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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. No, I have not tried on older notes. Good to know ... but the cases when I had the need to go to note history were more of the blunder that happens when you ramp up your computer in the morning instead of fixing yourself a coffee first. So more short-term-recovery, mostly so short that even my normal backup routines would probably not have been through before „it“ happened. About a selective restore from TM, I am not sure. Because the data structure on the Mac is different from the Win-Client, maybe it would even be possible to restore just a single note from a TM backup, because it is a single file on the Mac as well. For me, the Backups are more for the case when you hear metalcrunching noises first, and after that nothing from your HDD-drive, or smell something acrid-burning from your SSD. Nothing sounds and smells like some TB of data just disintegrating. So a Backup is all the data you do not want to loose in another place, plus a tool to restore them all.
  2. Yes, if I want to do a selective restore at home, sort of DIY, the ENEX can come in as useful. But as a Premium User, I go to the server instead, choose the timeline („note history“), go back to where I want to, and restore to that version. I do not feel the need to replicate every action with my own toolbox, just in case. I have not used the note history more than 5 times in all my EN life, so I do not feel I have to create a fall back on this for whatever reason.
  3. There are two ways to see it: - Preserve the original file, just compress the view of it. - Compress the original file Since many files come today in sizes that are much larger than needed, compressing the real thing can be something you really want to do. Especially if you run on BASIC - I would reach the monthly limit by uploading only 20 fotos taken with my iPhone in full resolution. You need that sort of resolution only if you want to make a pretty large print of the pic (I mean, A2 or even larger). If you only compress the view, this will not help you with the upload barrier.
  4. I do not export as ENEX, because my backups are just that, not a copy to work on. If I would need to go back to a backup, I would use the BU tools capacity to restore it to a disk as it was. So I see no need for an ENEX for this. However, the ENEX option is useful if and when someone wants to take his EN data and move to another tool.
  5. On the Mac, I run TM to a NAS, and copy that on to USB disk as a second backup. Actually there is no need for the EN data to do this, because there is already a backup right on the EN server. But because it is inside of the TM files, it comes along anyhow. On my Win10-PC I run Acronis True Image to Backup the whole disk. And I run a special backup job that just makes a BU of the EN data folder every day independently from the full disk job. Again, then copied on to a USB disk for secondary Backup. The main reason for the secondary backups is the risk of a ransomware attack. I do not expect to need it, it is „just in case“, and stored in a safe place elsewhere.
  6. Accepted ... I would not upgrade just for this either. But for the other cool stuff in Catalina, upgrading is well worth it. Did it from Saturday to Sunday (yesterday), worked fine, just had to readjust a few apps manually, Glad I did it. I am now scouting for all the new features in there - sorry, but up to now non of it is related to EN. But EN was among the apps that were taken along without any problem, so well done on this one.
  7. EN keeps the original image file if you do edits to it. To size an image down, you have to export it into an app that can do this, resize it and reload it into EN. To make this effective, you then have to delete the original image file in the note and resync.
  8. I have not checked yet, but from what I have read about Catalina: Apple has bumped up security a lot. One of the measures is that the system is now installed in a read-only partition of the main disk. Changes to this code can only be done when the new stuff comes from Apple from a secure encrypted upgrade server. Maybe some guys will start to jailbreak their Macs now, but for the time being this section will make sure that no insecure kernel code can get on the Mac. Ransomware, take that ! The file system itself has not changed, but the OS now just allows for 64bit apps. The OSes before were 64Bit as well, but still allowed older apps with 32bit code to run. When 32bit-code is executed in a 64Bit environment, it is always inefficient, in terms of program AND data. I have noticed as well, that after upgrading I have more space on my SSD. This happened not directly when upgrading, but a little later. Maybe Catalina uses the extinction of 32bit to pack all stuff a bit denser. I will check tomorrow on my MacBook Pro if I can find where the 200GB additional Disk space came from. Not from EN, at least not most of it - unless somebody invented „negative disk space“ to store my notes 😂🤣
  9. Spaces were clearly not developed with this in mind, but to me it seems a creative use of them. However, I doubt they will bring the feature into Premium, because it is meant to be a tool for the admin - and there is nothing to administer in a personal account like Premium. Maybe we should ask them to offer a semiprofessional „family“ account, with spaces for a change ?
  10. Try it here: http://scansnap.fujitsu.com/global/dl/mac-1014-ix500.html They say it was tested with Catalina beta, the last confirmation is pending. On my MacBookPro that runs Catalina since yesterday it worked as before, after I gave it the necessary permissions: https://www.fujitsu.com/global/support/products/computing/peripheral/scanners/scansnap/faq/ssh-once09.html I have not tested every aspect, but initial scans went as before under Mojave. Home does not have all the features as before, but it serves my needs, and through changing or adding profiles you can tailor it to your use cases. In general, the Catalina upgrade worked just fine for me, not problems at all. After upgrading you will be flooded with permission requests. This is just once per app, after granting permission (or not, I have cut back a lot on camera and microphone permissions) you will not be asked again. And I am completely happy that I could download the first iPad app to my Mac under the new Catalyst feature.
