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Everything posted by jefito

  1. Evernote certainly does respect their users. Just because they don't do something you want them to do doesn't mean they are disrespecting you. A company is not a democracy. Those in charge have to make choices & they have chosen to not make a Linux client. And lastly, they are not dictating (or even trying to dictate) what OS you use. No offense, but I find it funny you spend more time defending Evernote than answering OP's original question. You hate penguins! Admit it! After all, you are not affiliated with Evernote? Right?No offense, but I find it funny that the person BnF was responding to (Metallica) did not pose any question at all; they just made the laughable assertions that Evernote doesn't "respect" Linux users, and that the fact they don't make a native Linux client somehow makes the world less democratic and more authoritarian. Or if you're talking about the OP who actually started the topic, their question has been amply answered. BTW, the moderators are not Evernote employees. That has nothing to do with how we feel about penguins.
  2. There's plenty of, and endless, discussion here on the topic of adding more hierarchy to Evernote. Not much interest shown on Evernote's part -- they seem to be satisfied with the current notebooks & tags arrangement (Evernote tags can be hierarchically organized). Stacks are useful, though a bit of an afterthought.
  3. Peace. I deliberately did not quote you because I was working from memory which is why I used the inexact 'suggest'. I apologise that the extra word 'all' crept into my memory. It tends to happen at a certain age. In my mind that makes little difference to the statement being made. I always seek to avoid argument and have no desire to misquote. I may be at "a certain age", too. For that, the forum has a helpful quoting function available that can help with just this sort of thing. You can also just cut'n'paste into a pair of double quotes. As it is, the 'all' does make a difference, particularly in the context of the entire discussion (wherein a lot of ridiculous claims about Evernote's knowledge of/awareness of/relation to Linux are made). My meaning is this: Evernote is certainly aware of Linux (because they use it on their servers), and they've evaluated doing a native client (see CTO Dave Engberg's takes, quoted and linked to multiple times in this topic), and I'm guessing that it continues to come up, as Linux is a viable OS and there's a low-volume but continual call for a native client. I'd even bet that there's Evernote staff who want it. But that's obviously different from knowing how to develop and distribute a native client for desktop Linux (though it's not beyond the realm of possibility that they have in-house expertise in that as well). For all we know, they have a team in some darkened room working on such a client -- they're notoriously gun-shy about pre-announcing development roadmaps. But as it stands, their prior public statements by Dave E. still stand; if and when they're superseded, then we'll be among the first to know. As above, I believe that it's unlikely that they don't reconsider it every so often. The world has undoubtedly moved on -- XP is largely dead now. Whether previous XP users will flee to Linux in any great number is another matter. I'd guess that they'd wait until some concrete numbers come out before they make that jump...
  4. Please don't misquote me to further your arguments.
  5. This is a user forum, and moderator positions are always available for people who are willing to volunteer their time to help other Evernote users to use Evernote better. Each and every one of them have demonstrated that ability many, many times. Courtesy is fine, but not a job requirement (most of us are courteous most of the time anyways). Did you have a specific instance in mind? I'll take your word on this; not sure that it makes much difference to the Evernote management. As previously noted, they already know about Linux -- their servers are on Linux.
  6. It's always there when I need it because 1) it's set to start on Windows login, and 2) it's always running, and 3) it stays pinned in the notification area and is set to always show. Different strokes, I guess...
  7. We can fix the "too many threads" problem by merging topics that are identical. Done, as this seemed an obvious case. The forum has a search function, and folks that use it can often find posts that request the same feature, and can add to the conversation themselves. Just discussing things on the forums is indeed a feature request feature, as Evernote staff, including developer staff to roam the halls and read everything. Does the forum need an official upvoting function? Not sure myself, but in the past the CTO, Dave Engberg, has indicated that that's not what they want or need. Tha's fine for Basecamp, but lots of companies use different approaches; Evernote is one. This forum only one of the ways that they hear from customers, by the way, as you may know already. We tend to prefer to keep like topics together. Obviously with topic drift, that's not always possible. Starting new topics doesn't really add to the cause, as far as I can tell, and the Evernote staff are not so blind as to miss long, active topics.
  8. Your feelings that this issue is more important than others on the forum (trust me, it isn't, and you'd understand that if you read the forums day in and day out as I do), that's wholly irrelevant to my point. You now know the rules. Please abide by them.
  9. Please do not do that again. First thing, it's against the Forum Code of Conduct (see below). Second, it's just plain impolite: if everyone else did this as general practice, how would you feel if your posts were bumped downwards? Third: why is your issue more special than others? Fourth, Evernote staff already read all posts on these forums, so there's no point in rubbing their noses in your issue again. From the Forum Rules of Conduct: 5. Don’t overdo it. Try to refrain from double posting, topic bumping or spamming the forum with copied/repeated posts. Flagrant abuse will get you a warning, then a temporary ban if you keep it up.
  10. While it would be wonderful to have full-blown seamless editing on Android, I'd say that they're hardly blowing it off, as they've made slow, but steady progress improving their capabilities. Sorry to say that given any reasonable definition of "soon", they're probably going to lose you to OneNote, as it doesn't seem likely that they have such a solution hiding away in their back cupboard. If OneNote matches your use case better, then more power to you. I think that Evernote will get there eventually, but not any time soon. Good luck.
