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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. Good grief, sometimes I really wonder ... A satisfactory response would be to provide us a way to override their default image selection algorithm. I prefer snippet view and many of the snippet images, especially those from web clippings, show an image that has no meaning to the note. I live with this but don't like it and once Evernote gets the bug list under control, they really, really should consider addressing this.
  2. That shouldn't be happening unless your post violated one of the user agreement terms. There has been an effort lately to consolidate similar posts into one thread. Maybe they have just been moved?
  3. Saved searches are something that you create. Basically you create some search criteria that can then get saved into the left hand panel for later reuse when you need it. Excluding notebooks in a search would be very useful, but until then tags are the work around. As an example, if you have a notebook named Work that you would like to exclude you could select every note in that notebook and assign it a tag called Work. Then to exclude those notes in a search use -tag:Work in your search. If you plan on using that search often, then File -> Saved Search (on Windows) to save this search selection.
  4. Maybe I'm missing something. What advantage do you see to using the new feature? I see none, only extra steps especially if I decide to later update the template.
  5. I have everything in one account, both business and home so in that sense they are not segregated, but I do organize them into two stacks, one for home and one for work. I have a saved search for home only and then another for work only, so I can "segregate" that way. I will then use tags to further subdivide.
  6. I went to your link and wasn't sure what point you were trying to make. I would like to exclude notebooks in search as well but until then I just tag what I need to exclude and exclude the tag.
  7. and then you need to delete the old templete ...yes, that is the only way to currently do it. A better option would be to provide a way to directly edit the existing template. As currently implemented I see no advantage to the template feature over the roll your own method we had been using.
  8. I don't see one either other than uploading a new template and deleting the old one. Seems strange to me ... I've upvoted this one too.
  9. Are you accessing Evernote using your browser, or the Windows client? This is what I see when I right click on an image with the Windows client:
  10. Would just searching for the title of this old note provide you what you are looking for? Sometimes, for reasons that I have yet to figure out, I will find a broken link in an old note. I will just search for the title of that old note, find it and then just recreate the link. It is a small pita but fortunately doesn't happen that often to me.
  11. Glad to help. Keep in mind that article was written from a Mac perspective and the Mac and Windows clients differ in some ways so you might see some differences.
  12. Ok, that explains it. The web version, how you are accessing Evernote, is currently a work in progress and not that feature rich. Go to the Evernote site and download and install the Windows version. Depending on how many notes you have it may take a little bit of time to download all of your notes but once it is up and running, the comments I and others have provided should now start making more sense. 🙂
  13. That is interesting. Are you using the Windows client and not instead logging into Evernote from your web browser? All my comments assume you are using the Windows client. To check which version you have go to Help -> About -> and you will see the version you have. For example, mine shows
  14. @D-Nick Hover over the Tag line and you will see a + and the search symbol. Use that + to create the three tags I mention and then you should see the three tags in the left hand pane. After that you don't need to click on Tags to get the tag list, instead do the drag and drop right from the left hand pane.
  15. I gave it a go in the other thread if you haven't seen it.
  16. I'm not sure this will help, but I will try. As an example, create three tags, Tag 1, tag a and tag b and you will see these three tags. Now drag tab a and drop it on top of Tag 1 and drag tab b and drop it on top of Tag 1 and you should now see this. tag a and tag b are now child tags to Tag 1 (similar to sub-folders). Clicking the triangle next to Tag 1 will allow you to collapse and expand the tree.
  17. This one is so weird that I remembered it coming up before. There was no resolution posted, but at least you are not alone. Maybe try some of the suggestions there and open a help ticket if still needed.
  18. One obviously cannot test every combination of variables so a test matrix is a balance between trying to cover everything and letting some corner cases escape, but with what has been slipping through lately, I would suggest that Evernote needs to improve the balance.
  19. Adding some known problem hardware to the test bed would benefit us all.
  20. The response was unsympathetically blunt but was accurate. It would be non-trivial to implement and at least in the last 10 years I've been watching, Evernote has not shown any interest in implementing this. Certainly go ahead and vote to show your interest but I wouldn't hold my breath on this one. FWIW, if implemented I would use them too but I've long since stopped hoping it would come and have gotten along with what they provide.
  21. How about 8 months? Can we negotiate 🙂? I understand and get the sentiment, no argument from me. There are several features that I would like to see added that I'm not sure will ever come either. In the meantime, if you haven't already, do checkout the Evertool utility mentioned above. You might find it useful.
  22. I'm not sure what is meant by the "upgraded system" but I'm also frustrated by the lack of ability in selecting which image is shown in snippet view. They have an algorithm in place to select the image and I'm ok with that as a default but we should be given the ability to remove the image or better, select a different one.
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