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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Usually it speaks more for a network glitch than a server issue. But anyhow, good it works again.
  2. Up to now we don’t see extensions in EN. But „not now“ must not mean „never“.
  3. The question is how you have installed v10 - and how (if at all) legacy was removed. The way to check is to open the web client, and check the status there. This is a view directly on the server data. Assuming you installed v10, and just logged in. Then the initial download will be only the notes plus some metadata. The attachments are not loaded in this initial step. When you open a note, 2 things need to happen: Download the attachments from the server, and convert the data structure of the note into a v10 format. You need to keep the app running (can be in the background) to allow it to download all content. This will take several days, given your volume of notes. Unfortunately there is no „download done“ indicator, like the one on mobile. I watch the data traffic in the Activity monitor / Task manager. When the flow of data to EN finally stops for some time, it is likely the download is over.
  4. I don‘t really believe in this „Oh, Apple makes it hard“ storyline. If I can sync it by syncing to Google calendar first, and then the Google calendar to EN, I don‘t see a reason to take Google out of the chain (wich is an excellent idea, no matter where). Things 3 has an interface to the calendar, but it is on device, I think. Can be a solution for those of us who work Apple only. Sometimes 80% quick is better than 100% never. About CalDAV: This can work, but only if the user runs a proper setup, syncing it to a central server hosting the calendar. I think this more or less dooms it - how many users are able to configure this properly and securely, including remote access ?
  5. I run EN on several Macs, ranging from a MBP 15“ (2018) over a MacMini M1 to a MBP 14“ M2 Max. All are on Sonoma, and the latest EN client. No issues at all. To avoid problems this is my short list: Do not use the AppStore version. Period, I don‘t discuss this. The AppStore version is the same software, but is executed in a sandbox. It creates problems, especially in all interactions with the OS. If using the direct install from the website, and there are problems like not starting, or permanently high CPU usage, log out (if possible) and make a full uninstall using AppCleaner. Then restart the Mac, and install again from the EN website. Open, log in. Now let the app run in the background (or use it, doesn‘t matter) for quite a while to allow it to download the database again from the server. In the usual updating process I don‘t have problems. If an update is offered by the app, I update. If I know there is an update (solving an issue), i simply get the installer from the website and install it on top of the existing install.
  6. Thanks for sharing the finer details of migrating data to another app. Simply changing the tags to normal language is no option ?
  7. A scanned document has no password - unless you decide to apply one. EN doesn’t care if there is a password applied to an attachment. So I don’t exactly understand the use case you describe. Apart from this, 23rd of march is L-day, so don’t loose too much time in deciding what to do.
  8. Teams for an individual user really makes no sense. For an individual who needs the full feature set there is Professional. Teams comes along with one Personal account for every user. It is independent from the Teams account, apart from being paid through it. Are we here talking about the Teams account, or the Personal account ?
  9. Just for the complete picture: All legacy clients are unsupported since October 2020. You can take "unsupported" literally ! There had been times in between when support did in fact advise to use legacy, without officially promoting the use. But this time is over, I think.
  10. If it is one issue, one ticket is enough. All others are just clogging up the support system.
  11. You can do anything: Let legacy installed, and simply install v10 by downloading the installer from the EN website. This will usually detect the legacy install, ask and then wipe it. I would check in any case if that has worked, because several GB blocked on der local drive without s passion could be a bad idea. Or wipe it first, using an app like Revo Uninstaller. Then restart and start all over again.
  12. In general EN search never looked for partial matches - search only took partial matches that occurred at the beginning of a word. Passages in between of other characters were usually ignored. In some cases such terms were found, but I think only because the OCR believed there is a word separation, and treated the fractions as new words.
  13. Possibly - I positively think those who had 2FA by authenticator were spared. Probably those with SMS-code were resetted, to bring them off the old 2FA concept, and then several more that matched some unknown criteria.
  14. They need a valid, working email address because that is where they send the answer to your tickets. And without the code from the answers, the ticketing system will reject your mail communication with support. So better see that they have a valid email address from you. Personally I hold most subscriptions through the Apple AppStore / iTunes - it makes life so much easier if you don't have to change your payment data in a multitude of places all of the time.
  15. I once send EN the proposal to include a sync button into v10. You know, a large one, with a nice animation that gives the user the impression to be in command. But only this, a button with an animation, apart of it without a function. It would have kept a lot of people off the forum, because instead of coming here they would be busy hitting that button, masters of their syncing fortunes.
