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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. ... and those who decide to volunteer sometimes even have some fun doing so. "Sloshed and drifting" is under circumstances not the worst state to be in. But sorry, I deviate. What were we asked to discuss - ah, yes, the editor. Everybody who is here for free can have an opinion. But he should accept that EN focusses on those users who pay, and keep the show going. I for my part am waiting for the release of that editor shown in one of the 2019 videos. It looked promising enough, and seems to solve a number of issues posted in this thread.
  2. If you need your device for anything serious, do not use a beta. I am not sure how things will behave when stepping back to a normal release, so there is some risk in this. But if the app is unusable on beta, the only alternative would be to sit it out and wait whether future betas will solve the issue. From my observation, penultimate is not in the focus of development at EN. Personally I use GoodNotes 5 for any handwritten note taking. Once done, I can export it as a pdf (including the search of the handwritten pages) and store it in EN.
  3. Personally I totally agree that a good and flexible PW feature is missing, and have voted in favor of it. If it is easy is another question. Encrypting can get worrisome when on a multi-device-platform including the web client, because the keys have to be shared as well, securely. But this is what SW engineers get paid for. @adamallen In a business environment with the actual EN solution it can be difficult to lock out the admin. PLUS is a plain personal account, but with a business account, things become more complicated regarding admin access. But I would then place the sensitive stuff into the personal account, and share it out whenever necessary. Hint: This may run against a company policy regarding the storage of business data. Better check this out before.
  4. @KevinG99 To dive a little deeper into this: You say your freezing went away when you deactivated „Siri & suggestions“ in the Siri settings for Evernote. Was the last option on this page „Use with Siri“ activated as well, when you had the freezing problem ? I do not have freezing, have the Siri option activated, but have „since ever“ the option „Use with Siri“ OFF.
  5. My wife is running current iOS on her iPhone 6, and I am running it on my iPhone 6S+. If anything, the devices got faster with the last 2 mayor releases of iOS, not slower. They really did a very good job in writing code that will run better on the old devices than the OS they were originally delivered with. Secondly, by cutting off OS upgrades, you cut yourself off from fixes to several security issues. IMHO not a good idea on a device that is per definition nearly always online. I would upgrade to the latest iOS version available, and then install the latest EN version available for this.
  6. Maybe you should throw a nickel into the vending machine. Just tried it, worked fine. Perhaps a temporary time out : And just to confirm this: Webclipper works fine with Mojave and Safari 12.1.1 On installing it probably needs to unselect "Cross site tracking" one time, get Web Clipper working, and then the Cross site tracking can be reactivated without undoing web clipper.
  7. From my experience, the last sentence is really important. The AppCleaner Windows is a little too small, you have to scroll down and actively select everything that belongs to the previous installation. Did a total cleaning job some time ago, and had no trouble since.
  8. No issue, and I am using less advanced I-devices. The only issue is that it may take some time until everything is safely uploaded and stored on the server. But I do rarely put large (what is large ? 10MB ? 25 MB ? 50 MB ? ) pictures into notes, so maybe I miss a part of what is needed to jump off the syncing cliff. In the few occasions I did, it worked out fine, after allowing time for the sync. How long depends on the internet connection.
  9. @Sahand Currently I have only 2 levels, using the first one only for the organizational aspect (not tagging with these). The reason is that I spend about 70% of my EN time on my iPad , where nesting is not shown. The heavy lifting like cleaning out my Inbox is done on my Mac or PC, and one of the steps is multi-tagging of several notes at a time. When nesting gets available on mobile, I will probably shift to 3 layers, maybe 4 for some special uses. My tag names are short, mostly just 1 word. I do not reflect the layer(s) above in the nested tag. 2 more things: - I like to have a notebook name on the note as tag. Reason is that sometimes I move notes in a group to other notebooks, mostly ones created for temporary use like sharing. By tagging with the notebook name, I can move them back easily once I do not need the new notebook any longer. - When I share, I like to tag the notes with the temporary notebooks information to make the share reproducable. Example: I collect tax related stuff during the year in several notebooks, tagged with „Taxes“. When time comes to do the tax declaration, I identify them by search, and move them to a new notebook. This I share with my tax accountant. Everything in there gets tagged like „Tax2019“. When I dissolve the shared notebook later, the notes keep that additional tag. These tags would currently be the only ones to form my 4th level of nesting. For my workflow it would be very positive if I could assign tags to several notes at once on the iPad as well. Thanks again for sharing, and your feedback.
  10. Very clever thoughts about how tagging should work, implementation mock up looks good as well. I just hope that this will be combined with the ability to work on several notes at the same time under iPadOS, if not from release date then maybe later on. This would give the organizational work on an iPad a real boost. Thanks to everybody for sharing !
