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Everything posted by jefito

  1. No real disadvantages. You can use formatting and other formatting that Evernote doesn't offer, by editing the Word attachment in MS Word. Flip side is that you need to open the Word attachment in MS Word to read it. It all depends on what you're trying to do. If you don't need or care about having the content in a separate document, and you want to be able to read the content without firing up Word, and the formatting is relatively simple, then you might want to copy/paste the Word content into an Evernote. Again, it all depends...
  2. No, unless they interfere with your workflow. If your workflow is to create dedicated notes for each video that you make, and you need to use that note for reference during recording, and if the notes used to create that note aren't important to the recording process, then you should just focus on making that note and keep distracting information out of the way. If the subsidiary notes are important, then use note links to make references from your video note text to relevant subsidiary notes. But the essence is to only include text that's relevant to making the video in your video note.
  3. Oh honestly. It's a problem, sure, but is it such a "Grand moment of melodrama"? Um, untouched code doesn't rot. It just stays the same.
  4. Taking a wild guess here, but .md files are likely to be in MarkDown format. If you could find a MarkDown to HTML converter, you might have a chance...I found the following for starters:
  5. Ah, OK. Don't know how to do that. That would be nice to have. I looked for a bit on the web but didn't see anything promising. Evernote uses the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) to manage note editing, and that also handles the spellcheck functionality; the dictionary uses the format that the CEF imposes. So you might try digging around on "remove word from Chromuim CEF dictionary". You'll get hits on Chrome, but that's the web browser, and I don't believe that it shares a dictionary with CEF-based applications.
  6. Idioms don't have to make sense to be understood: https://writingexplained.org/idiom-dictionary/over-and-out Just to point out...
  7. Windows? Mac? Android? iOS? Web? In the Windows and web versions, you can certainly add misspelled words to their respective dictionaries. On Windows (and the web, too, I suspect), you cannot directly edit the dictionary, at least easily, as it's not a text file.
  8. Um, I confirmed that the behavior you described does work in my previous post: "But just tested this and it seems to work in the beta web editor and also the latest Windows client". I was previously unaware of this behavior; indeed, it contradicts to official search grammar (see https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/search_grammar.php ) and can't tell whether it's recent behavior or has been present all along and I never noticed since I tend not to use space characters in my tags. BTW, it's not anywhere in a tag; it's got to be space-delimited' i.e., a search on "ommercial" won't match your example; it's got to be "Commercial", at least in my testing in the Windows and web clients. Anyways, the specific tag matching section: In fact, according to the rules, the use of a literal text search doesn't match against tag names, though I do know that it really does in the Windows and web clients at least. This kind of inconsistency is irksome when you use multiple Evernote clients (and let's not even speak of the unspeakable subtag matching hack unique to the Windows client). So consistency across platforms and proper documentation would be really nice. That being said, infix matching in tag names -- even if it's space-delimited infixes -- would be useful for some workflows (yours obviously) by adding another way to express tag hierarchies. True infix searching of text and tag names would be even better and more generally useful.
  9. Hmmm, as far as I recall, Evernote only has ever supported prefix search in text and tags (i.e., always from the start of the word or tag). But just tested this and it seems to work in the beta web editor and also the latest Windows client. Semi O/T: I continue to dislike the fact that tags are displayed at the bottom of the note, rather than at the top next to the notebook name.
  10. Sure, that's what "offline" notes means. Maybe, but it's also possible that that's something to do with Android storage or possibly that your device doesn't have enough room to store all of your offline notes, and is thrashing (i.e. syncing notes that could not be stored on our device). You might check your device / Evernote storage to see whether it's the latter,
  11. I think they are. I don't think I saw the link for tiny text in the original post.
  12. You should report it here --> https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/235-web-client/ <-- as this topic is for the native Windows application, not for the web application.
