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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Interesting reading. When I read it correctly, the server OCR has / had a problem with monospaced fonts, which is practically the former typewriter look - whenever a letter was printed on the paper, the machine moved for the same step forward to print the next one. I think on Windows the Courier font was the most common of its type. It seems the OCR used non monospace, which introduced a series of imaginary spaces between the letters. It should be possible to „heal“ this, most OCR programs have no problem with both font families. In fact when identified as monospace it should be quite easy to OCR, because letters never overlap. I remember another issue: When OCRed with the pdf, the OCR result is stored right in the pdf. When EN does it on the server, the OCR result is stored in a hidden section somewhere in the note, not in the pdf itself. At least I have never noticed a pdf changed by EN, so probably this is true. When I have time and my different clients up and running, I think I will repeat my tests on search results. Last time after rebuilding the index I came out with no significant difference.
  2. Step one, during the year: Grab everything that smells like taxes, scan it, throw it into EN, and tag it with TAX and YEAR, plus other tags. Everything goes into whatever notebook is appropriate for these documents - extraction is done by tags, not by notebooks. One little thing for those going paperless: Under German tax legislation, I have to keep originals of all paper documents for 10 years (shorter for plain private use, but I rent some appartements, run a small business etc., so I am regarded as PinkElephant INC by authorities), so they all go into a collection box, that will get the year written on it and will stay archived for 10 years. This is just in case the tax officials want to check something out - if they do not get paper, they can close the audit and estimate my taxation based on assumptions. And I do not like Government assumptions on this ... Step two, preparation: Search all notes with these tags, and create a copy of them into a new notebook, named TAXYEAR. Make a table of content, write a note that explains what needs to be explained. Step three, tax declaration: Share this notebook with my tax accountant, to prepare the declaration. When he is done, he will tell me. Step four: Tag all copies in that notebook used for the declaration with a new tag TAXYEAR, and move them to a plain archive notebook. By this I can replicate what has been in that shared notebook. Yes, it is redundant information. Delete the TAXYEAR notebook, because it is no longer needed. The original notes stay in their respective notebooks, because I may need them for warranty, as a reference, for calculation of rental cost to be assigned to the tenants etc. The step with copies in a separate notebook I use because it is very easy to share a complete notebook to somebody. Access to the EN server is routed through an encrypted line, so for me it is safe enough to handle my stuff. There may be easier methods, but it is pragmatic, works for all involved and is embedded in my general workflow.
  3. OK, network issues can affect things even if a Speedtest does not tell. The speedtest usually is between you and a specific server close to you. If the network traffic is affected centrally, sometimes these local nodes are not affected, and show regular results. Another idea: The search on the desktop depends on the local search index. This will build over the years. If you hold down the alt/opt key before opening the apps help menu, there will be additional options showing at the bottom of the regular menu. One of them is rebuilding the search index. If the index has taken a shot in the past, this can help to straighten things out. Maybe give it a try, and enjoy a good cup of coffee while the index is rebuilding. Then close the app, maybe even restart your computer to clean RAM and buffers, and give it another try.
  4. Interesting observation. When I had a difference, I reindexed my search index locally, and got identical results from both sources after that. From what I learned, EN will not OCR a file that already comes with a certain word count. These are regarded as in no need to be OCRed. It would make no difference whether the word count results from the pdf creation through a direct operation (like a word to pdf „save as“) or from an external OCR. When a pdf contains a relatively significant amount of text, it is saved as it is by EN, without OCR, my information tells. If this is true, search on the server and locally should work on the same data, and should return the same results. This would not exclude that when the same pdf is once OCRed outside of EN, and once by the EN server, there may be a gap between search results. But this would probably depend on the OCR quality itself, because these 2 attachments would be treated differently, only the unOCRed being OCRed by EN on the server after upload. Maybe it would be worth to find out. @CalS You could give it a try, if you would upload say the next 20 pdfs created through the Adobe process in 2 versions, one of them for EN to OCR them, and then compare search results between these docs. I assume the difference to be zero.
  5. Yes, it is possible to implement whatever. No, it makes no sense if you want a lean, coherent app working the same (or at least similar) on all platforms. EN borrows the dark mode function from the OS wherever it is available. There is a simple switch between "no dark mode" and "enable dark mode whenever enabled on the OS". It makes no sense to develop a separate EN app just for the Windows desktop, because this OS is not handling dark mode itself. Everybody can have his own opinion on this, of course. I prefer to have engineering hours invested into more forward-looking issues than to heal the shortcomings of one of the operating systems the app is running on. There are more than enough other feature requests in the forum to work on for the next decade - features that would serve all of us, not depending on the OS we run.
