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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. It depends: Notes created from the paid account don’t count into the 50 notes limit. If the new user needs to create notes himself, each one counts for the limit.
  2. Erase all Evernote.com website data in your browser, or use a different browser. Then the link should work.
  3. About the unsync: The current device limits are in place since 2020. When locked, the account stays blocked for 30 days. Without any idea of what may have occurred, the easiest way to get everything working again is to subscribe for a month. In addition there is a new plan in effect for Free users since December: You can have a maximum of 1 notebook and 50 notes. Unless you are below, you can’t create any new notes, or move them. You should be able to open and edit existing ones. Subscribing will lift this restriction as well.
  4. The syncing of the legacy versions is phased out. Your version 4 is far outdated. All versions below EN v10 are officially deprecated since 2020. In this case the second problem is that the new v10 software requires Windows 10. You can decide to update your Windows 7 to Windows 10. Usually a PC able to run the one can run the other. Windows 7 is unsupported and unsafe to use on any PC connected to the Internet. Else you can only use the EN web client.
  5. Sure they block access when you exceed the device limit. There is the device limit, and there is the unsync limit of 2 unsyncs per30 days. If you violate it, it can create a lock out. It will lift itself after 30 days, or when you subscribe to a paid plan. Hints: This was introduced in 2020 - so no talk about „recent changes“. I run Free accounts myself, and up to now have not yet managed to lock me out
  6. Then probably your local database is corrupted. Uninstall the client using AppCleaner. The Mac uninstaller won't do. After that, download a fresh copy from the EN website, install and log in. Should work now. Let the client run in the background, it will take time to download everything.
  7. You can share notes, or better you share a notebook. Notebooks can be shared to known recipients, notes can be shared by a universal link to unknown recipients as well. When you share a notebook, everything you drop in there is available for your sharing partner. And everything the partner drops into it or changes, you get as well. The shared notebook can be used on a Free account, because it doesn't not belong to that account. It is untouched by the 1 notebook limit. Notes created by you don't count into the sharing partners 50 note limit either. For all this, a Personal account will do. Professional adds features with assigning Tasks at a shared group of people. If you only want to share information, it's not needed. The recipient does not even need an EN account if receiving a note link. It can be opened in every browser, without an account. For sharing a notebook the recipient needs an account - Free will do. BTW you can have more than one account, no problem. You just can't access them on one client at the same time. In the client, you need to switch. But you can for example open one account in the client, and a second one in a browser window (in the browser, by adding tabs you can even access multiple accounts).
  8. You miss to use a client that can export notes. Everything about it is already in the thread. You should read it instead of posting the same questions again.
  9. Does it show when you open it on the web client ?
  10. Synology Note Station has some aspects that may be relevant, like hosting it yourself. If you know how to get at things stored at your network safely while you are not in your home network, fine. If not, better choose a cloud based solution. Another thing I dislike about Synology Notes is the lock in. It imports ENEX, but it only exports in its own, proprietary NSX file format. You either accept that from now on your are a Note-Stationer, or you need to rely on external, unofficial projects to extract your data. And of course you should already own a Synology NAS. If not, getting one just to run Note Station is sort of costly: When buying a Plus model plus some drives, you easily invest 700-900$/€. And the running cost per year will be close to what an EN personal subscription costs.
  11. Just a warning: Export to HTML will only export the note (and pictures), but no attachments. If there are attachments in the local notebooks, you need to export to HTML to be able to open them using standard browsers. @gazumped Searching for the files sounds good, but it won't work, at least on more modern MacOS. The search on the Mac is called Spotlight. Spotlight does not index the folders holding the EN database and files. One can manually locate the folder, and move the content, but searching where it is is not possible. If I remember it correctly (I dumped legacy a while ago) the files were quite readable with Preview, but the file names were computer generated, not telling anything about content.
  12. Just a few opinions: It seems they just watched at light mode. Using dark mode the current design is just fine - everything white on black. Making the left panel light/dark mode sensitive would have been enough, one may think. We will get less content on the same space - maybe 10-15% less, from the look of it. Not a big deal, but we already have complains v10 doesn't show enough content per unit of screen real estate. They did not tackle the quite wasteful list view for notebooks and (not shown) tags. Making the list white instead of dark does nothing to improve it. Legacy had a nice tags overview page with several columns, just listing tags and the number of notes with that tag - it was practically the last feature I used in legacy, when doing my tags housekeeping. Contrasts are washed out - no idea why this is enhancing my focus. Up to here, I'm not convinced.
  13. At least it would be nice to know from opening an app whether I'm now in EN - or is it GoodNotes - or EN - ...
  14. Can't reproduce this - the lists look complete when I use a filter. It might be the search index is broken due to a corrupted local database. In this case a complete uninstall (using AppCleaner, not the Mac's own uninstaller) might solve the problem.
  15. Either it was by chance, or it had an effect: I tried "Reload" from the Troubleshooting menu. After the Reload, the backlink showed at once.
  16. The web client supports only the export of one single note at any time. It’s the same with the mobile clients. Only the desktop clients allow the full export per notebook or selection.
  17. We’re the notes created with legacy ? When such notes are opened for the first time with v10 / RTE, they must be converted. This takes several seconds, and eventually the attached files show up
  18. Actually we are casually discussing life in general and at the Bay Area. Don’t make me angry by mentioning sunshine - when I look out of the window, I see the next snow carrying clouds moving in 😂
  19. ENEX carries the attachments inside of the exported file. To get at them, you need to import the ENEX into another application. HTML export will create a subfolder holding the files from the attached notes. They can be used as they are. Avoid pdf export, since it will only show a file symbol, but won’t actually save the file itself. This wraps up your options, I think.
  20. Feel to be the rabbit of the day, exposed to some testing: EN has announced they are doing a revision of the UI. The light background is part of it and has been reported and criticized by other users already. Use the feedback function to send your comment directly to EN. EN switches users to the new layout randomly. Unfortunately there is no switch to toggle between the current UI, and the testing opticals.
  21. This trick of taking the app briefly offline is only helpful when doing multi note operations. I‘m on a Mac, and use a small menu bar helper called TripMode. It allows to take specific apps offline while keeping the internet connection. It‘s one click, EN is offline, I do what I want, after being done it’s a second click, and EN is online again. All other functions remain online. You could probably do the same by using a Firewall setting to take an app temporarily off the grid by blocking it.
  22. Click on the section header, the word „Notebooks“. Now you get a main page listing all notebooks. To the far right are 3 dots, there are the export options. V10 does not support scripting. There is the Evernote backup project on GitHub you can use for an automatic full backup. It requires some terminal work, well documented.
  23. It’s nice, but software making ruined it. Just need to look at the prices for housing.
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