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Everything posted by jefito

  1. In terms of internal links like HTML anchors? Not possible in Evernote at this time.
  2. For those of you who prefer Cherry Cokes, cars with fins, or that rich 8-bit sound, you can always go retro with a DOS batch file: @echo offset enbackup=c:\Archive\Evernote\SimpleBackupset notelist=Notebooks.txtecho Backing up Evernote notebooks to %enbackupif not exist %enbackup% md %enbackup%del /q %enbackup%\*.enexenscript listNotebooks >%notelist%for /f "delims=" %a in ( Notebooks.txt) do (echo %a... & enscript exportnotes /q notebook:"%a" /f "%enbackup%\%a.enex")dir %enbackup%set enbackup=set notelist=Edit: Warning! The above .bat file doesn't work under the standard CMD command shell. I tested this using the more capable TCC command shell, where it all works well. I'll try to update this for CMD when feasible.
  3. Sorry, but as far as I know, this query (at least as stated), cannot be expressed in the Evernote search language. In AND/OR notation, it would be something like the following: (intitle:FBI OR intitle:NSA OR intitle:CIA) AND tag:privacy AND encrypted: Unless you're employing some trick to remove the OR clause, or didn't state the query correctly, that's a mixed AND/OR query, which can't be expressed, as we ought to know by now. Show your work??
  4. For Valentine's day, I'm offering up a simple Windows PowerShell script that you can use to backup your Evenote notes. It uses the Evernote auxiliary program, ENScript.exe, to export Evernote notebooks to respective Evenote format (.ENEX) files. The script is very dumb. You'll need to change the script to specify a backup directory location where the backups will land. You may need to change the script to specify the location of ENScript.exe. The script will create a new directory in that location with a name that's based on the current date, and write the .ENEX files in that directory. There will be a .ENEX file for each notebook (which is what you want, because notebook name is not stored in a .ENEX file, so if you need to restore you can get the source notebook from the .ENEX filename). Note: I am not a PowerShell expert, and while I've tested the script, it may not be particularly robust in the face of errors. In normal use it appears to work, but use it at your own risk. This script comes with a no-money-back guarantee. Oh, and feel free to modify it for your own use, or offer changes / suggestions / comments. I may or may not respond. You'll notice I have a list of Todos in the script. I may or may not deliver on those either. You may need to change your execution policy to let this script operate properly. The command I used was: "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned". In addition, you may want to make a Windows shortcut for the script. You'll need to search the web for that, but it can be done. Take the following code and save it as a PowerShell script file Ii.e., with an extension ".PS1") somewhere that PowerShell can find it. I called mine "ENBackup.PS1". Creative, no? # Simple Evernote backup PowerShell Script # # Backs up all notebooks in your account as .enex files, located in a designated # directory. The backup directory name is generated by a base name with the # current date (mm-dd-yy) appended. # # Todo: # * Specify backup directory base via command-line # * Backup single notebook specified via command-line # * Restore notebook # You may need to modify this according to the location of ENScript.exe $ENscript = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\ENScript.exe" # Modify backup directory base as desired $BackupLocation = "J:\Backups\Evernote\" # Write out notebook names to a temporary file, one line at a time $tempfile = "notebooks.txt" & $ENscript listNotebooks >$tempfile $reader = [System.IO.File]::OpenText($tempfile) # Create a backup directory for this date # Get current date (mm-dd-yy) and append it to the backup directory base $date = get-date -uformat "%m-%d-%y" $BackupDir = $BackupLocation + "Backup " + $date # Make the actual backup directory if ( ! (Test-Path $BackupDir) ) { md $BackupDir } # Process notebook names try { for( ; ; ) { # fetch a notebook name $name = $reader.ReadLine() if ($name -eq $null) { break } # write out the backup file for this notebook: <notebook name>.enex "Backing up " + $name + "..." $BackupFileName = $BackupDir + "\" + $name + ".enex" & $ENscript exportNotes /q "notebook:$name" /f $BackupFileName } # Show your work dir $BackupDir } finally { $reader.Close() } # delete the temp file remove-item $tempfile Have fun & Happy Valentine's Day for all of the Evernoters!!! 2/24/14 - Edit: Fixed ENScript exportNotes query. It was missing the 'notebook:' specifier. Also fixed problems with notebooks containing spaced in their names. 7/30/19: Edit: Script changed on to reflect more realistic location of ENScript.exe
  5. With regards the original request: you don't need a widget to do this. Find your note in Evernote: * in the note list, you can long press on the note, and select "Add to Home Screen" * In the note display itself, you can click on the menu and select "Add to Home Screen" In either case, a shortcut will be created on your home screen that will take you directly to the note in Evernote.
