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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. ... and I still do not have the Problem. Just to make sure the question was posted: Anybody here on a beta ? Beta iOS, beta EN, beta whatever else app may be betaing (surprise, surprise - currently, all of them seem to do it). On my iDevices, there is only release level, current iOS, official release iOS EN app, and no other beta-stuff. The app is running perfectly well and without waiting periods (excluding those happening on a weak mobile connection or bad WiFi).
  2. This is not a bug, but a differing behavior by the two clients for iOS and Android. A bug would mean that it is intended to highlight on Android as well, but it wouldn’t work. But it is not intended to work on Android, it simply is not implemented there. So it is not a Bug, it is a non-Feature. EN is well aware that the differences between the clients are annoying to customers that use multiple devices. The current top management made it a top priority to reduce these differences. I am fine with this, working with EN on Win10, MacOS and iOS, always remembering what to do best on which platform. Reduce hopefully does not mean go for the smallest common denominator - EN is still running inside of operating systems, and their abilities can limit the functions on one device compared to another. I would rather not like to give up highlighting on iOS just because Android does not allow for something similar.
  3. Have not checked it recently, but when I did last, there were 2 methods available plus the fallback codes generated when activating 2FA. - For Basic users there was only Google Authenticator available. - For paying users they would as well send one-time-codes by message to a mobile phone. If there are Apps that successfully mimic Google Authenticator I do not know.
  4. Now, maybe look at it from the EN side. You are volunteering as a pro bono customer today, consuming resources, but not paying. The only reason to allow this type of customer today is to generate more paying customers tomorrow. Some companies do it by forcing „up or out“ after a trial period. EN doesn’t - you can stay on in Basic as long as you please. So why are you complaining that support will not listen to you ? It is one of the services that consume real money for real people giving assistance, and (surprise) they offer it just for those customers who are paying. We paying bunch are not paying for support, we pay for a bundle of improvements of which support access is just one, and even not the most relevant. If you are in urgent need for support, you can go Premium for just one month. This is a super bundle, because it opens additional features for you even for all the stuff you put into the account when you were on Basic. Examples: All of a sudden the note history is available (for example for recovery of unintentionally deleted data), for all notes, not only the new ones. OCR is there, for all notes, fully searchable. And support will listen during a full month - for not much more than a Cup of Starbucks brew. So again: What are you complaining about ? You get what you have ordered, basic treat or all inclusive, but there is nothing as a free lunch in town. So set the Web client to classic, and go ahead. Or move on, to where the grass is greener, the birds singing your song, whatever.
  5. Stacks were relatively simple: one notebook can belong to exactly one stack, and if you define „not assigned“ as „assigned to the no-stack-stack“ you always have a clear structure. It can not be nested, no stack in stacks allowed. This is a database-field within „what is“, not an entire structure to support multi-level-nesting. And even this meant a significant change when introduced. But this is not the point: IMHO a simple notebook structure plus the flexibility of tags is what best serves the need to organize the type of information EN is build for. To change this would mean to give up focus.
  6. Again technically spoken, if the note-notebook structure would be changed from 1:n to n:m (in relational DB speak), there would be an additional table needed to keep the data for the new flexibility. To read this, all syncing and search routines would have to be altered, and probably most of the back end supporting the EN servers as well. All of them, and it would for sure cost search performance, because it would mean another link table needs to be read out in each search job. It would probably be easier to create a new SW with this features, than try to rebuild the existing one. P.S. Just a user, not EN staff ...
  7. To put it simple: In EN each note belongs to exactly one notebook. It can not have no notebook, it can not have more than one. And the data structure reflects this relationship called 1:n technically. To change this would probably mean rebuilding EN from scratch. With tags, it is different, because each note can have multiple tags, each Tag can be used for multiple notes, and a tag can „belong“ to another tag. This is why on the user interface, one can nest tags (at the moment only on desktop clients), and why tags are much more flexible than notebooks in their use. Conclusion: If you want to use EN as your „second brain“, you have to organize your content based on this structure. If you work against it, you will never be happy with EN - so better move on to another program than start the 1000-and-1st discussion here that nesting of notes and notebooks would be needed. No, it is not needed, if EN is used as it is build. Once you set up things according to the abilities of EN, you will find this aproach to be much stronger and more flexible than any nesting of notes. In practically all „nested“ structures (like the ones created by the file system in most operating systems like Windows), you typically end up with incoherent structures and duplicate documents. Both can be avoided by 100% when following the EN filing logic. A starting point can be found here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209006097
  8. If you want seamless font management on all platforms, this means a restriction in fonts. When I wanted to have Calibri on my Mac, I had to „steal“ it from my Win-10-PC and install it manually on my Mac. It gets worse on the mobile platforms. So we probably can have an editor that makes things look the same on all platforms. But it will probably mean restrictions depending on what „other“ abilities the different platforms have that can not be unified. Or with other words: Maybe they have to crack some eggs to make an homogeneous omelette.
