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  1. Seems to work, but why do I need to do this? I am getting the automatic updates. I have another issue with tag filters returning only partial results, and have posted another topic accordingly. The re-install didn't resolve that.
  2. I have 168 notes under a tag, but is only returning 3 in "filter by tag".
  3. 7/31/2024: A note crashed while typing, with the error, "Note Unavailable--Refresh". Seriously?
  4. Why are there no minimize and close controls in the upper right? Is there a shortcut? Evernote covers the entire screen and task bar.
  5. I'm still experiencing frustrating latency, particularly waiting for a note to load when I want to make an edit. It's not a local issue, at least not in drive space. What else could be causing this latency?
  6. Ok, so it's just reminding me that I had this enabled.
  7. This is the first time I've received this. I'm assuming privater networks is checked and public networks should be unchecked. However I do use Evernote frequently in public libraries.
  8. Tell it like it is...(Aaron Neville)
  9. Evernote Desktop is also not loading and seems to stall at about 70%, which is one of the problems I've had with Web, stalling at the same point.
  10. I am using the desktop version as well, but it also has latency issues. It's the nature of the beast of cloud computing. But Evernote Web is completely useless. How about a moratorium on price increases until you can work this stuff out?
  11. The last service status was 10/23/23. Rebooting didn't help.
  12. Is Evernote Web down for some reason? It's taking a long time to load, or if it does, it loads some notes an not others. (Both Firefox and Chrome). I also keep getting "One moment while get back to work" messages, and the progress bar spins and spins....Otherwise, other browser tabs are fine . *** 7/25: Logon to Evernote Web returns this error:
  13. Evernote Web, which I have been using primarily. Which uses more disc space, Web or the install? Or do they both require a large cache? Incidentally, Evernote Web is not loading at all (Firefox)
  14. When I run searches for notes sometime the note doesn't load. Totally frustrating when you need to access and edit the note!
  15. As I've been using the new versions of Evernote for a few months now, I realize it has changed the way I work. I'm not sure if it's good or bad at this point, but I know it's bad in the sense that I have lost control over what I had done before. This is happening to all users that have been using Evernote since the beginning. An example in my case is tagging and saved searches. Before I would readily access them. Now they are more hidden behind UI layers. I am adapting of course, but I'm now wondering what has been lost in the process, or if it matters. It's like any adaptation I suppose--once you've made them, it's just the way the world works now. I'm not sure if I can embrace that way of living or working. So software is a way of looking at life as software.
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