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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. The new Head of Product indicated in a recent interview that he likes an outline structure in notes, so (my conclusions from here on...) nested paragraphs might become a thing - but he also said that they're concentrating on speed a reliability issues for the moment, so nothing seems likely to change this year...
  2. Hi. Device / OS / Evernote version? My Win 11 Evernote 10.65.2 combination doesn't have a problem clipping a Bing chat page. There is a built-in copy option if you have issues...
  3. OK I can respect that everyone has strong feelings on this. I'm not agreeing in any way that Evernote has been 'unethical'; I just don't think the question of ethics arises at all. The company is in a fairly ridiculous position through no fault of its own. The prior management in their infinite wisdom - which was probably logical at the time - said "we'll give everyone access to most of our services for free - but with some strict limits" - in hopes exposure to the free bits would persuade users to pay for more. If you remember they also gave subscribers unlimited storage - briefly, before the option was withdrawn because some users simply dumped their entire hard drive online. I'd imagine documentation lagged behind that withdrawal too... But users being sneaky little hobbitses found ways around many of the free package limitations by replacing devices and using the web service - so Evernote restricted again... and I'm still seeing people in the forums who are free users and have been happy non-paying customers for many years. Some have mentioned the logic that it's Evernote's fault that they have free users.. they're offering the service after all! All these free users though must be using Petabytes of storage / connecting with RTE and adding to the overall bandwidth / and clamoring in the socials that the 'stupid company' isn't as good as it used to be. I don't know how much we subscribers are paying for these individuals to enjoy their freebie, but I don't think any amount is 'fair' in this context. Not only are we paying, but the service is overall a percentage slower because of free user activity. IMHO Evernote analysed the situation and saw that this is a potential disaster waiting to happen. They have to do something responsible about folks who have thousands of notes already on the system, and delete dormant accounts (which every IT specialist does regularly) which must number in the tens of thousands. It's not a technical debt, it's a technical crisis. OK - one thing they can do without ruffling too many feathers is to limit who comes on board from now on. At least they can build a firebreak and contain the worst of the damage. But you still want to offer a trial period and still attract subscribers - so you test some packages and announce the End of Free. There must be a lot of planning going on that we haven't seen yet to deal with existing users. When all that's sorted out they can make a business like, responsible and ethical statement. Whatever they do isn't going to sit well with a lot of people who are not subscribers, but its pointless to discuss it here because we're not in posession of enough facts. I actually think Evernote are acting responsibly to protect subscribers and existing non-subscribers alike and I'm impressed that they are proactively doing something about it. </pontification ends>
  4. The company is trying to decide whether it should continue to allow the thousands of free customers who are likely using the free app to a fraction of its capacity for shopping lists and the like - and are understandably loath to give up this nice free perk while we pay for their convenience - to continue to do so. They appear to be sensibly limiting the number of new customers that can join the party that is eating up company resources and server space while they make a decision. It's legal and its eminently businesslike - ethics don't come into it. How about all those folks who are happy to abuse a free service as far as they can push its limits?
  5. OK - We're not Support, or any flavour of Evernote - mostly users here. If you have an access issue please contact Support. No idea what may have caused your issue except the current version of the iOS client doesn't seem to be that well liked. There may be updates in the pipeline. Please do specify what version of Evernote you have, and what external keyboards are attached (if any).
  6. Thanks for the upgrade - but we're seeing a lot of missing note reports in the forums. Users are opening their account to find this whole year missing. After some messing around the missing notes - mostly - have been found again, but are there any ongoing server-side activities that might explain this with accounts being moved or updated? EDIT: one of many examples...
  7. Hi. If you went over the two device limit Evernote may be confused about how many devices are connected to the account. You know you only have two, but is Evernote aware of that? (And by the way Web access counts as a device). See the information in the Help pages to check and ensure you only use two devices - which I would suggest should be the iPhone and the Web on your Windows device. Understanding the device limit To add to your woes the current iOS app seems to have some issues of its own, and syncing with the web server - which should hold the 'parent' cop of your account and all its notes - has been erratic. If you can log into your browser, check the account settings for whether you are using the new browser version or not. Whichever version it shows, try the other and see whether your 'lost' notes re-appear. Finally use this link to submit a ticket with the issue type 'Account' - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true - they're very busy, so you'll wait several days for a human response. Caveat: I don't use iOS myself so someone else here might have more helpful suggestions!