  9. OK, fine, we-who-stay-on got the message. Never stop a guy who is seriously going to take a walk, especially if he claims to be nauseous. P.S. On Mojave, still no issue.
  10. Maybe things have changed so far that there were releases on the Mac app in the meantime. But if you plan to upgrade to Catalina soon, probably it makes sense to wait for this OS and app to release, and upgrade both then. This is not to say the current SW should not be fixed (IMHO it should), but probably everybody in the Mac/iOS section at EN is right now occupied with getting this new stuff to the ramp and off. As I say, I have send a message, and wait to see when they are back to work tomorrow Californian time what will happen.
  11. OK I‘ve send a direct mail to EN asking to look into this thread. We have 2 new posts here about it, they get input via Support as well, so maybe they have more to work with. I did never have the issue strongly on my MacBookPro, just once, back then before the new version got released, and I suspect there may be some weird interaction going on between EN and some other stuff that creates the problem. But as a user, I am happy when my machine is running. I did the uninstall-reinstall once, it did solve the issue, and I have no further idea what to do if this doesn’t help. Maybe open a support ticket yourself ?
  12. I totally agree with this. I am working mainly on my iPad Pro, but there are some issues where the app is just not up to do what I need. Part of it is rooted in the way it handles notes. On all mobiles it is „one note at a time“ which does not allow working on a selection of notes. This makes working iPad-only very inefficient on some jobs, like organizing, tagging and getting the Inbox to zero. I do not expect this to change soon, unfortunately.
  13. You can insert a table on iPad, but you need to activate this in your settings: Go to settings. Pick the „notes“ submenu. There pick the first item in the list, for the advanced options (translated from German, somit may be titled differently - but it is the first of the options in the „notes“ submenu). Then go down the list of options til the last one. If you enable it, you can introduce a new table by introducing the right number of [ ] - brackets. Each pair stands for another column. To get a new row, just press <tab> in the last cell of the last row of the existing table. The feature is quite rudimentary, but at least you can get a table into a note if you really want to, and use it on the iPad.
  14. Did you do a complete (!) uninstall back then ? Are you on regular software, or running any beta on your Mac ?
  15. For me one thing would be interesting: Does anybody with this problem run EN from the website (direct install) ? Or is everybody running the version from the Mac AppStore?
  16. Since there are enough paying users in this thread to keep the lights burning at EVERNOTE PLACE: Anybody tried Support yet on this ? P.S. No Outlook, so I can’t try myself.
  17. You were first talking about iOS, and then later about the web client. Obviously my answer is related to your iOS problems described first. On the web client, you can check whether you are on a beta, or run the classic version. If on a beta, switch back to classic. This should solve most issues on that platform.
  18. If you are at 8.23, the bug not showing pics should be fixed. If you still have a problem, the next step would be to uninstall the app from any iDevice, then switch it OFF, wait some seconds, switch it on again, reinstall the app and connect it to your EN server account again. Chances are good that this will help, if the app got stuck somehow.
  19. Does this help ? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005647 There are links in that article leading to other pages with more in depth information about the search in EN.
  20. I have not heard about any recent developments. As a work around one can use another Programm that is better at integrating Dragon, and import the result into EN. Not what one would expect, I know ...
  21. If locked out because of Basic and number of devices, use the web client. Change your Login password to one that is both unique and random, and has at least a mix of 15 letters, both lower and upper case, numbers and symbols. Never reuse passwords, and do not modify used passwords only a little to make a „new“ one. EN has not been hacked, but there are a lot of login lists circulating in the internet stolen elsewhere. The only way to handle today’s number of accounts and passwords IMHO is a password manager. After you did this, it is highly recommended to activate 2-factor authentication. For basic Accounts there is only Google Authenticator as an option. Use it, because it makes a) stealing accounts nearly impossible and b) you will get an e-mail in the future when somebody tries to enter your account.
  22. I have made the same experience, both with the Microsoft store version on Windows and with the Mac store version for my MacBook Pro. I now always take the download directly from EN. What works fine is the iOS AppStore app, which is good, because there would be no alternative.
  23. For Dragon and Windows my idea would be to use a program that interacts better, and clip the result into EN. With iOS there is the possibility to dictate through Siri into a EN note. The same possibility exists on the Mac. This goes through the OS-Level, it is no EN feature.
  24. Yes, there are reasons. One is that iOS is completely sandboxed, which allows the interaction of apps only through narrowly defined channels („share button“). Another is that the mobile EN apps were designed to reduce memory load and CPU stress by doing most of the work on the EN server. Third iOS is lacking real multitasking capabilities - the processor has one high performance core, and several low energy ones, whereas a notebook CPU will have several full-power cores. Now the iPads have dramatically improved, and with iPadOS the OS will move more in the direction of a full OS like MacOS. An app like EN will have to find it’s own way to translate this into its own capabilities. This may be more difficult than for younger competitors, based on the engine that drives the app. But things are simple: If you like another solution better, then move on.
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