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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I don't find it so, but obviously devices and connections differ. Did you also try 'export to html'? I just tried that with one of my notes and got a series of image files in a sub-folder. There was no JPG pr PNG file type, but my image app opened them without issue.
  2. The OP said "my next renewal on Nov. 22 would again be 'Premium' at 59.99" so no immediate upgrade, just an out of date notification. As it happens Evernote put up the prices (in April) and notified users (well, they told me) a month before the actual date of the actual new prices applying. I feel Evernote is worth the cost so I renewed. I didn't renew with my car or household insurance, because their prices went up too - in their cases, unacceptably. I went somewhere else. It happens. If Evernote's price increase seems unreasonable, then the sensible thing to do is to find an alternative.
  3. There is another way to activate a template - if you export a 'blank' template note to your desktop as an ENEX file, and double-click it there, it's automatically set up as a new note in that format. Don't know if Zapier can help there. A few developers still seem to be writing routines around Evernote's API, but for the moment the app is just not set up to be automated. That may come when Evernote have finished tinkering with the backend processes, but I'm not sure anything sophisticated is possible at this stage... You should raise it with Support, but they're a bit busy right now - I'm seeing 7-10 days before you get a substantive response...
  4. Hi. Thanks for the background, but if you would like to see this fixed, you (and everyone else affected) should report the issue to Support. This is usually the point at which everyone groans and points out how slow the process is, but the choices are: don't report it and hope that Support will maybe decide to do something about this - if even they are actually aware that some users find it a problem: Or report it yourself and give Evernote some direct feedback about why you find this an issue. Evernote can ask questions if they need to, and can ask you for a copy of your device log to see exactly what's happening when things go wrong.
  5. That would be because you were using the web version - see the posts above yours in the forums. Which recent update? I'm currently using the Windows app for my 60K+ notes without problems. If you're avoiding it by using the legacy version you're putting your data at greater risk in an app that has been unsupported for 3 years...
  6. If you read the documentation, AI services are strictly opt IN. If you don't want it, don't use it. AI has no access to your notes and they will not be used for training even if you do use the service.
  7. If you're missing the Gmail option in the standard web clipper I can only suggest you raise this with Support. If they get enough requests, maybe it will come back! But please explain carefully which web clipper you mean and why you need it.
  8. - My 10.64.3 is working fine too. If this was an update, try a restart or a reinstall from Evernote.com
  9. The discount seems to vary between notices - I guess the testing part here is more about what's the best introductory discount to persuade free users to subscribe - 25%? 40%? - Either way, for those who don't want all the fancy bells and whistles that come with Personal or Professional, there are plenty of free or low-cost alternative products out there. They may not offer the same look and feel, they may not be as good at features like Clipping (forinstance) but that's why Evernote get the big bucks. Evernote doesn't seem to have any wish to find ways to limit access to its features for a reduced-price option while they're still working on the full-access version; and you can bet if they came out with a new restricted access version, some comedian would immediately complain that they needed some other part of the package and why isn't that an option too...
  10. Try https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true
  11. Hmmn. Also: make sure you're logged in with the correct user ID - sometimes small mistakes generate a new basic account...
  12. The general experience seems to be that desktops should not be slow. If they are, I'd suggest the first thing to try is an escalating series of restarts. Sign out of Evernote... and back in dumping the database, sign back in dump the database, restart the device, sign back in dump the database, uninstall the app, restart the device, reinstall from Evernote.com, sign back in dump the database, uninstall the app with Revo Uninstaller Free (Win) or Appcleaner (Mac), restart the device, reinstall from Evernote.com, sign back in - from 2 onwards, dumping the database forces a rebuild from the server and restarting the device clears temporary memory. Revo and Appcleaner remove traces of the app that tend to get left behind with system uninstalls. To avoid repetitions I tend to go for (5) first time - takes about 30 minutes, plus time for the database to fully download from the server, depending on size and network connection speed. Androids - yep, mine was fast until I reinstalled recently, now doesn't seem able to connect. I run a new-ish Samsung tablet (Tab 7 FE) with 65GB internal storage free and 400GB free on SD card, so storage is not the issue. I also uninstall / restarted / reinstalled a couple of times. 10.56 was recently replaced by 10.57 but the update hasn't reached me yet. Only advice for Androids - if it's working, don't mess with it; if its slow, try a reinstall. EDIT: Forgot - If the desktop app seems slow, try selecting the disable Hardware Acceleration option under Settings > Preferences > Application - and scroll down. Re-enable the setting if this doesn't help EDIT: Fixed the Android version numbers above - I used the Windows app versions rather than the mobile app...