  16. Oh yes, legacy has a roadmap, but a very short one. It consists of 1 entry: 23rd of March 2024 - Game Over The cry for a roadmap is as old as it is senseless. I don not subscribe because there is something on a roadmap, on some remote date in the future. This is no fundraising event like a kickstarter campaign. I subscribe exclusively for features that exist today, and that I can use NOW. If they decide to surprise me during my subscription, I see my money well spend, and will likely subscribe again. So let us see what I got this way: Import folders (not existent on legacy Mac) Home dashboard (not existent on legacy) Tasks (not existent on legacy) Backlinks (not existent on legacy) RTE / new syncing (the FIRST syncing ever that really works - not existent on legacy) just to name a few. All of this without a roadmap - who needs a roadmap when things just roll out the gate like that ? So first legacy is today painfully short of features compared to v10, and second the only roadmap EN ever needed to communicate is the one for legacy, that they published a week ago: Game over on the 23rd of march. Because THIS users in fact needed to know with a little lead time.
  17. The "Pros" that were use to ***** old legacy syncing got used to keep notes short, and better use links to knit information together. I think EN did not encourage taking long notes, because it came with a serious risk of compromising data. Syncing was a sucking mess. The longer a note grew, the more likely it got that it synced badly, creating duplicates and conflicts. Since RTE we have a completely changed technical syncing solution, that does not need to handle large notes in one act. It will work quite the same, no matter if the note hold 10 lines of text, or 10.000. Probably this technological progress now makes it possible to incorporate sections / outlines into the notes concept. Just my 5ct.
  18. First I don't know how to manage to have 3 accounts running (oh, wait, I have currently 4 .... 😅 ). But serious, I have 1 main account, and 3 for specific uses, including testing and stuff. So even if I had to move content, it wouldn't be much. If someone decides to have 3 full accounts in parallel, he must know what he does, and that closing one of these accounts means some serious endeavor of moving content around. It is the only way (unless you use 3rd party solutions) to move notes between accounts to export them from one, and import them to the other. You can export a full notebook in one go. The reason that long term use means many notebooks escapes me - I have about 40, and this figure is now stable since some years. EN decided to beef up security late last year. If you were among these who were logged out, it means: a) your password has been found in security breaches on the web (not at EN) and b) you didn't have 2FA enabled. To speak frankly: EN forced you to create a new login, because your account security sucked. Your issue, not the one of EN. If this created a lock out, it meant your email address was not updated either. Because if it was, resetting the login would have been an issue of a few minutes. Again your issue, not the one of EN. You now need to contact support. You can't log in, what means you can't access support with your account credentials. So you need to use this guest access: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=254668&guest=true&guest=true And a last remark: Usually if your account security sucks on one account, it sucks on most others as well. You can check if your "usual" password(s) show up in breaches in the internet here: https://haveibeenpwned.com If you find out your passwords urgently need a boost, first get yourself a password manager. Then change all important ones, starting with your mail accounts. Don't use EN to store passwords, it is not build for that.
  19. @testYYer thanks for your opinion. It basically says you want a basic app for note taking. I am sorry, but from what I see (as a fellow user) EN is not targeting your use case. The app is feature rich, and to support it needs an adequate income. Personally I have absolutely no issue using it for plain note taking. It really got excellent since they introduced RTE syncing. I can start a note on my phone, and when it grows switch seamlessly to the laptop and continue editing there. It IS always synced, not the clumsy „syncing/conflicting/duplicating“ engine for which legacy is (in)famous. But EN v10 does much more for me, and the price is reflecting it. If you want just plain note taking, you maybe better look elsewhere. You are not in the target user group any more. This doesn’t say it wouldn’t be very good for this purpose as well, see above.
  20. So - let’s finally start buying that superwide screen … 😂
  21. When they moved the operation from the US and Chile (!) to Italy, nearly all staff left the company. Most functions were replaced, but a significant part was not. It seems among those not replaced was the quite busy team doing the documentation and the videos. Usually a company doing major changes will prepare all that supporting stuff before they launch. In the case of EN I’m afraid there is nobody left who could do this. We will see when this picks up again.
  22. The AppStore version is known to create amazing malfunctions. They have nothing to do with the app. The usual experience is that the interaction between app and the surroundings functions is derailed. The root cause is that the AppStore version runs inside of a sandbox. This can prevent interaction even with correct permissions. The usual solution is to uninstall the AppStore version, and install the direct download.
  23. You can run the EN app in the background to keep on downloading When the app is not running or the computer off, no download happens. It will connect again and download once the app is running .
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