  11. The Mac version of the ScanSnap SW is short on options compared to the Windows software. I just have 2 profiles set up that scan into EN, one for simplex, one for duplex. It says it will identify the document and put settings accordingly, which I regard close to useless. Most manual settings are missing. Windows offers some more, but I often forget that I should switch the profiles in between when scanning several documents. For me, the ix500 is used for multipage scanning. On this it is a time saver. If there are a few pages to do, I use ScannerPro on my iPhone. In there I Scan, and then choose by workflows I have defined into which notebook to send the document, and which tags to apply.
  12. Could it be that you have exceeded your less-than-generous update limit as a basic account user ?
  13. MA: Was posted twice, merged into this thread.
  14. You are right, it was not a frequent runner in the forum yet. IMHO for the business environment the feature is needed. Out of practical reasons when a team works on the same document base. But out of compliance necessities as well.
  15. 1) I‘ve voted for this proposal ... 2) There is a difference between what one can do TOday and what may be a nice feature SOMEday. 3) Currently EN does not change the attachment when doing the OCR. The result is not embedded into the pdf, for example. With a JPEG it would not even be feasible to do so because the data format does not allow for it. 4) This cuts both ways: Because the OCR result is embedded into the note, it could be easier to extract it. But an OCR result made to build a search index may do no good if you want to get an extract of the text itself. Goodnotes for example uses its own document format to store the handwriting. And even there the OCRed search index is not identical to the extracted text when you manually decide to copy a paragraph somewhere else. The search index is build from singular words followed by a reference of where in the document the word is found (often multiple times, which makes the index file smaller). So let us wait and see. Since new features are ranked second priority behind getting the actual EN setup stable and unified, it is most likely not on the agenda for now and the next future.
  16. For handwritten stuff, I use GoodNotes 5 for my own writing (iPad Pro, Apple pencil). It does an amazing job on OCRing the handwriting to make it searchable. The searchability of the handwriting will extend itself into EN when I export from GN5 into EN as a pdf. Inside of GN, I can pick a selection of text with the lasso tool, and convert it into typed text ready to copy somewhere. If both is working on an imported piece of handwritten text, I have not yet tried. Something waiting to discover ...
  17. If the phone is an iPhone, my solution is ScannerPro from readdle. Does good scans as pdf or JPEG, and OCRs even multipage documents on the fly.The OCR gets very good when just one language is selected in OCR settings. Since EN notices when a pdf comes ready with OCR data, it will take them, include them into the index and will not try another OCR on the server. Plus an OCRed pdf will most times be smaller in size than the picture-only version. With predifined workflows the result can be send into EN, ready with the right notebook and standard tags, depending on the workflow picked.
  18. The workaround d is not really working (especially cross-device). Got my vote, change & comment history would be an asset, specially in professional use with shared notes.
  19. ... and you can check for unknown devices there as well, under your account information. - No unknown access, nobody hacked into the account. Probably you use the new or the beta version of the web client, or another EN client. There are known issues when these do not show all existing notes. Solution: Downgrade to a stable version. - Unknown device + IP, probable unknown access. Then somebody got your account credentials (not from EN !), and used them to enter your account. Change your PW immediatedly (to a good one, not used on any other account), withdraw autorisation for the unknown device, and enable 2-FA. This is possible for Basic accounts as well, but only with limited options for the generation of the second factor.
  20. Since I still have no problem, I still have no solution. Tried Support on this (however mixed the experience seems to be ...) ?
  21. Sorry, no idea then. Maybe try this, open to Basic users as well: https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  22. Here is some more: https://evernote.com/blog/evernote-migration-to-google-cloud-platform/ The data is encrypted on the way (https-type, a common encryption standard on the internet), and on the servers by Googles own data management. Because https can be attacked by „man-in-the-middle“-setups, you should use a VPN when on a WiFi you do not trust (= all public WiFis, and maybe some closed ones as well). Plus activate 2FA on your account. When the new European legislation on data protection got effective last year, I have signed a data processing agreement with EN. By this putting my (clients) data into EN rests on a legally sound foundation. EN is certified to do this, amazingly some other popular cloud services are not. If you want to have special data very secure, you should use an additional service. For example account data with passwords etc. should not be filed on a service like EN, the same with credit cards, online banking keys etc. . I use 1Password for this stuff, that comes along with 1GB of encrypted cloud storage for „safe notes“. This encryption works differently, it is encrypted „end-to-end“, so the decrypted version is only created on your own device while using the app.
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