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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi - I understand all of those words, but not necessarily the order they arrived - we're mainly users here, not developers. You'd maybe do better on https://dev.evernote.com/
  2. No-one will tell you your experience is not valid, but it's not common - which means it isn't necessarily an issue with the app, but maybe with your version of Android, your device, or the local network connection when Evernote is trying to check with the server before loading the camera feature. We're not support here - just other users; so I'd suggest you do the only fix that's possible on a mobile device - uninstall your app / restart the device / reinstall from the app store. After that, if you still have issues, feed them back from Settings on the mobile, or via Support if you're a subscriber. Others may have had the same experience, so if anyone found a workaround you may hear more... meantime maybe tell us what device and Evernote / Android versions you're using and maybe someone else ccan assist.
  3. Have you tried the full sign out / remove database on device / uninstall with Revo / power off & back on / re-download from Evernote.com / reinstall process? A clean reinstall will reindex your database, clear out any random files left over by updates and generally spruce up the system. If you're still having issues after that, send your logs to Support using your old ticket number. Does your laptop have an SSD? Plenty of free storage space? Evernote is working well for me on desktop - sometimes it takes some work from the user to get reasonable performance out of an app, and Support are the only folk who can assist with that... The more reports they get, the more likely it is to get fixed too, so if anyone else still has the issue...
  4. You can trust them to give you a refund if you contact them soon after the renewal - even if you had the warning, but now decide it's too expensive they will give you a refund. Don't get where all this "some kind of scam" thing is coming from. It's a big company. If things go wrong, they fix them.
  5. It's also worth noting that a new install can take a few days before it is completely set up. Things may be very slow for a few days, then start to speed up. Things are (mostly) still possible, but some now hide under different menus or are set up in different ways - it's all very upsetting and unfamiliar. I felt the same as you over a year ago when I first started the new version, but gradually it has become my daily partner, and I haven't used the old Legacy version in months... If you do feel you're missing something important please do come back here and ask - we'll probably be able to tell you how to get things done using Evernote or a work-around.
  6. On the general subject of sharing content, I'd say it's worth looking at Postach.io - I know it's external, and a whole new level of learning curve to go through, but you do get (I believe) 5 free 'blogs' with a workable process of turning notes into web pages at a specific <name>.postach.io address with one tag, plus unlimited blog options and password protections for subscribers.
  7. Also Dell (but desktop) and Win 11 - I haven't seen the message for weeks. Are you connecting through a firewall? VPN? Busy network? - It may be your network connection that's the issue here...
  8. I'm currently using it on three Android devices. Have you tried checking your account in a browser by signing in to Evernote.com?
  9. Hi. Yes. The options are: wait it out, or subscribe for 1 month if that option is available to you. Or set up another free account if you have another email address.
  10. Have you checked your spam folder? Incoming emails may have been blocked.. If mails are not in spam and you're still logged in on iPad, try restting your account email address https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313338
  11. I deleted this note because it contained a (very!) long link. It was good to tell us what PDF you were talking about, but the additional tracking part of the link (after the ?) is just unnecessary admin.
  12. Options are: check in Settings - the Gmail extension can clip attachments; or forward these emails to your account email address. And contact Support as suggested above.
  13. Usual causes: 🔹incorrect login (the whole account is suddenly blank) - log out, and try again. Worst case - go to Evernote.com in a browser and use the 'forgot password' option, or contact Support 🔹exceeding the Device Limit will lock you out of the account 🔹recent install or update - sometimes the apps take a little while to get over the shock... Restart your device or Reinstalling may help with other issues, If you lose content while editing... 🔹As a 'temporary' workaround - if you're creating a note and realise it will take some time, do your heavy noting in a local app like a word processor - I use Typora as a WIP notepad - then copy/ paste to Evernote. Working with Evernote now is just like working with a browser window - almost as stable as a local app...but not quite. 🔹If you can, make sure that Evernote is closed on any other devices where you have it installed while you use your current device. 🔹Contact Support about this. Get a copy of your Activity logs when it recurs too - intermittent issues are hard to track down. See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001858027 for more...
  14. On Windows 11 / Evernote 10.64.3 Evernote is never the top CPU user. I agree that after installation / update / upgrade it has a lot of background work to do so is probably much higher, but I had to sort this Task Manager view by Memory to even see the entry. Most of the 5% currently in use is AV and audio...
  15. Agree to disagree - in what's essentially a marketing message there's no legally binding commitment here; the terms and conditions will be laid out in full if a user decides to upgrade, and I am sure there won't be 'unlimited' anything...
  16. Hi. Guessing that you're not a Teams (Business) user, so what's your device / OS and Evernote version. and are you able to see some notes, but not recent notes? Or no notes at all... because in the latter case you most likely signed in with the wrong user ID and accidetally created a new account. Go to Evernote.com in a browser and use the 'forgot password' option, or contact Support
  17. I'm not sure it ever will be, and certainly not in the next several months - there's nothing in Evernote's note-taking promotions that proclaims its code-handling options, and I don't know how many users will want or need a code editor - so why would Evernote go to the trouble of adding those features to their standard text editor? This isn't something that's broken - it would be a new feature. At present they're revising their server infrastructure for overall speed, accuracy and efficiency so even if they are interested in upgrading the editor I doubt it will happen anytime soon. Meantime if you need to have your code available via a note, why not attach a third-party editor file to your note?
  18. It's not clear where this new limitation came from, but it does seem like the new owners are restricting all features to just a trial level. Basically to use Evernote at all you need to be a subscriber. I don't know if there is a way to get rid of it, apart from the obvious...
  19. Hi. The next step is to be a little more patient - Support are the only people who can process a refund. They're very busy at present, so if you have a ticket number, you're in the queue - they will get to you...
  20. Didn't Evernote say that they deleted 7,000 lines of unnecessary code (or some thing similar) recently? The problem with very large systems is that even the original software engineers probably don't remember why and how they coded half the features. Making any change in one place to such a huge organism risks putting something else out of whack (technical term ) when the app is updated and used on a zillion different systems, something, somewhere is probably going to misbehave. As long as it gets fixed quickly thereafter, there's (IMHO) no harm, no foul.
  21. Support are very busy - password issues have to be dealt with by them. If you have a ticket number please post it here.
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