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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. Download the latest version from the Evernote.com website. The in app update sometimes lags behind.
  2. They seem to be testing new Home Screen options for mobile only. They have rolled this out to only a small percentage so far to collect input. Feel free to tell then how you feel about it.
  3. What version are you using? Have you tried to download the latest client from Evernote’s website? As of today, only v10 will sync. Legacy has been shutdown.
  4. Yes, for now. Feel free to provide comments to feedback@evernote.com. With enough feedback maybe they will add a compact view.
  5. v10 is definitely less dense. There have been requests to add a denser view. I don't know what is up with the tiny font. I'm not seeing that.
  6. Also check to see if the logon window is waiting, hidden behind another. I’ve seen that in the past.
  7. Works fine for me on Safari. What issue are you running into?
  8. Go to the Evernote website to download the latest. Sometimes the in app download lags behind.
  9. Thanks for notifying support. Others are asking for a switch to disable, and hopefully they will listen. They are undergoing rapid development at the moment and they unfortunately do minimal testing before releasing into the wild. They usually release a new feature to a small population first to get early input. I’m surprised this issue wasn’t caught then.
  10. Do these long notes have bullets or lists by any chance? Collapsible sections were recently added and other users with long lists are reporting slowness with those notes.
  11. If you feel they are bugs, submit a support ticket, or contact them at feedback@evernote.com. Don't expect them to see what you have posted. This is primarily a user's forum.
  12. See my response to your other spam comment.
  13. Personally, I think these videos should be in a separate forum section, but they are not spam.
  14. Whether it is a terrible design, or non-functional is in the eye of the beholder. Many of us are using it just fine. V10 is different from Legacy and it will take time getting used to it. If you are expecting it to behave the same, you will be disappointed. I've gotten used to it and prefer it over legacy. For me, v10 is more functional. Obsidian is on my watch list for a plan B if I ever need it. It is very flexible and has a lot going for it. It is the Mr. Potato Head of note apps. Using plug-ins you can fine-tune this to be whatever your specific use case needs. That is a big attraction. Currently, v10 is doing what I need, and I prefer not to spend the time to create and manage a note-taking system, but I completely understand those that do.
  15. Me too, but I've noticed that a listed fix will continue to show up in several new updates. I don't know from that if it is continuing to be tweaked, or if they just didn't remove it from the latest fix list. I wish the fix list was a little "crisper."
  16. No, don’t count on it. This is primarily a users forum. The other thousand may have thought the same thing. More support requests help to show the severity of a problem.
  17. Well, no ones who still works there. If you weren’t aware, Evernote was purchased by Bending Spoons and the old team that made those early decisions are no longer around. BS does seem to be interested in removing user friction. Best to send any comments you have to feedback@evernote.com.
  18. Also, concerning the latest version, did you download it directly from Evernote’s website? Sometimes there is a new version there even if your inapp check says you are up-to-date.
  19. Selecting all notes like you may have done in the past did not capture the notebook information. If you want to maintain the notebook info then you need to export by notebook. I suspect that is at least one reason why they removed the select all option. Folks were using it not realizing they lost the notebook details. Evernote still needs to have a backup solution where we can select either all notebooks or only the ones we care about, automated preferred. Some of us use the github evernote-backup solution. https://github.com/vzhd1701/evernote-backup
  20. If you click on my widgets you will get the “old” Home Screen back. I find that it sticks until the next time the app reloads.
  21. Export by notebook and you are not limited to 100.
  22. He rolled his own solution. Search on his username, he’s posted the details several times.
  23. I suggest that you contact support for the best approach. You are facing a unique situation and there are very few Teams users here.
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