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Everything posted by jefito

  1. A couple of things that I can think of. First, Wordpress is a publishing solution. Evenote is primarily a note storage and retrieval system, and only secondarily (or tertially?) a publishing system. Second, if could just be a prioritization thing. That's not to say that it won't happen; it just may not happen soon.
  2. Actually, the hierarchy is embodied in the name of the tag, so long as you mirror the hierarchical structure or the original tag tree in the name. Which is sorta the point: you see the tag, you see the implied hierarchy.
  3. Some people expose a hierarchy in their tag naming schemes. See this earlier post from this thread: http://forum.evernote.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=20719#p116181, for example. Again, not necessarily convenient, but possible.
  4. If I understand properly, this would result in multiple levels of notebooks represented by tag hierarchy. I don't think that you have. The suggestion is to allow (but not force) search to be able to honor the tag hierarchy, without affecting the current system of stacks, notebooks or tags. In other words, this mode of search would allow you to search for tag "A", and match not only explicit matches of tag "A" (which is what it does now), but also notes tagged with subtags of "A". Note that this is something I'm suggesting could be useful, but I've never see any posting by Evernote folks that would lead me to think that they're considering it.
  5. Nested tags in Evernote are mainly for organizational purposes, and not for exposing semantic hierarchies. It's been that way since Evernote added the nesting capabilities, and was acknowledged by them at the time. And they understand the difference. That tag nesting exists doesn't make them non-useful; they are exactly as useful as before nesting came around, but now you can organize them, which makes them more manageable, so long as you don't fall into the trap of assuming that they behave hierarchically with respect to searching. Auto adding tag parents is problematic; in my opinion; it's coming at the problem from the wrong end. I think that enhancing search to allow for hierarchical functionality would be the way to go: i.e., the ability to search for notes labelled by a tag and any of its subtags would give users the ability to treat their tag trees as semantic hierarchies, which seems to be what some of them want.
  6. This has been requested, possibly not in the scope of what Evernote is aiming to provide (but hey, you never know).
  7. Erm... Syntax error, line 1: expected ';' before ')' Maybe you need syntax checking too...
  8. That's fine, but working with tags is generally better supported in Evernote than is working with free text in titles. For example, in the Windows client, you have an easy way to tag multiple notes, which would be difficult to do with keywords in titles. You must be very disciplined.
  9. Right -- just trying to illustrate that things that are easy to describe may not be the best choice.
  10. Hmmm, bubble sort is easy to explain, and it's not hard to get a correct implementation of a bubble sort, but so what? Implementation is not usually the problem, it's choice of algorithm, and bubble sort is of course notoriously poor for anything but the most trivial uses. I think you're right -- there are probably fail cases in any algorithm that will be used to pick a thumbnail candidate out of a collection of images. I think that making a good guess is fine, but the best case for users would probably be to allow them to designate which image to use if the guess is not the one that they want.
  11. OK, got it. I think anything else would have too many words, and "largest smallest" probably works because it's short and easy to remember (and apparently self-contradictory). Cool.
  12. Oh. My. God. You really don't get it... I really do get that your feature request has merit. I just don't think that it's as important as you seem to believe, particularly since there's a workaround (i.e. cut'n'paste). It's still allowed for users to have differences of opinion, last time I checked. It'd be OK to keep the melodrama down to a dull roar...
  13. I think that actually Evernote's note editor is actually pretty stripped-down; not that many bells and whistles. I just tried Microsoft Word 2010 (a program that has many bells & whistles, if ever there was one); that doesn't support the Shift+Alt+Arrow shortcut either. And you can always cut'n'paste. So I don't really see this as quite so "glaring". Sorry it doesn't match up with your needs, however; I don't mean to imply that it's a bad idea.
  14. That's the official response -- Dave is the CTO of Evernote. It's by design, so maybe a bug by your definition, but...
  15. If you're using a desktop client (Windows or Mac), you can set up notebooks as "local", meaning that they do not sync to the cloud. Caveats: * You mush choose whether they're local or synced at notebook creation time; there's no changing once they're created. * Notebooks that aren't synced are not backed up automatically. You'll need to do that yourself.
  16. Nine worked beautifully, pasting from Visual Studio into the Win 4.3 version of Evernote. Didn't work so fine posting into the new web interface.
  17. That is correct, there is no way to do this in the client that I use (Windows, the web).
  18. Tags are nested by merely dragging and dropping in the tag tree. Drop a tag onto another tag, and the tag (and all of its children) will become nested under the second tag. Drop a tag on the "Tags" label (it's not a real tag) and the tag and its children will become top-level tags. Stacks are merely collections of notebooks; they're nice because they allow you to organize your notebook list (you have a max of 250 notebooks -- managing them as a flat list can be onerous) and certain operations, like search can be applied on a stack of notebooks. Notebooks are merely flat collections of notes.Notebooks and stacks appear in the Notebooks list. Stacks cannot be nested: if you drag a stack onto another stack, the notebooks will be moved from the first stack into the second stack, and the first stack will be deleted. Notebooks cannot be nested in other notebooks. However, notebooks and stacks coexist in the root of the Notebooks list; stacks are there to allow you to organize that list better. The Knowledge Base is a work in progress, and more topics are being added.
  19. Nope. Each note in inside of exactly one notebook. Notebooks can be nested, to one level, inside a Stack, but you cannot nest a notebook inside another notebook. Stacks cannot be nested. Notes can be associated with tags, and tags can be organized in a hierarchical tree, but they are not themselves functionally hierarchical. There's plenty of discussion here on the forums on this topic, if you care to search.
  20. No problem -- thanks for making the suggestion and presenting it well.
  21. Except that you left out the actual UI work, before you pitched it over the wall to QA. Off the top of my head (and guessing at the behind-the-scenes machinery): * adding the right-click menu item for "Convert to LaTeX image", and its converse (but only when the alt text indicates it's a LaTeX image), and hooking up the handler code * fetching the LaTex conversion URL service from the preferences (and adding UI to set and maintain that in Options) * handling any errors from the HTTP GET operation (which itself can fail) and any appropriate user notification * converting the image to whatever internal format Evernote uses and storing it in the appropriate place * Making sure that the Undo's are handled correctly * Adding the unit tests (if they're used) * Handling undos if anything special needs to be done * Handle the converse of the convert-to-LaTeX operation: replace element (however its represented in Evernote) with its alt text string * Write up the test cases for the QA engineers * handle any other host of seemingly trivial but time-sucking tasks that need to be done Anyways, I know what you're saying. This is not in the realm of rocket science in terms of complexity. It would be an interesting addition. But the question always remains for the developers: is it worth whatever effort it takes for the expected benefit? That's a question that I usually step away from, because I'm not privy to any of Evernote's internal plans. So good luck...
  22. I'm still not sure where you get the notion that this is all so easy for Evernote to implement.
  23. That's not a problem at all, you've misunderstood my idea. The only thing needed is an option in the context menu that converts the selected text to an "existing web-friendly renderings like JPEG, GIF, PDF, etc." by using a web service that interprets the text as LateX (or MathML). That's everything! To be fair to Dave, your original proposal was automatic conversion of '$' delimited text into LaTex generated images. By changing the requirements to a right-click option after Dave replied to you is just moving the goalposts. BTW, I do think that a user-initiated approach is better in the context of Evernote.
  24. Nope, it isn't XML: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaTeX
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