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Everything posted by jefito

  1. ?? Are you saying that Mac / iOS users *don't* need to wait for fixes? You should probably read some of the forum topics by Mac and iOS users -- you might get a different idea...
  2. Please read the topic that's been linked to several times already: http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/22658-request-evernote-for-linux/, one just a few posts above yours. Dave Engberg *is* Evernote managment -- he's the CTO, and he has written very clearly about Linux vs. Evernote in the linked topic.
  3. The posts by Dave Engberg about Linux in the linked topic for not building a Linux client are very clear about their rationale for not building a Linux client. They understand Linux, they use Linux on their servers, and they don't fear a 3rd-party Linux client; they're just not seeing the potential payback for making one themselves. That Evernote staff haven't commented in this particular topic here is typical; since nothing has changed, there's no need to repeat themselves.
  4. One thing to note: the widget is a separate installation than the Evernote client. Not sure if that affects the Evernote List widget that Gaz is showing -- I can see it as well on my phone and tablet. It might indeed also be an Android version thing; both of my devices are 4.1.2 or greater. There is nothing that shows the an entire note's content. though, as far as I know. Maybe there's a 3rd-party solution, though?
  5. Always thought that that was a strange expression...
  6. I'm not snowed in, though we got about 6" of pretty fluffy stuff. But it's bitterly cold and we have a frozen pipe situation affecting one room. A good thing I didn't go into work this morning (conditions weren't great). Personally, I've never needed individual notebook sort orders, though I guess I can see the case for it. It's not wholly clean, because there's got to be some known behavior when notes from multiple, differently sorted notebooks are shown together, but maybe that just goes to the default.
  7. A forum search on "notebook sort" turned up several previous topics, including: http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/30959-request-different-notebooks-different-sorting/ http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/43739-manual-sort-order-of-notebooks-and-tag-list/ Looks like someone found one of them, and added your post.
  8. I'm thirsty. Must be time for some nice refreshing Koolaid!!
  9. The comments by Dave Engberg above suggest that it's a UX choice, not a technical difficulty.
  10. I think that the message is that Evernote doesn't appear willing to commit resources towards developing a Linux client, i.e., there is no "their Linux version", and there probably won't be. There are a couple of non-Evernote developed Evernote clients, however (noted several times in this topic) -- that might be a better place to put support efforts.
  11. The only workaround/trick that I know involves using tags that have common prefixes, so that you can use wildcards on the tag names (e.g. "tag:tax*") to select one or another of the desired tags, which gives you an OR function in a normal AND search. But you need to have appropriately named tags to get what you want.
  12. At a guess, they have heard of agile software development, and I believe that they practice some form of it (I don't know that they are true religious adherents, but frequent, semi-regular updates do give evidence for some agilistic process). Just a reminder, though -- the agile methodology doesn't tell you to implement all features that are desired; it just offers a way to deliver desired improvements in a more timely and continuous fashion, but doesn't specify which of those improvements are chosen or how they're prioritized. On another note: let's everybody bring this discussion back to a more civil and constructive place, please.
  13. I do store code snippets in Evernote, under the following rules / caveats: Line numbers are not of any interest to me.Syntax highlighting is OK, but not necessary -- that's what true code editors are for, so I get that if I paste it into one of those.We don't use tabs in our code base, so Evernote's treatment of tab characters is not a problem. That's just a lucky break for my current job, the last one used tabs,If the clip source supports it (e.g. Visual Studio), I get a monospace font automatically. Otherwise (NotePad++ unfortunately) it's a select / change font operation, not usually a big deal. If Evernote had support for generalized style shortcuts, I'd use one for code, but otherwise this isn't a big hardship for me.
  14. It probably disappeared when V3 came around (or maybe 3.5). A lot of things changed then, and the timeline view disappeared, mourned by some, but not me...
  15. In addition to what Metrodon said, this sort of feature isn't what your premium payments cover (considering that the highlight feature is available to both free and premium users alike).
  16. OK, folks. Thus is a reasonable topic, but since you're not interested in discussing it here, you'll need to revisit it in a different thread. Locking this one.
  17. OK, kids. This has veered way off-topic. Let's trying to stop arguing about credentials, and get back to the actual topic, if there's anything more to add to the existing conversation.
  18. This is not a debate, it's just user discussion. Obviously, Evernote has heard the request (viz. Phil Libin's pronouncements). Evernote may do this and deliver it this year, or they may not (for whatever reason). Best to wait until it's been delivered before you make plans to integrate it into your workflow.
  19. The simple truth of it is that Evernote has chosen not to implement all but a minimal amount of hierarchical structure to their note storage. In this, they're akin to GMail (as opposed to MS Outlook).
  20. No, it certainly didn't rip off Linux. OSX is based on a version of Unix, not Linux. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS_X. Linux != Unix.
  21. Does this have anything to do with the topic of Evernote for Linux? I should think so :-) Have a look at the link and you will find: ... We are now announcing a project to create an Open Source Evernote app for Ubuntu. Driven by the success of the core apps projects, we would like to invite community contributors to participate in the development of this application. ... Ah, my fault for not rolling over the link -- I just read the poster's comment, which didn't appear to have any Evernote connection. Thanks for showing me the light. So yeah, that's cool; hopefully the development community will respond.
  22. Does this have anything to do with the topic of Evernote for Linux?
  23. I would suggest that you contact Evernote and tell them your story. If you truly haven't been using it, then they should be able to figure it out, and maybe you'll get a refund.
  24. Yep, this approach is known, and it can help out with certain scenarios (for example, if you want hierarchical tag searches, it's basically the only way), *plus* you can accomplish mixed AND / OR searching in some cases. The down side is that it's awkward to build and maintain this explicitly coded hierarchy. Otherwise, a strict application of this approach does diminish the flexibility of tags to cut across hierarchies, and you need to know the hierarchy in order to search effectively -- if you don't know that one tag, you may find it hard to find your notes.
  25. Right. There have been suggestions made to extend tag search to handle this case, but that's not something that Evernote has chosen to implement. It might be related to (or at least complicated by) the fact that tag hierarchies get lost when they're shared with other users
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