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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. An impact sure - they'd put a block on their account! To your point and I think we're forgetting here that Evernote (probably still) has MILLIONS of users. If support has to look up an index of 'trustable' users each time they get a query, it just adds to the handling time, and (I may have mentioned) I used to run an IT support team, so I'd consider myself more coherent than most - but I've been caught out a couple of times when asked to go through something carefully, and oops - yes, that was totally me! Every single support team runs on the basis that tier one takes you through the basics - sometimes more than once; and they check to make sure that you actually do what they ask, because guess what? The first rule of Support Club is "customers lie". I know it's a pain, but Evernote / Bending Spoons do seem to know what they're doing. Keep the faith and pay up - or don't and move on. Everyone's choice!
  2. Hi. Where did you check this morning? Same device? Everything you added should have been saved localy, even if it didn't have enough time to sync with the server. We're mainly users here, but I'd suggest you contact support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new They're rather busy right now, so it may take a few days to get a response; but you'll have a ticket number which reserves a place in the queue.
  3. Hi. No, sorry - there's a widget that you might be able to set to display tasks, and if you add a keyword to each one you may be able to your selection...
  4. Hi. Check Settings > Preferences > Notes > Links & Attachments
  5. Once you exceed the device limit the account is locked down for a period. The only way around it AFAIK is to re-subscribe, if only for a month...
  6. Closest you get is the Table of Contents thing - make a new note for each section of your document and use a tag or a title keyword so they're all findable easily. When you finish creating, search for the keyword and copy the note links into another note; then each section is available from the link.
  7. Hi. It was a steep increase, and it's possible the emails got eaten by your spam folder, but AFAIK there are no discounts available for current users. There's a option to drop to the free account where you get access to your contect on two devices but very limited options to add to or edit it, or you could export you notebooks to ENEX files which can be imported into other apps. Importing and converting to a different app is a bit of a time-soak, so it's often better to leave you data in Evernote and start new notes elsewhere. Yes you can get a refund if you ask nicely - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (Support are busy right now, so it may take a few days to get a response; but you'll have a ticket number which reserves a place in the queue.) This website might help you look for an alternative...https://noteapps.info/
  8. Hi Support are the folks you need - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Support are busy right now, so it may take a few days to get a response; but you'll have a ticket number which reserves a place in the queue.
  9. Hi. What sort of an index? Where? There aren't any obvious ways to do that in Evernote - the closest may be a Table of Contacts note - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005667
  10. Hi. We're mainly other users in the Forums here - you'd need to ask Evernote Support whether they know anything about this... Subscribers can raise priority support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Support are busy right now, so it may take a few days to get a response; but you'll have a ticket number which reserves a place in the queue. Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  11. Hi. Ctrl+C / Shift+Ctrl+V may solve your spacing problem, but if you're copying and pasting the URL doesn't necessarily follow... have you tried using the web clipper?
  12. Works fine on Win 11 for me - sign out / sign back in; check that you're using the correct user details...
  13. There's still a clipper setting for this, but yes - I hadn't noticed anything 'not' happening, but a quick search doesn't seem to include related notes. Contact support for more... Mainly users here in the Forums. Support are busy right now, so it may take a few days to get a response; but you'll have a ticket number which reserves a place in the queue.
  14. Wow - downbeat much? The new management had a successful business with its own support team before Evernote came along, and I'd imagine they've now rolled Evernote calls into their existing systems. Given the.. emotional... reaction to the takeover, the price change, and every apparent miss-step they've made so far this year, I bet they didn't plan for the volume of support calls they have. They already apologised for that and are trying to improve response times, but you can't magic experienced Evernote troubleshooters out of thin air. It'll happen, but we need to be patient. As to hoop-jumping, it's the job of front-line support to make sure that something dumb like an out-of-date version or an unsupported OS isn't causing the hassle. They go through a standard script every time to make sure a fault is really a fault - because otherwise someone on a much higher payscale is going to have to unpick exactly what might be causing this. The fewer red herrings drawn across their trail the better!
  15. I learned to search on a legal database an aeon ago, so any search these days is usually a breeze. If I get too many hits, I tend to keep on adding relevant terms to refine my search, and then maybe add a tag or more keywords to the title for next time. Haven't specifcally noticed Evernote messing up string searches, but if and when it happens, document the search and the results and copy your activity log and feed it all back to Support. They need actual cases to work out fixes...
  16. Hi. "Sticky Notes" is not an Evernote feature - where did you get that app from?
  17. Hi. Did you try uninstalling / restarting the device / re-downloading the app / reinstalling? Subscribers can raise priority support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Support are busy right now, so it may take a few days to get a response; but you'll have a ticket number which reserves a place in the queue.
  18. Hi. The Forums are mainly user-supported, so we can't help much with passwords or payments and refunds apart from suggesting you contact Support. Both subscribers and non-subscribers can contact Support through https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true - use the issue type "Account" - or go via Settings in the mobile app. More here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/21400396397587
  19. Hi. The order of thngs may have changed slightly, but the principle should still be the same - just search for your invoice first, then filter the search by tag. If you do this regularly you could save the search and apply it with one click. More on searches here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040282613
  20. If you're a subscriber your licence covers unlimited devices.
  21. Hi. If your card was charged, you must have supplied the number at some point - but we're mostly other users here - please contact https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new to request a refund. They're busy right now with technical issues, so it may take a few days to get a response; but you'll have a ticket number to reserve a place in the queue.
  22. Hi. Not sure what you're expecting here - we're mainly other users in the forums. Evernote had a price increase in April, and the cost varies a little country by country around the world. If you pay monthly, your contributions should be fixed for one year, then they'll offer a further year at whatever higher rate then applies. The increase has been steep for some users on 'grandfathered' Premium contracts because the only options now available are Personal or Professional. Then again, Evernote's prices remained the same for 6 years or so and an increase was necessary to keep the wheels turning. Any and all payment enquiries need to go to https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  23. The most important factor for me is that I have used Evernote for years and I know where and how it works, and where it doesn't. I have no interest in being attracted by any of the new players with magic bells and whistles that may or may not help me, but will slow me down for weeks or months until I get fully used to new systems. I do like the new 'vibe' we have - seems like the new team are a bunch of people who actually know what they're doing and want to make Evernote a much better place to get stuff done. Having worked in big league IT for some years I know what that takes, so I'm prepared to be patient - and I know from my time in a Support role how much fun they're probably having right now, so I'm prepared to cut them a lot of slack. Bending Spoons already has some good products of their own and the confidence of their backers to take on an ailing Elephant and nurse it through recovery. I'm definitely prepared to give them some time and will continue to subscribe until they have a chance to get things in order. My gut has a very good feeling about this, and that (believe me) is a lot of good feeling.
  24. Hi. The editor is one of the most complicated elements of Evernote's coding. Adding a new style would require a lot more planning, coding and testing than you might think. It won't be happening anytime soon. If you need that layout you could prepare a template note and duplicate/ copy from that each time you need it.
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