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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. The issue is with all 32bit-extensions for Safari. I thought this would happen with the Catalina OS release probably in October (date up to my knowledge is not yet fixed). But obviously they released Safari 13 together with the iOS update happening now. Good to know to avoid installing Safari 13 on the Mac at the moment.
  2. From my point of view Penultimate is not up to the job of handwritten note taking. It lacks nearly everything a good note taking app will provide. It still lives in the world of the old fashioned stylus that does not reflect the abilities of todays pencils. I tried it a while ago, and quit very fast. The handwritten notes are simply dead, not really searchable, bad hand-eye-coordination, lack of tools etc. Consequently I would not regard it as a loss if the option of direct handwritten input would cease to exist with iOS 13. On my iPad Pro I am using GoodNotes 5, that has more functions added only within the last couple of month than Penultimate might get one day (if anybody decides to put development hours into it). The latest extension was a very nice presentation mode, that switches the iPad into a flexible white board for meetings, education or trainings. Another good option seems to be Notability, with an option to sync the handwriting directly into EN.
  3. Beware the wording: „Offline“ is a feature of the mobile clients, to be able to work without internet connection “Local“ is a feature of the desktop clients, to define a notebook that will not sync with the EN server at any time Both are not the solution if EN would one day go belly up. The solution to this is always one of the desktop clients, be it Win or Mac. These keep a complete copy of the personal database on the devices disk. This contains the server synced notebooks plus all local notebooks. But the local notebooks only exist in this copy (so make sure you run a backup !), whereas the server synced notebooks exist locally and on the server. The server is the master copy, but the local copy is fully operational. You can try this yourself: Just sync the EN database, then quit the internet connection of your desktop, and open EN again. You will find everything is there, any you can work on it. What is missing are server-based features, and of course no sync to other devices. So even if the EN servers are dead tomorrow morning, you have everything on your desktop, and you are fully operational with this data. You have all the time to pick another solution, wait for theses guys to build golden bridges for the EN users out alone in the cold etc. So there is no need to hesitate go go fully in, because you can always and independently of the fate of EN take your stuff and move on. Why not the mobile clients, set to „offline“ ? Because up to now it is much more tricky to get stuff out of a mobile app locally. Maybe this will change under iOS 13, but at the moment the data is there to work offline, but not easily exported. Sure you can export it note by note, via the share function. And why is it completely theoretical ? Because with the installed user base, even if EN would go into Chapter 11 (or something similar), there would for sure be investors that take up the ball, put in some fresh money and keep things running. The data itself is hosted on servers driven by Google, maybe the best protected and managed servers on this planet. So as long as there is not a big stone falling on our heads, there is no need to worry. And if, we all had to worry about other 🦕🦖 stuff.
  4. Yes, sure: GTD = Getting Things Done, following the method developed by David Allen. For further detail: On the website of GTD / David Allen you find digital booklets of how to set it up, one for Evernote (Windows), one for Things, among others. Each cost 10$. Sure, the method needs to be adapted to ones needs. One key issue is get everything into one (-1-) Inbox and process it from there. For me, EN is the Inbox. But I find processing inside of EN difficult, because some tools are missing (among them recurring reminders). So I build my GTD-follow-up-structure in Things 3, and use Links to the content in EN to have the details of a topic always on hand, just a click away.
  5. If I need to track something, I share a link into my task manager (Things 3, for iOS and Mac). There I can set recurring reminders, among other features. I use a GTD structure for the tasks there. I can move the task with the link around when I work it down, the link always stays on the task with the EN note as target. If it is recurring, it will pop up again and again, based on the settings. The EN note is just one click with the mouse away, if I need the content of the note.
  6. For me WebClipper stopped, but came back 2 or 3 days later. However, I did not have to uninstall before. Support told me to use the EN Helper tool, or switch to another browser like Chrome or Firefox.
  7. Thanks to clarify this. Quite unsatisfactory, however. I hope anybody is aware that WebClipper is one of the key features of EN that sets it apart from other tools. Please get this fixed soon ! Some days ago, my WebClipper seemed to have stopped to work (Mojave, Safari, latest official release, no betas). Fortunately it came back a few days later, up to my knowledge without changing anything. So it still works as installed into my Safari.
