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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Import folders have been dropped for me 3 or 4 times in the past. I reconnected them, and they returned to work. This always was after updates. I rarely if ever log out of my account. Last time the Import Folder got dropped was maybe 3/4 of a year ago. Working since … I think you simply reconnect, and observe. If it repeats itself, you can contact support.
  2. It’s a change to the Free plan. There is only one device allowed at any time. However, it syncs with the server, and you can drop one device to allow another. Content will be kept actual through the server sync. AFAIK the 2 unsync limit has been dropped for accounts relegated to one device only (although it still shows on the Plans page). This means you can swap devices at will - you just can’t have 2 or more registered at any time. Free means you are a user, but no customer who paid an amount to have a legal contract. This means for you the terms of usage can be changed any time, within the limits of the law and „good faith“. I’m not a lawyer, but I doubt these limits are violated by the new turn the Free plan takes.
  3. It always syncs to the server. If it wouldn’t, you would suffer serious inconsistencies, like no working search, no thumbnails and so on. All these functions are performed remotely on the server after the upload.
  4. The mail address for my tickets is support-webform@evernote.com . Replying worked as expected, following the instructions in the email. Thats all I can tell about my own ticket experience. It was not about an account or payment issue - I had technical issues chosen.
  5. Tap on the avatar, choose settings, choose „Further settings…“ (maybe it’s called differently, the last option in settings). The account website opens. In general you can’t use EN without syncing. Free users have a device restriction, but that’s no argument against syncing.
  6. Why - Because the unicorn kissed the elf in the light of the rising moon ?! Its as good a reason as any, I suppose. Want it changed ? Feedback@evernote.com Explain why, and why it would be a benefit for other users as well.
  7. On your initial ticket you should have gotten an automatic response. Did you read & answer it ?
  8. If your processor got damaged, it should impact all apps, not only a single one.
  9. Reauthenticate using the Auth job. Then run the backup job manually to see if it works. Only when it does return to the automation. If the manual job works, but the automatic doesn’t, set the automation up new again.
  10. You scan to a PC/Mac that is running, and has an Import Folder setup in EN settings. Scan into a folder (NOT the Import Folder) and do the renaming. The file name becomes the note title, so it set es a double purpose: The PDF is properly named, and the note has a readable title instead of a garbled number / character ID. Save the changed PDF into the Import Folder. It will be imported into EN whenever the app is running on that computer. You can have several import folders, each linked to a different notebook.
  11. You can simply leave the app open all the time. It’s sandboxed and will not take up significant System resources while not in active use.
  12. @torrmundi about your prior post: The task monitor shows WITHOUT ANY DOUBT that the EN app was up and running at that moment. You had not terminated the app by choosing QUIT from the File menu. You had just closed the active app window (likely by clicking on the X on the window). This makes the app invisible, but still running and taking up system resources. All this has NOTHING to do with the subject of this thread that you have hijacked. Please stop posting here, and start your own thread if you feel like.
  13. The only way I’m aware of this can possibly happen is by dropping the content into an Import Folder. But maybe there are other ways. Contact support and provide an activity log if you want a chance to find out. You can relocate the local database to another location (even on another drive) through EN settings.
  14. Why not check the help database for a change ? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/29216279537043-Troubleshooting-issues-with-Account-Management-and-Web-Actions-Logins
  15. There is a deeper, non technical issue between share control and recipient actions. Up to now the shared note still belongs to the sharer, and he has control over the share. He stays being the owner. Some aspects that are discussed in this thread would mean to take control away from the sharer. I‘m not sure this would be a good idea. A word of caution about using links: A link uses the UUID of a note, the unique identifier. There are actions when the UUID is replaced by another. After this links are pointing nowhere and are worthless.
  16. You find some advise on the forum if you search. My advise is: Scan to folder, rename the pdf to something that serves as a good note title. Then drop it into an Import Folder, which creates the note and avoids rework, because it‘s already properly named
  17. If you share a notebook, the notes inside inherit the share. Depending on the rights given to the recipient, he can handle the notes. Since the sharing lies on the notebook, when a note is moved, the sharing ends. The best way is to setup several shared notebooks, and keep shared notes in them. My wife and me have a shared notebook designated „Exchangebook“, and several others for certain content. The rules are that who puts a note into Exchange expects it to be moved by the other person. What is in content should stay. Among us we don’t share individual notes.
  18. You can’t - currently there are the 3 predefined ones.
  19. You still seem to have a bad time using forum search. No workaround (and I just reported your post because of name calling, violating forum rules).
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