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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Contact support if you feel like ... My full account download took more or less 1 night - can't say more exact, because it happened while I was asleep.
  2. Go offline (without any internet connection). Launch the app. How long does it take ? 5 seconds for me, on first start of the day. Instant if the app is already open in the dock. Everything above that is network latency. You shouldn't embarrass yourself by mixing up network issues with the startup of an app. It is good practice to start frequently used apps right away, and leave them running idle until needed. This way you have zero startup time. But maybe it's too simple a solution, and doesn't allow for postings in the forum.
  3. Just tried. The only page I can’t zoom is the new starting page. All others can be zoomed as before. Where exactly do you miss a zoom option ? Send your request at feedback@evernote.com
  4. No. There are 2 workarounds: Create a TOC note, print that note Make a screenshot, print it.
  5. You are contradicting yourself within less than 5 posts you drop here.
  6. Messages at the feedback address will not be answered. Support should answer, but support is a miserable experience these days.
  7. Unbelievable is what I call ignorance of some users. The browser needs to run an application called the web client. This is not a static page displayed, it is active code. To execute it needs a browser that can run it. The browser versions asked for are not "the latest", and transparently listed in the help pages: Firefox for example is currently ver. 125 (up from 111), Safari is 17.4 (up from 16.4). Making sure the browser is current is BTW one of the most important security aspects - a browser that executes malicious code by itself when just visiting a bad website is a dangerous browser.
  8. It is yet another unbelievably …. posting from … Anybody can fill in the dots to his liking. Do you really think this adds anything to this thread ? What I regard as stupid is the exaggeration in dealing with a plain 1st world problem. It’s the sort of problem you don’t have while you have real problems. Personally I would like to get the green links back. So I send a polite message at this link, and be done: feedback@evernote.com
  9. @BobB53 Forum rules: If you don't like one thing, post in the appropriate thread. Please don't hijack a thread about something else, just to get rid of something. If you don't find a thread, start a new one.
  10. Can't confirm any restriction. This is a screenshot from my 4K main window, note expanded, with a table. EN 10.86.4 Mac. It takes up the full width of the screen, and adds a scrollbar to slide further to the right. The same is possible when I open the note in a separate window.
  11. Actually I simply ignore them - must ignore, since the calendar blue dot only goes away when a calendar is connected.
  12. The AppStore version is the same software. But MacOS executes it in a sandbox mode. This can cause problems, most often in the collaboration with other apps. This has nothing to do with EN, it’s a MacOS security feature.
  13. It only downloads when the app is active. To speed it up: Set the autolockscreen to never. Make the EN app the active app. Turn the screen brightness down, device on charger. Now let it run during the night.
  14. You can’t - what you see is the new mobile Home Screen. It will display when you open the app. To contact EN: feedback@evernote.com
  15. The view option change in settings will only apply to PDFs that were added after the change. It will not apply to those already there. Furthermore the „all pages“ seems to revert to one page for large PDFs. Maybe it’s done to prevent long loading times for the note.
  16. You update, you get the notification. It is when I expect it, and it is how I expect it. You stopped working anyhow because of the update, no workflow is interrupted by the notification itself. You either read them or disregard and click them away. Where exactly is the intrusion ?
  17. OK, that was then a miracle. EN tables never had any ability for calculations. They are a layout tool, to visually structure content. You obviously mix up something.
  18. You can already do this: Create a notebook that contains what you need. Export it as an ENEX file. Save the file. Whenever you need a copy of that notebook: Import a copy of that ENEX-File. This will create a notebook with the content you need. Just rename it and start to use the notes it holds. If you need several different notebook templates, create several ENEX-files.
  19. Before forum users complained about too little information. Now other users complain about too much of it. To me it seems EN nicely hit the middle ground !
  20. Why do you think anybody wants a replacement for Obsidian ? Or did you mix up the forums in which you are posting 🤪 ?
  21. Did you already try to log out of the app, then restart it and log back in ? Sometimes changes seem to need a fresh login or a fresh client restart.
  22. Why don’t you use what you already have ?
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