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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Can’t tell. Unfortunately the „Offline“ toggle decided again in one of the last updates to toggle itself OFF again, dumping what was downloaded before. It is one of the things that repeats itself, showing that nobody at EN HQ gives a ***** about checking even the basic functions before releasing a new version. Before everything got removed, it was working fine for me.
  2. LOL You started posting in this thread, using words like shame and beyond reasonable. It‘s just a note app, remember ?
  3. Well - that’s no contradiction. Always mention „miscellaneous bugs fixed“ in release notes - maybe you rectified some by accident you did not even try to fix ?! I mean, they break things all the time they said they didn’t touch, so why not fix some through a „black“ job occasionally ?
  4. Actually it’s not. If it would be, it would belong into the Android Issues or Android Features Subforum.
  5. If a price is justified is never an absolute question. Many things used professionally have an eye watering price point if seen from a private or low key use case. But if you depend on it to earn a dime, you better watch for the value first, and only then how to get it for a better price. If EN lives up to the expectations raised by the new price point, I assume there will be enough users for them to „justify“ the setting. Whether it matches your personal preferences is of no importance at all, seen from the business case made by repositioning the service. Anybody repositioning a business will expect to loose users left and right - you just need to make sure to keep those that will carry you further. It seems you are out of scope, and that’s it.
  6. Sharing works for me, both in a personal setting, and for my professional projects. It was vastly improved with RTE syncing in May 2023 - since then shared notes don’t need to be locked any more when one user is accessing them. We can now work jointly on the same note without causing an avalanche of conflicts. About alternative solutions anybody has his own preferences and restrictions. Thanks for sharing yours.
  7. They may have decided to do away with a rebate you received year after year, by allowing a grandfathered subscription to be renewed. Maybe it was a shame that users were treated differently for such a long time. Correcting this unjust treatment is no shame. If you don’t get enough value to continue under the current conditions is entirely your decision, and doesn’t need to be justified.
  8. Good. 11.345 notes less, free-un-loaded. Progress is just 1 device away, it seems.
  9. From my personal experience everything is snappy, on 3 different Macs, one Intel, 2 Mx.
  10. Give me one single good reason why part of my subscription money should be funneled to enable your continued free ride. You are on a trial plan, and all you are whining about is it doesn’t serve your continued use in every detail. Wrong approach - pay or drop it.
  11. I sometimes see older versions when I open a client. Then it calls home, and the sync straightens the status within seconds. This said it is still possible to provoke note conflicts. Take a device offline and change a note. Take another device offline and change the same note, but differently. Now take both online. @mathiassoc If you have different versions of the same note, it seems your local database has taken a hit. Depending on the device the methods to fix this is slightly different. On a Mac remove the install using AppCleaner. On iOS uninstall, dump all data when asked. In both cases restart the device, install fresh. On the Mac let the app run for quite a while in the background to allow a full download.
  12. If that’s what bugs you, don’t share … Your problem is not technical, and obviously can’t be solved by a technical discussion. Everything that needed to be said has been said - kudos at @AlbertR . If you want any official statement, contact support.
  13. Disrespectful … I think it is disrespectful to expect others to cover the cost of your usage, just to make you think „how respectful is this !“. I rather have my subscription money invested into devs and hosting my data, than caring about not messing up you feelings. Free means you are a user, not a customer - your terms of usage can be changed any time
  14. It‘s fast and usable on all of my devices, which may be the reason I can’t really comment on your experience. But using a private service (that by default removes the content from the reach of the company systems) for performing business is not what I think is sound professional practice.
  15. Beside the fact that access is still possible, the title of this thread is all wrong to start with: There are no „legacy users“, because no legacy client can be used any more. There may be some users who still keep an old account on Free, serving as an archive. Just as a reminder, this is courtesy of EN. For any other long term cloud storage users need to pay. So enjoy while it lasts, but I wouldn’t take it for granted. Subscribing for a month is little if it allows to move all stuff out of a doubtful storage.
  16. Evernote - Settings - Daily Note - uncheck the checkbox. A question: Is it really a thing to look into settings first, and asks when you can't find it ? It will almost bite you into the face when you open the settings.
  17. The limit has been reduced to 1 device. This is now one device at a time. Log out on one, and you can log in on another. At least you will get some training in the process this way. Remember Free is for trial only - this is not meant for any extended period of time. Subscribe to get unlimited devices. Leave if you like other solutions better.
  18. The usual treatment would be to quit the app, then run a full uninstall. Dump all data when asked. Now make a forced restart of your phone (check the makers help if you don’t know how). Reinstall, open, login.
  19. In my opinion you are either overthinking or overinterpreting. Inform yourself and think about the real difference between sharing to a known recipient and sharing a link. The shared link can be passed on without your consent. On the other hand you don’t need to know the recipients data - you could post the link in social media, for example.
  20. The message that Free is for trial only was transmitted when Free was restricted to 50 notes. Insofar nothing has changed. They are just fine tuning this model.
  21. On the Mac window management works somewhat different. To switch between app windows, a little helper like the app AltTab should be installed.
  22. When there is an update ready to install, you get a notification in the left panel. You can install by clicking on it. If you don’t, the update will install WITHOUT ASKING the next time you start the app. You just see a short notice of the ongoing install. If you are asked, something is wrong either with your install, or your user rights. One possibility is that admin rights would be required, but you have user rights only. No further assistance possible, since your description is incomplete. BTW there is roughly 1-2 updates a week. Although this is quite frequent, it is not every day. If you see an update attempt every day, something is wrong with your install.
  23. On one of my Free accounts I got the cap to 1 device as well (haven’t tried the others). What I have noted is that the unsync limit seems to be lifted together with the 1 device rule. I know that the official Plans page tells differently.
  24. Merhaba, forum language is English (except for the dedicated subforum for Portuguese, Japanese and Korean). You enhance your chances of getting answers by translating your posts. Personally I don’t use the calendar until sync with Apple Calendar is available. So personally no idea.
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