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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Actually it is not necessary to integrate all steps to create a TOC. Creating a note is a matter of seconds, selecting the notes for the TOC must be done anyhow. Choosing copy links, and insert them is done quick as well. So why for a once in a while action create a fulls integrated workflow ? It’s one of these nice to have functions that in total make an app bloated and hard to maintain. We have many users coming from legacy who say this would be nice or that would be good. The main issue for me is that they hardly agree on what would be important. This is what was my experience in the legacy days on this forum as well: There was an amazing depth of functions - but the same functions was only seldom asked for twice. Which translates for me into: Every user had his own pet function, but most of them were so rarely used that it doesn’t justify to code it fresh into a new app generation. Hardly any user was able or had the necessity to apply all of these hidden gadgets. So better don’t wait for anything like that to be coded, just to avoid a short user interaction.
  2. Update on the tag search: After appr. 8 hrs. the tags on the last note finally are integrated into the search index and can be searched on mobile as well as on desktop. The easiest way to search for a tag is to enter this into the search field, and press Enter: tag:mytag No space between the colon : and the tag name ! The starting point for all this is the notes tab in the new mobile interface. Once selected, the search becomes active behind the magnifier glass top right.
  3. Make sure your browser is up to the minimum requirements. Use a personal hotspot to try access through a different network. Working now ? Check the local network. Not working ? Check the computer for issues. Anybody on Free: Check the devices limit.
  4. No devs here - the forum is user2user. You can send your request here: feedback@evernote.com The idea has been posted already, but no harm done with repeating the request.
  5. iCal calendar sync was asked for already, but from what we know it’s not in the pipeline. Maybe we will be surprised one day.
  6. Download and use AppCleaner to remove the app. Then restart the Mac, download fresh from the EN website. Install, open, log in. Working ?
  7. I don’t know which „feature“ you believe was removed. I can add tags on my mobile client, no issue. I can create new tags from the same process. They sync within a few seconds, indicated by the green triangle in the notes list. When it disappears, the sync is done. The tags show up in my desktop client a few seconds after syncing on the mobile client it done. In the other direction it works practically instantaneous. When I added 3 tags on desktop, they showed on mobile right away. What takes longer is the search index. On desktop it worked fast. Both notes tagged on mobile and desktop were found within minutes in a search for a tag. On mobile it takes quite a while. And it seems the index doesn’t update for all tags at the same time. No idea why but out of 3 tags applied for testing, 1 showed up earlier, the second after 35 minutes. For me this is not the expected behavior. It seems that the index is updated per note - if several tags are applied to a note, they all show up in search at the same time. If you want, contact support.
  8. This looks like the new Home Screen, but not exactly. So either they still try versions of the UI, or you need to uninstall / reinstall. This is how it looks on my iPhone. It’s not customizable.
  9. It’s anything else than arrogant: If I know I need an app „now“ when I need it, I start it up with the computer / user login, and keep it open all day. You complain about some seconds startup time, but omit the most obvious solution. Opening a running app is instantaneous. The differing startup times between your and my test are likely related to the system resources (drive speeds, CPU, RAM) once network influence is eliminated. If startup would be much slower, and other signs showing it could be your database is corrupted. But with 15sec I doubt that this is the case.
  10. I think we agree that the current implementation can't be the end of it. It lacks most possibilities to select certain files, and perform actions on them. the moment it just shows an idea of what it might be one day, after release of additional features. Currently I found it hard to use at all, partly due to the very long Startup time before any files show.
  11. This is how it works now, for a TOC of notes. There is a new feature since a month tho create a TOC for the content of a single note, in that note as well. This takes all header elements and convert it into a TOC. So we now have 2 TOCs, one for a list of notes, the other for the content of a single note.
  12. In May 2023 Plus subscriptions were still renewed, as grandfathered plans and with a price raised by the same amount as the other subscriptions. Since autumn the grandfathered subscriptions are automatically upgraded to Personal. The grandfathered plans are discontinued. What you see is exactly this, a move to the Personal plan. Your alternatives are a Free account (which is not meant for use with a lot of notes, as you already learned), or to leave. I look for the value EN creates as main driver for my own decision.
  13. This are the minimum system requirements for EN v10: It was Win 10 , since the beginning. It was MacOS 10.14, since the beginning, It was iOS 13, since the beginning. It was Android 10, which was improved to cover Android 9 last year. So nothing has changed with the supported OS versions.
  14. Select the notes. Copy the internal links. Paste the links into a note. The links will show the titles of the notes as a list. The list can be bulleted, numbered and manually sorted. From the TOC list you can go to each note with a click. Since all linked notes will contain a backlink, you can as easily go from each note to the TOC note.
  15. The web client opened in a browser works independently from the OS. I can even open the web client on my Raspberry Pi, running on Linux in a flavor of Debian. The OS requirements for the clients have not changed much since v10 was launched: Mac, Windows and iOS unchanged, for Android support for Android 9 was added (it was Android 10 when v10 was launched), and the beta for Linux has been abandoned.
  16. I just made a citation of your own postings. Within 5 postings you contradict yourself: in one post you rant about being left in the cold by EN skipping support for certain older browsers. Shortly later you tell you use an supported browser. Make up your status (or your mind), please.
  17. Did you use the „Change Tone“ function of the AI Edit feature ? Sounds like, really helpful, isn’t it As you may know by now, the forum is user2user. So maybe you use the newfound constructive sound to send your request at feedback@Evernote.com
  18. Then you know where to go. Farewell. (Can anybody explain to me where the logic behind this repetitive argument is: I want something - I know where to get it - but I don’t take it where available, I rather post nonsensical stuff to get it elsewhere.)
  19. Asking for it ? Doesn‘t happen when ordered.
  20. So it looks like uninstall / reinstall. To be sure the old install is completely gone I would do a forced (!) restart in between. Battery looks fine (critical is below 80%).
  21. I have it another try. It’s inconsistent. What always works is zoom in picture annotation. Sometimes I found in notes and note list view (haven’t found a pattern yet). It never works on the new start screen. It deserves a support ticket and some devs action for sure.
  22. Doesn't happen to me. Both on my iPhone 1 Pro Max and my iPad Air 5 the app remains open. If it closed when switching to other apps this may depend on the device and it's current health. First iOS assigns a chunk of memory to an app when it is started. This stays reserved for the app. If now other apps are started later, and require RAM as well, it may be the system is running out of space that can be allocated. Then it will close apps to make room. This depends on how much RAM is already allocated, and how much is needed by the app that will be opened. Second it may be the battery is not healthy any more. This leads to a lower voltage, which reduces the clock speed of the CPU. Energy hungry apps may then close, to protect system stability. You can check battery health in iOS settings.
  23. EN offers on iOS in total 7 widgets for the iOS Home Screen. They replace many possible widgets that are available on the "old" app Home Screen. Unfortunately the one OP was using in the app is not among them.
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