  6. If you've noticed, we're just reporting what Evernote have said publicly about their position on a Linux client. That's really all we know, and it appears not to have changed in some time. You can draw your own conclusions. Beyond that, we're allowed to have opinions, just like you.
  7. Default search in Evernote is an AND search. AND searches tend to narrow down the result set, and that's probably why: so you can more easily focus in on the notes you're looking for. Tags are really useful in combinations; but if you set up your tags to partition a set of notes (e.g. using a color), then you'll need to explicitly use an OR search to get an either/or result. In the Windows client, you can switch to an OR search on the search explanation panel, but I don't know if there's a similar facility in the Mac client.
  8. There is no voting system or feature progress reporting facility, and Evernote employees generally do not reveal future development plans, unless they're very close to delivery.
  9. A How and When for what? I can tell you that the more that you use Evernote, the less you need to know how to use it better: usage breeds better understanding of what Evernote (or any tool) does. The actual thread topic is whether you can create nested notebook stacks in Evernote. That was answered right away: no. Since then, the topic has devolved into a discussion on something else. It should probably be its own topic, in my opinion. Not sure what you mean about clear governance. On this particular issue, Evernote has spoken quite clearly, and about as definitively as they get, from a position of high authority in the company (CTO). There are resource, as noted elsewhere in the topic. Use them. Ask questions. Ask for features. But don't plan around features that do not exist and seem unlikely to be implemented. Please watch your attributions. I said that, not jbenson. The statement's based on 5+ years of active forum participation and direct comments by Evernote staff.
  10. In the vein of GrumpyMonkey's post: A really good place to start is right here in the forums. There are plenty of people who have gathered expertise in using Evernote (and keep it up-to-date, which can be a failing of external sources), including the ins-and-outs of the various clients, and have sorted out approaches for organization that work for them. It helps to be clear about what you're trying to do with your stuff (i.e., Evernote content). What is it? How do you interact with it? What's your workflow? These are the sorts of questions that you need to be able to answer before someone can suggest an approach that works in Evernote, since Evernote's tools work in specific ways. Anyone here can tell you that tags nest, and how to add them in various ways, and how to use them in search and so forth; that's pretty basic Evernote operation. But unless someone can understand your use case, they won't be able to tell you how to proceed, in the same way that you cannot point to a pile of wood and ask an architect what the best way to build a house is (or try to build it yourself if you don't know how to use the tools).
  11. The general rules governing feature requests are: 1) Evernote staff don't usually like to repeat themselves. 2) Evernote staff are generally not allowed to discuss future development plans. Dave was pretty clear in the linked topic: they're not looking at adding hierarchical structures, but that wouldn't stop them from doing it some time in the future. The second part, the bit about "some time in the future" is a bit of a hedge ("never say never"), but given rule #2, they're probably not going to talk about that if it's in the works until it's well along in the development process. Which leads us back to the main point: they're not looking at adding hierarchical structures. So unless you know of some statement by Evernote staffers that contradict that, then it's about as concrete a statement of official guidance as you can expect, even if it's not particularly recent.
  12. Feel free to ask for other users' experience. There are a number of good approaches, and one or another might fit your use case. Good luck.
  13. If you want arbitrary nesting, then you should use tags, which offer arbitrary nesting (by the way, when someone uses the term "category", I think tags or labels, not notebooks / folders; things in the world belong to multiple categories, which is expressible using tags). As to why they don't offer that in the notebook structure, I don't exactly know, but if you read this (lengthy) topic, you might get an idea of where they're coming from: http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/28871-feature-request-nested-stacks-multiple-notebook-levels/. For my use case, tags work great, and they're much more flexible than nested notebooks / stacks / folders / what-have-yous, organization-wise.
