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Everything posted by jefito

  1. Apples and oranges. Your Android does not offer the functionality that you're actually asking for; PIN-protecting the application is not the same. For one thing, it's not clear that the PIN is anything but local to the Android client, and if not, it's not part handled by the Evernote API. On the other hand, would you expect PINs set in one place to be honored by other clients that you use? If so, then that's got to be handled by the API: the data needs to be stored and synced. And then all of the clients should be updated; otherwise you might set a PIN on a notebook on one device, but if the client on another device doesn't have the changes, then it's probably not going to need a PIN to open a protected notebook. At a guess, this is not so easy as it may seem... If you have really private stuff, you could look into opening up a separate account, and really keeping it private.
  2. If you're dealing with a particular client, and you only want to see the notes related to that client, then you could tag the notes associated with that client with a special tag that denotes that client. Then, before you meet with the client, you just filter on that tag, and you don't see other notes in your note list. Just close up the Notebooks list in the left panel, as you are not dealing with anything notebook-related, only notes relating to your client.
  3. In the latest public beta, at least (, the shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+H. I found this by looking at the Format / Style / Highlight menu item. Don't know if it's available on the current public release.
  4. A rumor? That's a "believe it when I see it" moment. Even so, that'd be big, and not unwelcome, for sure. I'll keep it under my hat.
  5. Aha, I see what you did there. Irony, right? Exponential growth is hardly what's going on here; if Linux were actually growing exponentially, it would have taken over long ago. Evernote is not just on Windows, which by the way, at latest count still rules the roost. Note that the thunder lizards were big-time for oh, about 130 million years or so, nothing to sneeze at. So maybe a Linux client on 65 million years would be OK?
  6. Evernote is engineered to share either on the basis of individual notes, or by notebook. I cannot fix this, and neither can any of the people posting here, as we are all users, just like you. As you are a Business customer, you might want to ask in the Business sub-forum down the hall; there may be a special Business capability that I am not aware of. On the other hand, you might think about whether you really need to be so restrictive in such a small group (and maybe you already have, and I understand that it may be perfectly valid in your case; I'm just tossing this out there as I don't know any details about your work). In a small group like yours, though it shouldn't be too hard to ensure that people work only on stuff that applies to them, all things being equal (understanding that they rarely are). In my case, I work in a shared code base with about 10 other software developers; we all have access to the same code and bug database. But I have my stuff to work on, as does everyone else. I benefit from looking at the code other people are working on, and also from reading through the bug database. But I don't work on other people's tickets, though some times I can make suggestions to others about their tasks, or about priorities, or whatever. I have to say that sharing via tag would be a powerful capability for Evernote; Evernote have not seen fit to offer that up to date, though.
  7. You want to use Evernote, you need to use it as it's constituted today. Making feature requests is of course fine, indeed, they're welcome, but there's no promise that all features requested will be implemented. I would say that "berating" doesn't describe what's being said. You didn't post a link to the quote that you reference, but surely it's good practice to learn how a system works before implementing it in a critical workflow. I.e., you need to study it (which can include asking questions of knowledgeable users, such as are found here in the forums). Something to wonder about for those who prefer to spend their time to wondering about such things. As it stands, Evernote doesn't appear (to you anyways) to meet your needs at this time, something that only you can determine. That being the case, looking at other solutions is highly rational. Remember that the evangelists are not Evernote employees. We need to be practical about Evernote usage, just like other users. Evernote is what it is; if you try to use it as if it were something else, you'll probably run into difficulties. We're happy to try to advise people with actual issues in using Evernote or how to approach certain scenarios, but we have no sway over Evernote's design. As for Evernote themselves, their point of view has been represented pretty well in the current lengthy thread (I think it's been merged with others over time); look for posts by Evernote CEO 'engberg'. From 2008 onwards, as far as we know, they've stuck with flat notebooks and tags over nested stacks / notebooks as their guiding organizational scheme.
  8. The answer, today, is pretty much tags and other search/filtering aids (embedded keywords, titles, dates, etc.). You can only go so far with notebooks and stacks in Evernote. You can emulate a hierarchy using tags, though. But using Evernote in the hopes that they'll add a notebook hierarchy any time soon doesn't sound like a great strategy to me.
  9. I guess that is called "agile software development" ;-) Cute, but agile software development doesn't mean that all requested features are delivered...
  10. Notepad++ is an entirely different type of note editor (I use it a lot). It's expressly designed for editing text, not markup (what Evernote notes are based on). It's based on Scintilla, an open source library for editing source code (see http://www.scintilla.org/). It's not clear to me that Scintilla provides the sorting, or whether the NotePad++ folks do this. That being said, sorting lines of markup is not exactly rocket science. If Evernote thought that it was worth doing, they'd probably do it.
  11. Just a note: this has been requested previously, so it's on Evernote's radar (they read every post). But that doesn't mean that it's necessarily on their roadmap (which they tend not to divulge anyways).
  12. Tags is the way to go in Evernote, or note links, as stated before.
  13. If it were me, I'd export the two notes to .enex format, and pull out my favorite diff program (Beyond Compare, if you're asking), which I use daily at work, and frequently at home. Conflicts only occur rarely in my case, thankfully. It would be hard to imagine Evernote doing a better job than a dedicated diff tool, though providing even a simple one might be enough for most peoples' purposes.
  14. No grand surprise there. Nice, thanks!
  15. Yeah, that field. Isn't really intended to be a user-editable thing; see http://dev.evernote.com/doc/reference/javadoc/com/evernote/edam/type/NoteAttributes.html
  16. Whoa, really? I can't do it on any Evernote client that I use (Windows, Android, web). You can change the reminder date, sure, but I don't tthink that that means the same thing. Or am I missing something?
  17. The web client is good and getting better, but a number of things aren't as good as the Windows client. For one, a biggie for me: shared notebooks cannot be mingled with local notebooks; you need to go to a separate browser window. Makes it difficult / impossible to move note between accounts, though you can do it with the desktop client. The Windows client has shortcut keys that make operating is a whole lot easier. The way that is narrows down your tag list as you add tags to a filter is nicer, too. I'll use the web client in a pinch, or when it's convenient, but I prefer the desktop client.
  18. Please see a suggestion that I wrote for you in the other topic that you raised the same issue.
  19. Correct. If you rely on the special-tag-per-notebook workaround, that means that you constantly need to maintain the special tag on on all notes in that notebook to have your search work correctly.
  20. Nope, can't be done, per the search grammar: http://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/search_grammar.php. I don't think that it's explicitly stated, but the BNF down at the bottom implies it: a 'notebook' scope modifier is not a 'negatable' term
  21. If you're referring to this: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/25197-howto-diff-a-conflict-with-the-original/?p=173256 (since you couldn't be bothered to quote what you're objecting to), where I say "You're the first person that I can recall asking for a note comparison facility as part of Evernote, though", that was absolutely true then (~2 years ago, by the way). Maybe you're thinking that we should have psychic powers when posting here -- how else could I, at the time I made my comment, "just go through the different requests on this chain itself and count" the posts requesting the feature that were made *after* mine? Of course, since you've read through everything here, you also know that: "I agree that this would be a useful feature, particularly if conflicts are common".
  22. As far as I know, if you have write permissions on a shared notebook, then you can tag notes in that notebook, but only with tags that are already being used in that notebook.
  23. Nobody here has said that Evernote is perfect, or shouldn't change anything. Listening is not always doing. But you're right -- it's all been discussed at length. Of course, if you don't think that they're listening, what are you here for?
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