otherwise. So if this is going to be fixed. it won't be very soon. Plus - your workaround, which has already been repeated several times in the thread, is easy enough when necessary. I'll certainly use the 'choose thumbnail' option - if and when we get it - from time to time, and I don't mind if everyone else pile in. Just saying it may take some time...
  21. ◙ ⭕ 🔸 🔹 💠 🔶 ㊙️(secret)◒●○🔴🔵🟢⚪⚫🟡🟣🟤◻️⬜ I've been using emojii to highlight titles for a while now, and as I gradually worked through my options I found just over 20 different emoji that work reasonably well in titles in most circumstances. The one with a glyph means (I'm told) 'secret' which can be a handy reminder that the notes I attach it to aren't meant for general consumption. Other emoji can vary in appearance depending on the device and OS, sometimes confusingly. Just posting this here for general information and to ask: if you also use this sort of emphasis, what emojii do you use? I tend to rely on emojipedia for occasional inspiration...
  22. <sigh> My bad - Maybe Evernote are as confused as I am since we have two simultaneous threads going on this topic... This one: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/148276-is-evernote-a-good-choice/ And also: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/148247-quota_reached-parameteraccountinguploadlimit Where you have shown a ticket #3765282 Summarising so far: Your 'team' were using Evernote Legacy, then updated to v10 and apparently lost access to all data. You're currently trying to upload a 20GB backup to another (?) account and are encountering errors. From the comments so far it appears you were using one or more v6.25 individual accounts. Were you all logging into one account? Or was there one account for each team member with notebooks shared between them? Please explain as simply and as completely as possible what your original setup involved, and whether one or more accounts were subscription accounts. And please explain again what account it is that you are trying to upload to, and where this huge backup file came from. And when you say "upload" do you mean "import"? I'll flag this whole mess again for the forum admin team to see whether they can help, but please stop complaining here, and co-operate with Evernote; that's the only way you'll get access to your data back. It's not 'lost', and it's probably still stored in one or more accounts online; but you need to stop taking any action which might further damage your access, and wait for the company to help.
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