  11. @Tom Taste @DialHow nice. Everybody agrees, but the vote sticks at just „1“. To vote this up, one has to click on the voting triangle on the very top of the thread. Personally I do not care, but like the proposal to have a customizable tool bar.
  12. Most likely you have created by accident a new account. This can happen (too) easy, and of course will not show the notes in your existing account. Log out completely from the app, renter your login data, and see whether your notes are back.
  13. Just tried it in EN 8.24. I think it depends on what to expect. I made a copy of a note, added some text, tapped once with 3 fingers and got this little box with editing options as an overlay to the actual window. Because nothing was selected, there was only the UNDO selectable.
  14. For quick drawings as for all handwritten stuff, I use GoodNotes 5 (sorry, iOS and with Catalina/Catalyst now as well Mac only). There one can import any pdf-file and use it as a template. On the newer Macs, an iPad can be used as graphics tablet for the manual input. Maybe get yourself the real stuff 😉
  15. From my understanding, as long as each user is dialed into the same EN account, the content will be kept identical via sync even when there are 2 user libraries on the Mac. The only difference would probably exist in local notebooks. But I have not tried, so maybe I am wrong with this assumption.
  16. From how I see it, it may be no priority because it would not be easy to integrate. Basically each note is something like a little web page. A notebook is a collection of pages. If the notebook would need to be encrypted, it would need to be de-cryptable on all devices. This would mean to get this into all clients, plus build a robust key-exchange process to make sure the lock is there when the user inserts his key (the private code to decrypt). From the structure of EN it seems it is much easier to encrypt something in a note (=web page) than a whole structure of web pages. This is not to tell it would not be good to have it (I added my vote to this quite a while ago), or that I do not think it should be pushed up the list. It looks like one of the changes that do not go well when you try to de-complex and straighten your existing code base. P.S. Even when it is possible to manage passwords in EN, I think there is much more to a decent password manager than just an encoded space into which I can save my passwords. If I have this need, I would always go for the real stuff. There are no-cost solutions that are quite powerful, and others that will cost a buck, but offer more comfort / functions. Personally I use 1Password and would not switch to EN even if full encryption would be available there.
  17. From how I understand it, Spaces make no sense in a one-person account. They were set up to control user access in a multi-user-environment and are basically an instrument for the admin to control the access to information for groups of users. In a Premium account there is only one user, and he is admin of his own fate as well. Do we have a misunderstanding here ? Premium account allows for „Stacks“, but not for „Spaces“.
  18. You should probably follow the advise of DTLow: Complete uninstall (I use AppCleaner, and really check all items down the list), reinstall. Be aware that local notebooks are not on the server, so make sure you have a backup of these. Everything on the server will reinstall itself after the EN app was installed freshly. Use the direct download from the EN website, not the version from the AppStore.
  19. @AndyDentThree remarks: 1) The assumption that this may be related to the Clipper issue may be valid. To prove it, a support ticket would be helpful 2) On a MacBook Pro with a Touch Bar it is very easy to make screen copies, as well as by using the shortcuts. Usually they go to the desktop, but there can be selected another target, like a special folder or the clipboard. Yes, it is an effort to move this from there into a place in EN. 3) To be able to hold more than one issue at the clipboard at once, I use the app Yoink (MacOS and iOS). It allows to store up to 100 clipboard snaps of all kind, and go back to them to use them somewhere. You could copy a number of picks in a row, and move them later into their spots in EN. Maybe this could help straighten your workflow.
  20. O.K. So maybe we hope it will be solved when the beta goes official. Unless it does, I would propose a support ticket. Interaction between two programs are always difficult to analyse. The activity log that is send to support may help in solving the issue.
  21. Since I am mostly on iOS and my Mac, I can only assume that the interaction between Chrome and the Web Clients HTML-Code influences this behavior. Are you on the most recent version of the Web Client ? Maybe going back one step in the Clipper version could tell if it makes a difference.
  22. As I understand it, you are using the Web Client in a Chrome window, running on a Win10-machine ? Would it be an alternative to use the EN client for Windows instead ?
  23. Beside that I am not aware of this as well (but not often using the Win client): Do you need to close EN several times a day, and restart ? Why not leave it open, and simply push it away from the screen ? When opened, it will always search for its server, connect, check for changed notes etc. This may not result in much, but it is a draw on resources.
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