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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hmmn. That thread also says he's a fan of 'collapsible notes' - presumably outliner-style paragraphs, but there's more reliability work to do before they look at product changes...
  2. Hi - We're mainly other users here, so no influence or information over increasing limits or ways around them. Evernote haven't publilshed any information that we know of. If you find the service useful, then obviously subscribing would be the way to go. Whatever you plan on doing, entrusting notes to a limited free service does not seem a good idea. As it is a free service I don't think they are bound by the online details - they can alter the terms as they wish. There are other 'free' services out there - that make their money by showing you ads, or selling details of your online activity. Evernote don't do that, so their only income is from subscriptions. They seem to see the product now as purely a trial sandbox so you can see how things work and decide whether or not to subscribe to get full access. You may be offered a discount for your first year. See websites like https://noteapps.info or https://toolfinder.co for possible options.
  3. Hmmn. I'm sorry for my "takes about 30 minutes" comment now... Have you contacted Support? Hopefully you'll have this fixed before they get back to you, but you might as well reserve a place in the queue. Meantime - can you work with the web version instead of the installed app? Maybe give it up for today and try again tomorrow!
  4. Dave Rebro flagged this up over on Facebook... https://evernote.com/blog/faster-web-downsync so it looks like someone's been playing with servers again...
  5. Hi. How are you using four different clients at the same time? If you pick a client and complete your tasks there, the syncs should share the edited / new content around your network. If you keep on opening / using / checking different clients you'll cause them to sync multiple times. Everything syncs to the server, so just make sure you can see your change on the web version - or do your work there, and then check on other clients to make sure they update correctly.
  6. Hi. If the update corrupted something in your system, the best thing would be to sign out / remove your database / uninstall using Appcleaner or similar / power off and back on / re-download from Evernote.com and reinstall / sign back in. Takes about 30 minutes for the reinstall and a day or so while your system rebuilds the local structure.
  7. The important words in that sentence being one of and like. Apart from making the app faster, slimmer and more efficient, we now have collaboration features like Real Time Editing (by more than one person) and - oh; you didn't get any price rises for the 6 years to date, so there's some catch-up in there too to get the product back to self-sustaining. AI searches are as good as the prompts you put into them, and if all you put in there was "computer desk" I'm not surprised you got garbage out. If you can limit your search by dates, locations, colours or names it will refine things more acceptably; and the nice thing about AI searches is that it will craft a complicated boolean search out of whatever halting explanation you can provide.
  8. We're now several versions past the public releases in July, so the questions still remain: device? OS? Evernote version? And have you tried a full reinstall?
  9. I flagged the thread and that ticket number, so any others posted here (like @thirtythreesixty) should attract some attention too! Keep the numbers coming is you have them - maybe we'll get a bit more information soon... 🫰
  10. Hi. You're responding to a month-old topic with an apparently irrelevant comment - please note that we get some 'bot and AI input here which is not welcomed. Posts that don't actually seem relevant to the discussion are liable to be removed.
  11. If anyone can quote relevant ticket numbers here we can flag them up to our Admins who maybe can push for a bit more attention - but it depends on what is keeping the Evernote staff busy and -apparently- completely off the air at the moment. Don't know what they're working on but I'm guessing its a bit urgent...
  12. You can also add links from the blue '+' and via Ctrl+K and the Clipper for web-based content. I just tried several links through the toolbar icon and it worked perfectly for me (Win11 and EN10.65.2) but if you still have issues you could try the other options. There's also the possibility to add your links to individual notes, then select the most recent few notes and merge them together. A full reinstall might get rid of this glitch if it's worth the effort - sign out / remove database / uninstall / power cycle device / re-download from Evernote.com / reinstall. Takes 30-40 minutes to do, and the app will run slower than normal for a day or two while everything local is rebuilt. Worth a report to Support with Activity Logs for their information, and possible further help if all of that doesn't. Good luck!
  13. Hmmn. I can forward an email as an attachment, but that's when I drag and drop the original MSG file that I get from Outlook so I can re-open the mail if I need to reply.
  14. No. I was responding to the quote I included in my response: "The current version is sluggish and buggy." Copying images may work slightly differently in v10, but there are various alternatives - have you tried the various options above?
  15. Have you checked that shortcut in Evernote? In windows it's Ctrl+T which works for me... 'K variations are more link related.
  16. Yeah - that means Support and a bit of a wait I'm afraid. Meantime it's still possible to forward emails to your Evernote account (if you're a subscriber) - I use BCC a lot. Also copy & paste / drag & drop - I tend to keep .MSG files in notes so I can reopen them in Outlook if a response or a reminder is necessary...
  17. Well I was using 10.64.5 and while typing this have updated to 10.65.2 and in both cases have tried out my Phrase Express inserts which work fine. I also use a hotkey for "intitle:". I'm on Windows 11 and the iOS app seems not to be the most effective conversion, so your mileage may very well vary. However we're all users here with no great insights - just experience. Support are the final authority on all of this, but as we know - they're a little busy right now. I do suggest that if you're still having issues, try uninstall / power off & back on / reinstall, and retry. If that deosn't help contact Support via the link in the App and send your recent Activity Logs. Meantime if replacement text is not available, you could try copy/ paste from a text file on desktop. We (i.e. you) will just have to wait until another new version comes along with (hopefully) a fix. And @justacat - while you're the OP 7 months ago in this thread, I think the most recent responses were more about @Eggman who's probably still running from the reaction they caused... Anyway. Keep it technical please? We're all users with opinions and if mine is different from yours it doesn't mean either of us are wrong...
  18. Looks like your app is doing internal housekeeping. Give it 2-3 days after the update and if you're still having that much activity, try a full-on reinstall; sign out removing the database/ uninstall with Appcleaner or similar/ power the device off and on/ re-download from Evernote.com/ reinstall. There seems to be work going on in the background to speed up syncs and increase speeds generally, but they're having to maintain compatibility with Legacy / older v10 versions and the current release. I think things will get very much better, but we may have to wait out this year while they continue tinkering...
  19. Sorry but <crosses fingers> AFAIK everything has continued to work smoothly and quickly on my account. So, no - you'd have to contact Support with Activity Logs and wait for a while to (possibly) get an answer to that... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314078
  20. Hi. Which menu or what keystrokes are you using to add a link, and why do you need to do it several times in one note?
  21. I can tell you two reasons why this is wrong - it's not every thread, just quite a lot; and while @PinkElephant can be a tad.. direct.. in his views, he's not often wrong. Oh - and personal attacks are not permitted in the Forums. Everyone has an opinion, but let's keep it polite please?
  22. Yeah - I deleted one irrelevant comment already and have reported the user. If there's more bland comments they may wind up being deleted...🤨
  23. Hi. This post is incorrect on several levels, not least that we are in a mobile device forum. Beware that misleading posts may be deleted...
  24. Currently on Windows 10 and auto-updated to Evernote 10.65.2 with no difficulty on bulk deletions - just took out 17 notes I didn't need... oddly this same account on Windows 11 is still at 10.64 unless I download the update manually...
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