  14. Not sure that it it's a performance thing; it seems to just be a choice on their part. And at this point, it would entail some measure of re-architecting to make stacks nest arbitrarily. Currently they only exist -- so far as the API reflects, and maybe in actual implementation -- as a string in a notebook (http://dev.evernote.com/doc/reference/NoteStore.html#Fn_NoteStore_listNotebooks and http://dev.evernote.com/doc/reference/Types.html#Struct_Notebook). Changing that means changes to the Evernote API, which means changing the Evernote clients plus their respective UIs, and also any third party applications that use on stacks. Not impossible, for sure, but they'd probably need to want it a lot to take on that amount of work. I don't get any sense that they do (not that I know what's going on inside their doors).
  15. Trust me, this topic has been revisited many times (search the forums for "hierarchy", etc.). To date, Evernote has not seemed interested in providing notebooks that contain notebooks or stacks that con stacks or any other arbitrarily nestable organizational constructs except for tabs. That's not to say that it wouldn't be useful for some users, nor that it won't ever happen, just that it's been requested before.
  16. That's curious. I've used this in the past... ...and just checked again. I was able to export a couple of notes that contain images as HTML, and the images came in fine. When I exported as .mht, the images didn't come in, though. By the way, I'm running on Windows, both Word and Evernote. I agree it's a drawback that that doesn't work for you, for whatever reason. Not sure that RFT or native Word export is in the near future though; they tend to stick to formats that are easily supportable (e.g. HTML, PDF on Mac).
  17. This is a user forum. If you really need customer service (other than the actual postings of actual Evernote employees that you seem keen on ignoring), then you should contact customer support. There are many things that don't change despite perceived public outcry -- yelling about unfairness doesn't necessarily guarantee results. Go back and read what Dave Engberg said, and you may get an idea of where they are coming from. I'm not unsympathetic to the use case, I don't care one way or another, and it's fine to advocate for what you want, but when the official stance has been made pretty clearly, I don't have a lot of sympathy to those who don't get the message.
  18. If you read the entirety of the topic, you'll see that the Evernote team (the CTO, in fact; about as official as you get) *has* chimed in already, more than once. They tend to not like to repeat themselves; if they change their minds, then you can bet that they'll may it public, and probably post about it right here, as they are well aware of the desire for an Evernote Linux client. The "deal with it attitude" comment probably a reflection on the rudeness of the poster being responded to, but let's face it; the Evernote stance should be pretty clear by now, and yet nobody seems to accept what the actual Evernote employees actually have actually said, on more than one occasion. Parse the situation any way you like, but at the end, we're left with a situation that neither you nor I can change -- what else can you do but try to deal with a situation you don't like.
  19. I am not seeing this on my Android phone (Motorola RAZR HD). You might try contacting support, see the link in my signature.
  20. There is a really simple answer to this. Create a blank note in the notebook that you want to link to. Give it the same name as the notebook. Use the link to that note in your sidebar. I tried this, and it works, but it feels like a bug. Normally, when you drag a note to the Shortcuts list, it creates a link to that note. In this case it creates a shortcut to the notebook (or stack) with the same name, but using the note icon rather than the notebook icon. Not sure why this would be a special case of the note shortcut; in any case, dragging a notebook or stack to the Shortcuts list accomplishes the same thing, and seems more natural that the counter-intuitive empty note. Even more to the point, none of these solutions does what the poster was asking for, which is make a link to a notebook that lives inside a note (the Master Note, in their case). Edit: Even more: after syncing, the link stopped filtering on the note's notebook, even more evidence that something's not quite right with this usage.
  21. @Martin : you are not the only Martin Packer on the web. Google put you at #2 (counting duplicates) when I looked. But I'm sure you're trying harder...
  22. Actually, it would be really interesting to read an in-depth explanation of why this is so complex. I understand that you have billions of notes on your servers, but you won't have to adjust all those notes, if you allow the user to override your algo-determined thumbnail. I would be all ears to understand that problem better... You should probably take Jack up on his offer, and open a new topic.
  23. ?? Are you saying that Mac / iOS users *don't* need to wait for fixes? You should probably read some of the forum topics by Mac and iOS users -- you might get a different idea... Nope, that's not what I wrote. I quoted you directly, so it is what you wrote. Unless you care to clarify, I have no other way to understand what you *meant*...
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