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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. There've been varying reports - I don't usually bother about thumbnails; with 60K notes they don't make much difference to me. With the fails, I did wonder if folks were creating a new note / adding their favourite image / and then more or less immediately adding the rest of the content. If you notice, it does take a little while for Evernote to do its thing and show the picture; which is why I said to wait. Maybe adding more pictures immediately gives the app time to choose between them. -Heck maybe the app has a delay to see whether any more pics are going to be added. IIRC the original formula was "the image with the biggest short dimension" which is presumably a way to pick the best resolution, and I'd guess they didn't add any options because face it: nobody here is going to agree on the best one! Still - new owners, so maybe more choices coming...
  2. ? I've been with them for 15 years or so, and they seem pretty reliable for me. I guess travelling through different network coverages may have given you a bad experience. Sadly you can't download a notebook from a mobile or a web browser, and the current Evernote version downloads fairly slowly - depending on your notebook size and network speed it could take an hour or two to complete. If you have a friend, colleague or family member you can impose on, you could share the notebook with them. -You'd need to do that from a desktop, and go to the Notebook page in your online account. Look for the three-dots menu to the right and click 'share'. Your sharee would have to have (and be able to use) a copy of the application, and you would need the email address used for that account to be able to share to it. Your sharee would need to watch their spam folder for an email invitation from Evernote to accept the share. They could then use the app to export that notebook to HTML, ENEX or PDF files. ENEX is probably best, since some other notebook apps can import content. It may be that - depending on the confidentiality of the content - you could ask a computer shop in you current country of residence to do some of this for you, or you could hire a laptop to do it directly. You could ask Evernote Support too - you're very much an edge case in terms of user requirements, but they may have something in development to allow mobile users to export content, or be willing to help out in some way. Worst case - and again depending on confidentiality and file size - someone here might volunteer to accept a share and email the file back to you. Hope something in there helps...
  3. Hi. If you selected a notebook in the left window, what you are looking at on the right is a list of all the notes in that notebook with their individual 'thumbnail' images. There are no cover images for notebooks. Thumbnails are chosen by some arcane process from all the images in the note as being the best size and quality to be the thumbnail, and are not directly replaceable. The best you may be able to do would be to create a new note, initially with only the image you wish to be the thumbnail, and wait till that image is visible in this list. Then copy the rest of the content from the 'old' note into the new one and hope that the image doesn't change...
  4. Hi. We're mainly other users here, so while I agree it's not optimal I have no clue why it's not fixed. If you're having this issue, I'd suggest you contact Support and share your experience - it may help.
  5. As @Boot17 - "It's not working!" is not helpful if you want a fix. "I search for <this text> in my notes and get xx on mobile vs yy on web/ app" is more use.
  6. As above. I've had a ScanSnap for over 10 years and I've always scanned to folder, then imported to Evernote.
  7. Hi. What device, OS and Evernote version do you have? Also: for a 'clean' reinstall of Evernote you really need to uninstall initially with Revo Uninstaller Free (Windows) or Appcleaner (Mac) to ensure that all working files are detected and removed.
  8. We're unable to tell whether this is the same problem without having an actual sample of the text in this specific note. You've say there's an issue with finding the content of one note - that doesn't mean anything has been lost, just that searches may not turn up every instance of a search term. Which is something that applies to every search, everywhere. If you need to be absolutely sure you capture every instance of a particular topic, you may need to use one or more combinations of stacks / notebooks / keywords in title / AI searches / tags.
  9. Hi. Evernote has note size limits and upload limits that vary with the type of subscription you have. See System Limits for more. You'll be able to add images to your notes up to the note size limit, but it's not wise to get too close to the max - if you'll be editing images, the changes may mean the full new image needs to be uploaded to replace an existing one, so you need to have one at least image-sized amount of free space within the total limit for that note. I'd suggest not getting over 75-80% of the limit in any note. NB that images may be compressed into another format for database storage, so if HD quality is an issue for you, an option would be to use cloud storage for the main image and save a (smaller?) copy to Evernote with a link to the original. Talk to Support (we're mainly other users here) for more on that. On your megs per month question - again sounds like cloud storage with the links in Evernote might be a way around it. If system limits are too low, I don't believe you can buy extensions - although (see the link) there's a Teams version which is designed for 4+ users with higher limits... Hope that helps...
  10. Full disclosure - we're mainly other users here; Evernote staff will probably see your post in time - but for direct feedback (and Support if you need it) please contact Evernote direct: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (subscribers) https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (anyone) or mail feedback@evernote.com.
