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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. Could these be changed to tasks? There is a widget for those.
  2. There has been a recent, and IMO, nice change. At the top of the note is the note title. Clicking on it will bring a dropdown list of notebooks that you can move to. This was one of the friction points for me that has been removed.
  3. Feedback@evernote.com We are mostly other users here.
  4. They couldn’t afford the Ferrari and the loan was becoming due.
  5. Some history that you may not be aware of, v10 was created by the old Evernote team, and the decision to end Legacy was done by them. It was officially ended by BS after they purchased it, but the decision to rewrite it for the new framework was made years ago by the Evernote team. Legacy had a lot going for it, no question, but they weren’t able to innovate fast enough under the old architecture to keep up with the newcomers and they didn’t have enough paying customers to keep them afloat once the venture capital funds dried up, so it was either go out of business (likely) or pivot. They chose to pivot to the new architecture. So far it has been successful enough that they were able to attract a buyer. Time will tell if the current path is successful for the new owners.
  6. I'm in the "it's a different app" camp as well, and whether it is viewed as worse or better is very dependent on how you use it. I would not say it depends on whether you are a new or occasional user vs professional. That belittles a lot of us long-time and new professional users who find it works fine for us, and we like many of the changes over Legacy. That is not denying there are bugs, old and newly introduced that need attention, but for the most part, personally, I get along fine, though improvement is always welcome. I think the difference is that those with highly customized workflows built on Legacy and, or who want the utmost speed will be disappointed with the current state of V10. Some will get used to the differences in V10, and others never will. Evernote should continue improving speed, reducing user friction, and adding some customization that many found useful in Legacy. Those who can't get past the differences can either work constructively here to help improve the app or maybe consider moving to one that works better for their use case. This wasn't directed at any particular post. These are just some general comments that I had.
  7. I’m sure whatever is decided I’ll find something to be grumpy about 😀, but I’ll make do and carry on.
  8. I’m pretty sure that was on the version I originally posted about. I’m surprised he mentioned speed issues. I can’t say that I’ve noticed that personally. I wish they would work on stability. It seems to reboot often and many times search gets stuck, won’t respond, and I have to close and restart.
  9. This look almost identical to their first pass. It is missing some useful widgets such as pinned notes, saved searches and scratchpad. On the iPad there is a lot of empty real estate. I hope they are still iterating.
  10. I think there was another post about this. Have you tried closing the app and restarting?
  11. We've been told that happens when the request is moved from support to development. What we don't know is if this is then logged and prioritized in a different system for development activity. I doubt it was dropped. It would be nice to have some visibility into that queue.
  12. I agree they should allow a way to disable the AI popup for those who don't want it. Still, until they do, I find that it pops up above any selected text and is not usually in my way, and if it is, clicking to the right of the button removes it, at least until the next time text is selected. End of the world, no. Inconvenient, yes. AI cleanup was, IMO, a waste of space, but I think the new options in AI edit show some promise.
  13. Right mouse button on the notebook name -> export Desktop only.
  14. This is primarily a users forum, don’t assume the development team will see this. Comments are best sent to feedback@evernote.com
  15. I updated to 10.82.0 recently and interestingly, the “new” homepage has been removed from my iPad. It is still there on my the iPhone, which makes some sense due to the smaller screen on the phone.
  16. You can create backup files from the desktop app only, not mobile or web.
  17. It appears this slowdown appeared when collapsible sections were introduced. Hopefully this will get improved, or allowed to be disabled, in a future version.
  18. Apparently work is being done on the code block so hopefully this will be removed. It has been reported that though this seems like it could be a problem, when copied back into an IDE it does render correctly and is not an issue.
  19. No idea but it appears to be content sensitive. It would be interesting to see how it is done.
  20. Yes, a minimum amount of text needs to be selected before it will activate.
  21. I agree. The downside is that for very long notes it can greatly slow down the editing experience. I haven’t run into this personally since I don’t tend to have long notes, but others have reported the problem.
  22. Not that I’ve seem. Most will use a tablet and an app that will export to Evernote. I’m a fan of Nebo.
  23. Download the latest version from the Evernote.com website. The in app update sometimes lags behind.
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