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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. Export by notebook and you are not limited to 100.
  2. He rolled his own solution. Search on his username, he’s posted the details several times.
  3. I suggest that you contact support for the best approach. You are facing a unique situation and there are very few Teams users here.
  4. If you download Evernote directly from their website the file is named latest also. I’m not a fan either but seems to be how they do it.
  5. I’ve seen this as well and it is frustrating. Sometimes closing the app and restarting fixes it and sometimes I need to delete the app and reinstall it. I don’t know the cause but I use the task widget and recently noticed that sometimes it doesn’t update. I’m starting to wonder if the widget is hanging and if that is the cause. I’ve recently removed the widget to see if that helps.
  6. It is time for the both of you to start using the ignore button. These posts are not adding to the discussion and will be removed if they continue.
  7. Others have reported that when the code is copied back into where it is used it gets translated back correctly, so what actually seemed like a problem, wasn’t. Have you tried it? More work is being done on the code block, so it will likely be removed from that feature.
  8. I'm also on a Mac and haven't experienced any lag. Have you tried uninstalling using Appcleaner (this one works when others don't), downloading the latest directly from the Evernote site, and then reinstalling? Give it some time to download a fresh database.
  9. Download the latest version from the Evernote site. There is a setting to disable it.
  10. There have been times in the past when I’ve pressed the button and it finds a new version, but lately, with the frequency of updates, I agree, it doesn’t seem to do much.
  11. You can get the version from the about field and I suspect when the next version comes out this will get put under previous releases with the version number show there. I see no issue with this.
  12. You can also get rid of it by downloading the latest version directly from the Evernote site. There is now an option to turn it off.
  13. Interesting. It was just the opposite for me. I stopped using and paying for a task manager app when Evernote tasks came out. Different strokes..
  14. I’m hoping they are just floating ideas at the moment and haven’t made any final decision. I have noticed that the screen does change back to the “new” screen when the app resets, which is often.
  15. It won’t be, at least not in the short term. This has been in place for several months now. Like the rest of us, you now get to decide whether it is worth it to you to stay or move to a different app.
  16. No, it is part of the AI edit options. I’m not in front of my desktop, maybe it is named differently. One difference now is that you need to select which text you want it to act on. It doesn’t automatically do the whole note now unless you select it all.
  17. On version 10.81.4 once you highlight some text, then the AI edit button will show. Then click for options.
  18. Ok. I’m on a Mac. If I open separate note windows and then minimize the main application window, the separate note windows are unaffected. I guess it is different on Windows.
  19. Inappropriate post removed. Guys , it is pretty clear where you both stand. Please move on.
  20. Just curious, how? What could be done then that can’t be done in two separate windows?
  21. and I'm in both 😀. Better content here so I removed the other.
  22. That's currently true, but why not? I would think they could add in an option for this for the calendar function.
  23. Also, how about including a link back to this thread?
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