  13. Ok, first things: in order to change the order of notes, you need to sort them on some field (Evernote notes are always sorted on some field). That's what Evernote does: sort by title, created date, size, author, etc. In order to have an arbitrary ordering, there needs to be a field backing the ordering, such that moving a note above another note in the list changes that note's ordering value to less (or greater, depending on sort direction) than the other note. There is currently no such field in Evernote (though reminder notes are separately order-able by reminder time). So they'd need to add that new field, across all their supported operating systems, and change the servers that store notes, and also the API that Evernote clients use to access Evernote notes, notebooks, etc. and also add logic that allows the ordering to work when you drag notes up and down in a note list. This is just a quick list, off the top of my head, and is certainly not complete, and without addressing Evernote prioritization choices.. So do you think this that's hard?
  14. The Evernote staff (I'm not one) appreciate all feature requests, and there's nothing in this one to not "approve". This one's been made before and been discussed pretty thoroughly, and for the sake of the forums here, I've merged your request and ensuing discussion with an already existing identical one. Feel free to upvote at the top left of the topic...
  15. Yeah, that's what I thought the difference would be; something not getting flushed properly, though I didn't figured that the registry would be the problem. We don't worry about shutdown in the software I work on, so I'm not all that familiar with all of the issues (though I did check in with the oracle: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20170329-00/?p=95855). So in any case, looks like there is a difference between the different sequences, and well spotted/remembered @Don Dz: I almost never reboot if I can help it, and haven't experienced this problem, so all I had to go on was what Microsoft and the Internet says about shutdown (I don't keep notes on Evernote issue, and mainly rely on my own non-ECC brain memory). Ha-ha -- from the Department of No Good Deed Goes Unpunished. We have some similar issues around registry settings, which we use a lot, and it doesn't help that sometimes several settings are related such that if you change one you need to change others as well. And yes, we all know that we're not supposed to allow direct access to member variables, but sometimes the rules take a back seat to expediency, and forget (until it's too late) that expediency is not really such a hot driver.
  16. What do you think a File/Exit does that a reboot doesn't? Both are going to shut down the Evernote processes. As long as Evernote's shutdown procedure is clean, quick, and orderly it should be pretty much the same thing. No guarantees on that, though. On a reboot request, you get a couple of seconds before the system takes you down. The critical thing at that point would be to flush the database to disk. Sync operations would be a secondary thing, since you can always pick those back up when you come back up again. Even so, there's an escape hatch that lets a process hold up system shutdown by raising a user message. I don't know whether Evernote employs that technique, though. We're really in @dcon land here.
  17. Rebooting to me means shutting down and restarting ones computer. If that's what they're doing, then I'd guess that that accomplishes the same thing as File/Exit.
  18. You didn't say whether you tried a reboot before re-installing. A pain, yes, but might work. Another thing, if you can't restart Evernote, you should Use Task Manager to make sure that all Evernote processes are shut down. Then retry to launch as usual.
  19. It's the note's source URL, for example, if it comes from, say, a web clip operation, or yo do a cut/paste from a web page to create the note. I's also displayed in the note Info panel, the "URL" entry, or if you use one of the list views, it's in the "Source Url" column. No way that I know of to remove that field from the header panel above the editing toolbar, or to even configure that panel in general.
  20. While you're waiting for this to happen (if it ever will), you should consider using Evernote reminders to manage your most urgent items. Reminders are displayed in a separate note list above your standard note list and that list can be configured to be sortable by due date or manually (i.e., you can drag notes into any order you please).Got something urgent? Make it a reminder, and it will go into the reminders list; when it's finished, mark it done (and maybe move it to a different notebook) For the basics: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314338-How-to-use-reminders.
  21. Yeah, you've never been able to specify sort order using the search language.
  22. No code spans as yet in any of the Evernote clients I use, but just switching to a monospaced typeface generally works fine for me.
  23. In the Evernote for Windows application, a long press on the '<' or '>' tools in the toolbar (you may have to add it if it's not showing): Well, you don't need a breadcrumb trail if you can just go to the displayed notebook easily. Which you can in the web and Windows version. Android, which I also use, not s much, as far as I can tell.
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