  11. Good point. And yes, there are a lot of posts - averaging almost 1,000 new ones every week. It is debatable if Evernote staff have the time and energy to read each and every one. Especially when I see comments containing errors that are not addressed. But since this is a just a user forum, I would not expect every message to be read by Evernote employees. Oddly enough, I take them at their word, JB, just as I do you and most people on these forums. If they tag-teamed it, say for example with 10 people, reading 100 posts apiece in a week is not such a big deal, particularly when you only respond to a subset. Edit: publicly, that is; it's hard for us to see what a post's effect is behind the scenes, if they open a feature request ticket, run down the virtual hall to bug Jackolicious or dlu, or whatever...
  12. 1) The request is fine, valid, useful, etc. No problem with that. But for those who want answers on the forums, as a practical matter, there's no need to post in multiple places, as this requires multiple answers. 2) There's ample evidence that Evernote policy is to read every post. Just go to the top of any forum page, and type in "we read every post", and you'll see many examples of Evernote employees saying exactly that. Here's just one: http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/43257-scansnap-evernote-edition/?p=243064. Of course, whether one believes it or not, but me, if I couldn't take them at their word on this, then I'd probably stop using their software. 3) For those who want to ensure that they get a response of some sort from Evernote, you are welcome to open a support request. You will get a reply from Evernote support, at the least, and feature requests will get filtered up into the great stew of other requests.
  13. You pretty much posted the same post in a different topic here. There's no need to double-post; Evernote staff reads all posts here (which is what I already replied to you in that topic).
  14. Yes, that's bugged me me for awhile as well. I get it a lot because I follow the beta train as well, so I get fairly frequent updates. On the other hand, I don't reboot all that often, so not a big deal for me... This particular issue fixed, and apparently has been for a little while (http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/54868-debug-menu-removed-as-from-version-52/?p=265615)
  15. I'm referring to the Evernote Mac client. If I do File -> New Evernote Window I can open a different notebook in the new window and set the sort option independently of the first window. I haven't used the Windows client, but apparently it doesn't work the same way. Ah, well that explains it. The various clients do behave differently in some cases.
  16. These methods were created expressly to help out people who don't want to monkey around with .exb files. The .enex file format is text, and XML-based, so may be more portable than binary .exb files, and more readily accessible to writing programs / scripts to process them. Aside from that, these methods will work even if Evernote is currently active, which, as far as I can tell doesn't work with copying the .exb file.
  17. Gaz is right. A little more detail: the OCR process identifies possible matches (guesses, really) for areas of an image. There can be multiple guesses for a particular sequence of letters, or possibly guesses for overlapping sequences of letters. So there's really no attempt to make a coherent stream of words out of the text in your image. It's really just a sequence of the guesses, and the pixel locations where that guess came from (the pixel locations are how they can do the highlighting).
  18. I don't think that that's the case, at least using the Evernote Windows client. You can open up notes in separate windows, not notebooks. Or are you referring to a different Evernote client? The web client, perhaps?
  19. It is not clear to me from the EATags site that one can link to other notes, which is what I'm after. I believe from what I read, this service is able to build a table of contents for a notebook, but I haven't tried the service yet.
  20. Interesting. I probably just bollixed the HTML code. Might have to try it myself. Thanks!!
  21. Reminders respond to the current note filter, just as notes do, since reminders are, after all, notes with reminder stuff tacked on. There's nothing stopping you from tagging them for smarter filtering. You can also sort the reminder list separately from the note list, at least in Windows (reminder date or title), so you have some control there, too. You might consider a "TOC" tag and a "Todo" (or whatever) tag to distinguish, for example. Or if your true reminder tags have reminder dates, those will float to the top, over undated reminders. Yeah, it's not clear to me that the proposed pinned notes solutions offer much more than reminders already do. But then again, I don't need much more than that; I'm sure that others have more ambition needs...
  22. I don't have time to look at it extensively for the moment, but if it does what I think it does, this feature will be a HUGE help for me and many others who have been wanting the ability to have a CLICKABLE Table of Contents in long Notes with large amounts of text. I wonder why it hasn't been mentioned in the 6 or 7 months I've be active on the forums? I can especially see it be most beneficial for students with their study notes! I have to wonder whether this actually makes the TOC items clickable, at least to jump to other locations in a note. That would need to be supported by the UI, and as far as I know, that doesn't work: I tried constructing one by hand in the ENML Editor, but it's also very possible that I didn't code it correctly, either. It'd be good to know whether it was, for sure. The other thing is that I don't follow the 3rd-party Evernote tools market all that closely, which is why I don't know about this product. I'm sure that there are some nice ones out there, but mostly don't integrate well, and they just seem to get more in my way than I'd like -- I prefer to use the tools that are a part of Evernote for day-to-day usage. Probably better to continue in this thread, since it's all related, and probably best to keep things together. Or consider posting in the 3rd-party forum, just down the hall, which is available for that. Good luck.
  23. Reminders work pretty well for me, actually? Elegant? Perhaps not, function usually triumphs over lack of functionality, in my book, and that's the reality of today's Evernote. As regards a table of contents note, that's actually a great use; if you've filtered on a particular notebook (btw, you don't need separate shortcuts for that purpose), you'll only see the reminder for that notebook, and not all of the other 35. Conversely, if you have 36 table of content reminders, and you're looking at your whole note collection, then you can browse the TOC reminders in the reminders list (seems useful on its own), or use one click to hide it. I don't really see much downside. Well, except for the fact that table-of-contents notes need to be updated when you add or remove notes from a notebook, which could be tedious.
  24. The interesting thing is that anchors are allowed in the underlying HTML subset that Evernote uses to represent its note contents. But no Evernote client that I am aware of takes advantage of that, at least so far.
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