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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. Have you tried just closing the app and restarting? Next would be to log out of your account and then back in.
  2. Several off-topic and unhelpful posts were removed. Folks, if this thread can't stay on track, it may be time to have it locked.
  3. Some complain I don't moderate enough, and some think it is too much. Since I'm getting complaints on both ends, I guess I'm doing about the right amount of moderation, which is very light considering some of the posts we have here. Well, there is no fun in that, and if you noticed, the thread wasn't locked.
  4. The patient died last week. The funeral is over and "most" of the mourners have left. Please close the door on your way out.
  5. It turns out it was the specific webpage I was trying to clip from. PDF clipping worked on another site. When you say the issue hasn't returned, do you mean your gmail clipping is working again? I've tried the items you mentioned and can't get it back. It looks like I'm back to email forwarding for a while.
  6. I would suggest giving it a try. 10.83.4 is out and the fix notes states that performance is improved. If it wasn't for others in the forum drawing attention to the problem initially, I would never have noticed it. I use a lot of bullets but my notes don't tend to be that long. Also for those bothered by the AI edit popup, that appears to be removed in 10.83.4 as well. It is now only a menu item. Edit - I spoke too soon. It is still there
  7. Ok, yes it would be nice to be able to select notebooks or all of them to download at one time, but currently we can only download them one-by-one.
  8. I'm having issues with the Safari webclipper and PDF files now. Instead of an attached file I only get It would be helpful if another Mac user could try and see if they get the same.
  9. Just guessing, but tags are metadata and maybe the tool isn't reporting those changes even though it is making them 🤷‍♂️
  10. The initial download is everything. After that, only changes are downloaded.
  11. I'm seeing the same issue with Safari, so Gmail side likely.
  12. Not that I’ve found, but it seems to stay that way as long as the app isn’t closed. I’m hoping for a selectable option as well.
  13. Also, the space warning is new to V10. Legacy did not have it.
  14. Best to contact support then. Having accidentally created a new account without realizing it is the usual cause for this problem.
  15. That unfortunately seems to be common with free trials that I’ve experienced. If you click to upgrade for free it is on you to remember to downgrade before the renewal hits if you don’t want it to continue. I usually set a task for a few days before the due date to remind me whether I need to cancel the free trial or let it continue. if you still have the free trial offer on the 24th, give it a go then.
  16. Position your cursor on the notebook named, for example, notebook 2 in the left hand panel and then right mouse button and you will see the export notebook option which does not limit you to 100 notes.
  17. Collapsible sections are automatic in the editor. It is not something that you add. If your note has lists or headings then it has collapsible sections.
  18. Is this happening only on long notes that have many lists or bullets? If yes, then it is a known problem with the recently introduced collapsible sections feature.
  19. I haven’t. I’ve noticed the opposite issue. It will report that it updated more notes than I think it should, but I haven’t made the time to look into this. Do a test and let us know what you find.
  20. This doesn’t help with your issue, but your post was the second time I’ve noticed the (UK?) slang “pants” used. I couldn’t even wager a guess on that one so I finally looked it up. Since I’ve learned something new today, I’m taking the rest of the day off. Thank you for that 🙂.
  21. Thank you for letting us know. I appreciate the time you put into that response.
  22. Spend some time reading through the forums. There are plenty of opinions already expressed. No one has the same use case or opinions. It is best if you give it a try and then decide how it works out for you and if it is worth the increase. No one is happy about the increase but some have stayed and others have left. Your decision.
  23. If you don't mind sharing, what brought you back? I'm honestly curious since most of the discussion here tends to be in the opposite direction.
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