  8. "A solution" means there is "a problem". Unfortunately there are several things that may slow down the client. Try what was already posted in this thread, one by one. One more thing: Other users got their performance back when the emptied the directory C:\Users\{username}\Evernote\Databases\Attachments. What is in there are temporary copies that are not needed. But if there is a collection of them, EN seems to read trough all of them, slowing things down.
  9. Employees carry a badge with STAFF written all over. The rest of us are users, sharing experience and sometimes emotions. And yes, this is a feature request, so you are free to contribute and you may vote. Voting is at top of the page, just click the black arrow.
  10. Since Webclipper is still 32bit, and Apple will go to full 64bit software with Catalina, it got axed from the extensions. There is another thread in the forum that deals with this matter. Maybe you search for it.
  11. How sad ... One guy says "How good, my glas is half full" The other says "You are lucky, mine is half empty"
  12. Double posting ... https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/110413-remove-all-formatting-does-not-remove-tables/#
  13. Once webcontent is copied into EN, it is sort of frozen. You can edit, but it will not lead to a „clean“ residue of content. Often you find parts that are not editable at all, or only together with other parts that you would like to keep. EN is not a web editor, which would be needed to decompose the HTML-code that contains the content. If you want to have content without format, try to clip the page in the simplified form, or if possible choose the reader view of a page before clipping. Another trick is to print the page to a pdf, and insert this into EN. From a printed pdf, text content can be extracted.
  14. EN support says: They are working on it. Probably they are busy to prepare for Catalina as well, especially since this beta phase did not work well on the side of Apple. The new iCloud functions were withdrawn from the final release on short notice, which probably messes up things for developers when they had any of this in their software (just guessing).
  15. You can just eliminate one issue after the other. If you do not find a cause, at the end would be a complete uninstall, reinstall and rebuild the whole thing from the server data. I wish you luck you find the problem before.
  16. It can solve internal stuff. If there is interaction between programs however, this will not fix anything.
  17. I am traveling at the moment, and my Win Desktop is at home. I can’t double check at the moment. So I can’t tell you, but maybe try one after the other. Give it time, it needs to work through all the data, which may take a while. Do not start the next job until the one before went through. We had cases here in the forum where it was reported that one ( - 1 - ) corrupted note caused a lot of trouble. After each run you will maybe get a protocol with dead ends discovered. Some of them you have to fix manually, like copy the content of a bad note into a new one and delete the old one. In these cases make sure they really got deleted from trash as well.
  18. Maybe reorganizing the database might help. This option is in the extended Help menu (press and hold alt/opt Key before opening the help menu with the mouse). If it is interaction with something else, it is probably a game of try and error. Since you are paying your dues, maybe issue a support ticket.
  19. Plus the question if you are running the EN installation on a SSD ? Many complains in the forum could be routed back to run EN with a lot of content on a spinning drive HDD.
  20. @Aithein Healing India Please do not double post. You can edit your prior posting, so there is no need to post the same stuff again just because you wanted to add a link. Regarding your questions please read the answer from gazumped .
  21. Tried this already ? To install it is important to temporarily disable „Cross site tracking“.
  22. In the meantime I had contact with support. They told me the issue is known and EN is working on a solution. Since I do not have the issue, maybe anybody here who has the problem may contact support as well and help them with activity protocols or other information if requested.
  23. I can confirm this on my iPad Pro 10.5 on iOS 12.4 (soon going to 12.4.1, just need to find a hotspot). It did not cross my view before because I usually do not present out of EN. Do you intend to place a support ticket ?
  24. The nesting of tags IMHO is good for keeping the tags organized, not for the tagging itself. Currently I take some time every few month or so to review the use of tags, unify those who are synonyms, exchange and delete those that do not get much use (and probably will not get for the near future) etc. Here nesting gives a structure for a quick overview over the 3-digit number of tags I have created up to now. The use of the tags is independent from nesting. I can tag without problems in the Webclipper or the iOS client as well, where the nesting will not show. What is a bigger problem (but for both notebook assignment and tags) on the mobile platform is that one can work on a single note only at any time. So for EN housekeeping it is better to use a desktop client, where several notes can be organized at once.
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