  13. Hmmn. Just had a quick troll through the Reddit pages - judging by the reaction, there's a lot of outrage that people are actually being asked to pay for the app if they choose to use it beyond the most basic level - at least one user was vowing never to use the app again... I'm sure Evernote will be horrified...
  14. Why worried? If you have information in an existing account I'm sure Evernote will not delete it. If they're ending (or at least severely limiting) the free account, then you simply have to decide whether to pay up to continue using the service or check out. There are lots of options (see the link I posted above) but most of them charge for any level of 'serious' use. There really is no such thing as a free lunch unless you get down to the big operators like Apple or Google or Microsoft - where you've probably already paid for access to their service anyway. Personally I'd want to pay (and I do) for my note-taking service so I have a contractual relationship and a support team.
  15. Hi. Actually if you share a 'home page' style note with lots of links to othe notes, things get very complicated. Ordinary note links won't work for that, you need to replace the home page links with the shareable link for each connected note, and make sure that all the notes are publically shared. It's no longer possible to share a notebook so its contents are available as soon as they are created. The best option I found is Postach.io which converts notes from a specified notebook into published notes (or blog pages) when the tag <published> is applied to the note, and is (IMHO) the most effective way to share information from an Evernote account. (It's also possible to password-protect access to the the content with a subscription) See https://postach.io for more Back to top
  16. Hmmn. I think different posts are about different clippers. If you get your Gmails from the Google website, is the gmail clipper there any help?
  17. The app is sometimes busy rearranging things after updates - if you still have an issue after a couple of hours, try a reinstall - uninstall / power the phone off and on again / reinstall. If that doesn't fix it, contact Support - though they are very busy and wait times seem to be several days long after you receive a ticket number.
  18. Check for updates folks - I believe there's one due around now... unfortunately for Android, that's controlled by Google so I'm still waiting for mine.
  19. Yup - I had one of those too, on an outstanding ticket. Sadly we're heading into the end of the year when there aren't that many working days around the holidays - I hope they get things together early in the new year!
  20. Evernote issued a brief note to one of my and someone else's 2-week old tickets to apologise that there's a restructure going on to help improve response times. You'll probably have one soon, if it hasn't already dropped. I'd guess they initially rather underestimated the staffing needed for a support team, and the problem with scaling up is always is that you need experienced techical staff who are familiar with the features - and failures - of the system. Training takes time. Be as patient as possible - they will get to you soon!
  21. Hi. Can you check with your bank to make sure the payment has gone through? If it has, you'll need to contact Support through https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true - use the issue type "Account". (If you paid Apple - please check with them first.)
  22. HI. Please take out the reference to the Vooglam website, otherwise we might suspect you of being a spammer, and that would be bad. (Use the three dots menu on your post to delete the link). I'd suggest you continue using the free version before upgrading - make sure you can use it to your satisfaction. There is no 'premium' version any more - subscriptions are either Personal or Professional. Any level of account can share information with others, or with non-Evernote users. See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005417 for more...
  23. Hi. You need to get hold of Support - use https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true and issue type 'account'.
  24. Hi. I very much doubt it. Please get in touch with Support - we're mainly other users here. AFAIK it should be impossible for attachments to vanish withough trace. Have you searched your account for keywords to make sure the files or the notes weren't accidentally misfiled somewhere? There is a help page on this - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001858027
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