  8. If you are using the Teams version, there's an Admin layer which (I believe) sets permissions for access and tagging. You may need to sign as as the Admin to get to that function. Evernote Teams Admin Console Overview
  9. For various reasons they are unusually busy at present - several working days' delay is the normal experience.
  10. Like I said originally, this is a free service. If the company effectively says "it's no longer our practice to allow totally free access in the way described in our literature" you've not been charged or harmed in any way. You had the opportunity to evaluate the services available, and you now have the chance to subscribe or try a different service. All you can do is move on. (Or subscribe, obviously...)
  11. It may become available at some future time, but Evernote are currently focussed on stability and speed - and when they come to the 1,000+ feature requests they already have, what are the chances that this will be one of the first? It's unlikely that there will be any movement for several months, if ever...
  12. It would be nice to get back to just seeing technical questions like "how do I...?" with answers and suggestions rather than ranting and name calling. I often feel like we're in a scene from Mars Attacks - why can’t we just all be friends?
  13. A software company does what it thinks is best at the time. In the current situation probably the predecessor of the current software company made the decision. 'New' Evernote are concentrating on speed & reliability for the moment, and will have their own plans for the future. Feature requests would be welcome. Not many new decisions that I'm aware of, I'm sure there is no deliberate plan to annoy, and every user doesn't seem affected. As usual with these issues - what you see is ALL you got - for several months at least. Use a workaround / feedback to Evernote or find an alternative note-taker. There are no magic wands to make this work sooner.
  14. Hi. Evernote does not have a hierarchical structure. There are Spaces which can contain Notebooks which can contain Notes. Individual notes can be categorised by tags and titles. Tags cannot be nested in Teams. I'm not a teams user, but it seems to me the only way you could categorise your content would be to import each folder into a separate notebook and tag each item in those notebooks with an artificially-nested tag like "HO_accounts", "HO_staff" It would then be possible to pick out items by searching for "HO*" tags. We're mainly other users here with little Teams experience - you should be able to get more from Support or the Help pages - Evernote Teams features
  15. Plus you can use a 'forgot password' option at Evernote.com if that helps...
  16. Hi. Device / OS / Evernote version? Can you explain a little more fully why you need to force a sync?
  17. Hi. Device / OS / Evernote version? It's not possible to download notes from mobile or web. It's possible a corrupted update has has prevented sync - try reinstalling the app from Evernote.com and allow the server to rebuild your local database. If that doesn't solve the issue, sign out of Evernote - removing the local database (again) and uninstall with Revo Uninstaller Free (Win) or Appcleaner (Mac) which will yake out files that an OS uninstall would not normally touch. Then power your device off and on again to clear temporary memory, and re-download / reinstall Evernote. Evernote has been working on sync issues recently and your notes may have been affected by that. If a reinstall doesn't fix matters please contact Support - who are not us. We're mainly other users here.
  18. Hi. On what device / OS is Evernote web unavailable? It's a much more resource-intensive app (you're running a browser within a browser), hence the preference for an installed mobile version.
  19. Hi. We're mainly other users here, so your first contact as a subscriber should be https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new. There have been some comments here about the iOS client, so hopefully a new version will be in the works; but you are best raising it directly with Support. Unfortunately they're pretty busy so you're unlikely to hear anything for several days. You will get a ticket number immediately which holds your place in the queue, and a human follow up some days later. Meantime if your access is essential I can only suggest that you export any key documents via the Mac and save them to your phone for direct access.
  20. I can guarantee that Evernote is not malware and has no interest in your bank statements. Is that file attached to an Evernote note? Avast may have tagged it as 'sensitive data' and be suspicious if another app also has a connection to it. Definitely a query for the Avast team though - not here.
  21. My general point was that if you are making changes on one client and then immediately check on another to see whether the change has been synced across, find it has not, and check again on a different client, and then post here, you're simply creating a ghost issue. If you're using one device to make changes, stick with that device until you finish. Don't interrupt yourself, or the syncing process, by switching around. If you start on a desktop and switch to a mobile device later that's fine; but don't keep checking other devices if you don't have to. Each one syncs with the server more or less continuously when Evernote is active. But as noted above, there can be slight delays before entries on one device show on another. And non-Evernote issues like network connections and device speeds may slow things down. By forcing the server to update one device after another you may just be slowing the whole update process down. Evernote just published a blog post that says they made a fantastic improvement with syncing speeds - which probably means they've been working on servers and are in process of moving a huge number of accounts around; that might explain any glitches we're seeing, and (hopefully) means that things will be much better soon...
  22. Hi. If there has been no further comment in the past 5 months you can assume that the original issue with v10.57 was solved. The current version is now 10.65.2. If you have a similar issue, what is your device / OS / current version? What exactly are you experiencing, and what have you done to try to fix it?
  23. There's a 'contact us' button on most of the Help & Learning page that goes here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
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