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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. Am I confusing his request? Maybe. I don't know mapjr and can only respond to how he worded his comment and yes (surprisingly) some people do think it is that easy. If you read the last line in my post I was agreeing that it would be a welcome addition. I wasn't discouraging the request at all. Encrypted notebooks is high on my want list too.
  2. With all due respect you are confusing the effort to add a UI control with the effort in creating the underlying code required to carry out the function. Changes would be required for each client that EN supports as well as server side changes to the service. Notebook encryption would also require some user behavior education since encrypted notebooks would no longer be indexed by the service and users would need to understand how this may change their search behavior. Long story short, this is nontrivial but would be a welcome addition to the EN service.
  3. Personally, I'm at EN terror level yellow ... or is it orange, *****, I never can keep those straight. For Windows users ON does seem to be the only other current viable option. I was a past user and just really didn't like the interface but I'm adaptable and will use whatever provides me the most benefit. I was an EN user back in the endless tape days and I didn't like that interface either, but for me the good outweighed the bad. Even with the current crop of problems and concerns, for my usage, the good still outweighs the bad but the balance is starting to get awfully close. Here's hoping that EN can get the train back on the track and pointed in the right direction. Never expected c-r-a-p to be in the foul language filter
  4. Sorry to hear about the continued problems. If it is any (tiny) consolation, I appreciate you and the few other large account holders taking the wind burn on this one and reporting your problems. It has caused me, and likely others, to scale back our usage and avoid (at least for now) some of the grief that you have been experiencing.
  5. I experienced the local notebook issue and view it different from this current problem. If I remember correctly (iffy) this crept into one of the early v5 betas. Back then I downloaded betas the day they came out. To Evernote's credit they jumped on that one fast. I received a PM from one of the developers and they worked with me until a fix was confirmed in a later beta. I don't think this problem ever existed on a GA version. My take away from that was I wait now and check forum reports before trying a new beta. Remember those nice little icons we had to distinguish between local and sync'd notebooks? Well that was how I first noticed the problem. I noticed a local notebook had the sync icon next to it. Those very helpful icons have since been removed
  6. Sorry to hear that EN couldn't get to the bottom of this (or was unwilling to share the details). I had seen the earlier post from another user and had hoped it was a one off ... apparently not.
  7. Do you mind sharing what support said about this? Were they able to determine the root cause?
  8. I also agree this would be very useful. Until then I try to keep individual notes on the short side to avoid excessive scrolling and then use an outline note with links to the others to collect the information if needed.
  9. This is one of the nicest features of workflowy and the main reason why I still use it on occasion. I would also like to see this come to Evernote and I agree that it would be particularly useful in presentation mode.
  10. Mind maps are one of those things that I find cool but can never really find a good reason to use them. Regardless, I've checked out a few. A very good free, open source one for Windows is FreeMind: http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/in ... /Main_Page For the Ipad, iThoughtsHD is very well done: http://www.ithoughts.co.uk/iThoughtsHD/Welcome.html
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