  11. Hi. The page https://www.evernote.com/BillyBillingProfile.action is working for me. Clear your cache / use a different browser?
  12. Can you subscribe directly via Evernote.com? You'd need to talk to Google Play Support about their available options...
  13. Apologies: I deleted the original post because it contained a link to third-party Python training, and advertising (even indirectly) is not permitted in the forums.
  14. Hi. What version of Evernote are you using? Have you tried a reinstall? If you have and sketches still aren't working, contact Support (or use Feedback from the app) - we're mainly users here.
  15. If you were getting intermittent connections while underground, that would explain notes being duplicated; better to work offline (airplane mode) in those situations. Don't see it has a connection with being unable to log in* - have you tried the 'forgot password' option on Evernote.com? (Beware if you're a free user that counts as a separate device) If you continue unable to log in - contact Support (mainly other users here). It may take some days for them to respond currently, but if you get a ticket number, you're in the queue. Use https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true - and the issue type "Account" *although your intermittent connection could have confused the device count - check the number of connected devices when you can log in again.
  16. Good for them. In this case - copy the URL and open the page in a new tab? Open the page in its own window? Get the note link from the three-dots menu? There are work-arounds...
  17. Hi. There's a Forum Code of Conduct you should read about attacks on other users here, which is definitely not OK. If you were referring to a company increasing the cost of their subscription, announcing it publically and emailing users, I'd say that's happened to me on several of my installed apps and whilst I agree with you it's not OK, your only choices are to pay or move on. A lot of the folks in this thread have already paid.
  18. Hmmn. And there's something here - https://evernote.com/legal/terms-of-service - which seems to confirm that need...
  19. Excuse the downbeat subject, but it's something which I've been (kinda) dealing with for a while - I'm... let's go with an 'older' user, and very aware that my immediate family members don't share my tech skills. Since my habit has been to save every receipt, agreement and user guide that I've come across into Evernote, it is a valuable resource that I use every day. Should I not be here, my family will need to have access to it. I can (and will!) share the password and they can continue the payments, but what if something bad happens and they can't get access? Or they want to continue the service, but prefer not to have it in my name? I've been an executor for a few family members (yep I'm really that old) and I've had experience with bank accounts (forinstance) where the normal process in the UK seems to require the Executor to submit the death certificate and probated will before being granted access to an account. I don't know how that process varies across the countries Evernote serves, but what would Evernote recommend? I'm posting this here because I can ramble more than if I use the Support link, and include @Federico Simionato in the discussion. I mean... How would Evernote deal with an Executor requesting access to a deceased user account? What proofs might be required? Presuming that access is granted, could the username and password be changed for a third party? (Presuming a wife or a child) I can invite other users to contribute to the discussion. What might other family members need if a user expires? I'm assuming that a subscription account would remain available until the subscription expires and it reverts to free a 'free' account would remain available for a period of time and then be archived and the password suspended One concern has been raised by Evernote apparently restricting 'free' accounts to 1 notebook / 50 notes - how long will free notebook downgrades from subscription accounts be maintained? Is the information literally archived for as long as Evernote is in business? Another user in one of the Facebook groups is (apparently) currently creating a cheat sheet for executors dealing with Evernote accounts - with us oldies representing an increasing percentage of the population it seems like something which is going to become more common. Any thoughts on all of this welcomed - these days everyone needs to have a good succession plan in place... I'll add my Support ticket number for information later.
  20. ...And if anyone here can point to a company whose systems have never, ever made any kind of an error... I'd say you must never have tried their services or software. In a former life I worked in a department collecting the financials from companies around the globe. We'd spent months - and a lot of cash - setting up a system to collate results in different currencies and different languages, boiling them down to a single group sheet for the Head Office Board (who had notoriously short attention spans). We were about to go into the Big Meeting to unveil the results, when we found a mistake. I was shocked... when the Group CFO pulled a little bottle of correction fluid out of a suit pocket and fixed the error with a biro. He grinned at my expression and said something to the effect of 'we're human - mistakes happen' (except it was less repeatable). Doesn't matter how big a company is - stuff happens. Deal with it.
  21. Hi. You seem to be posting under the conviction that we are Evernote. This is a (mainly) user 2 user forum, so your feedback is best directed via the link in Settings on mobile, or to Support. While Evernote is happy to get feedback they tend to have projects and priorities of their own, and it's unlikely that they'll make any changes to the UI with any speed. If you need changes now, then you need to find an app that will already deliver them. If you willing to wait several months, then maybe... On the plus side Evernote have said that they're focussing on speed, reliability and connectivity, so maybe you'll see some improvements sooner rather than later.
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