  6. Not that I would have noticed something. Maybe - if nobody else intervenes - it is more an issue on your side. Have you checked whether there may be a sort of security software on your PC interfering with the data transfer ? Anti-virus, anti-random, anti-whatever - they sometimes take a lot of resources away, especially when updated recently. Then there is the latest Windows update to think about. Probably a view into the Win process manager can reveal if any program eats up a lot of resources, like CPU or memory.
  7. Documents I scan with my ix500 Scanner get the OCR directly through the ABBY software that came with the scanner. Documents I scan with my ScannerPro-App on my iPhone get the OCR from that app. All other pdf and picture imports into EN get scanned by the EN server function. Because EN auto-detects files that were not OCRed before, and goes to work on them, the manual effort in this approach is nearly zero. From my experience the scan results are not far off, maybe (without having analyzed this deeply) it depends on the document type and quality which scanner will perform better on which pdf. What amazes me is how good the OCR is even working on the finest 5pt-print of business letter templates. All OCRs serve their purpose to make the files retrievable by full text search. And that is what I need it for.
  8. EN is an information management app with basic text editing features. There are many things missing from a full editor, and IMHO it would be the wrong approach to try to bring all this features into the EN app. Who needs full editing power should use a text editor, and save the result as attachment into EN. On my Mac I am using the PopClip-App, which allows beside many other useful little features to mark a text, and have the character and word count be displayed. This works on any text, as well on a text typed into an EN note.
  9. Please make sure your desktop client is dialed into the same account as the other apps. It is pretty easy to create a new account by accident, and this means the client on the desktop will only find the "content" of an empty account.
  10. Current work around: Leave the note editing status, go back to the basic EN menu. This forces a saving of the note to the apps memory, if syncing directly or not. It may help to put notebooks to "offline" status, although I doubt that it changes the behavior of saving. EN is always saving locally when there is no server connection. Second work around: Use another editor, store the content as an attachment, or by "select all-copy-paste" plus again closing the edited note in EN. This is by no means to say that this is perfect, in fact it is far from that. But as mentioned above, part of the problem is OS-sided, part is app-sided, and both worlds (especially the OS-side) has been changed recently by going to iOS 13.x. My hope is that this will be fixed as well when EN takes opportunity from the new OS properties like having 2 windows of the same app open.
  11. EN plans do not work on a „per device“ basis. The backbone is always the server function. Then features are added to it, over Premium as a full personal account to business as a solution for a group of people working together and sharing information. This is what one is paying for (or not, in case of the free Basic plan - which is ... basic). All EN apps are free, be it desktop or mobile. But they always depend in key functions on the server and by this on the subscription one is choosing. In addition if on Basic, the number of devices connected to the server is restricted as well. So if you decide to degrade your plan when your current subscription is over, the app will stay the same, you will just have a reduced functionality when using it. And it will be for free ...
  12. You will do fine. Experiment what works best for you, don’t be shy to make a step back if you feel another logic works better. Just one more final hint: When changing tagging, apply the new tags first, before deleting the old ones. When my wife and I started collaborating on information through EN, we did it through a shared notebook for recipes. We still put new recipes into it, add the little crucial information gained by trying, typing it right into the note holding the original recipe, add pictures etc. We are both on Premium accounts, because it makes finding the information so much easier. Enjoy sharing, cooking and of course eating the outcome !
  13. You can share one or more notebooks. But it is a widespread misunderstanding that notebooks are the prime organisational tool with EN. The main tool to organize notes are tags. Tags describe content, and you can assign several of them to one single note. You can use them independently, or you can create a hierarchy of tags, nesting one into another. Example: You could tag a cake recipe with „nuts“ and „fruit“ plus „cake“. This allows independence of one tag from another. Or you could create a 1st level Tag called „cake“, and beneath it one for „cake:fruit“ and one for „cake:nuts“. Then you may find it easier to break all cake recipes down into sub categories, but you may have to decide whether a cake belongs more into fruits or nuts, or both. The advantage of tags is that you can assign as many tags to a note as you see fit, and they can be of very different types. For example you could use tags like „new“, „planned“ and „tested“ to set up a workflow to try out new recipes, a ranking structure to assign stars depending on the result, a set of effort tags to describe how hard it is to cook it etc. Tags give you complete freedom. Maybe read this https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314388-Organize-with-tags For powerful tagging (tag assigning) it is better to use a desktop client (Win or Mac) instead of a mobile client. In the desktop clients you can select a number of notes at the same time, and assign the same tags to all of them. On the mobile clients this has to be done note by note. Advanced search will enable you to to find only those notes that carry all tags you specify. See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 Conclusion: Set up one notebook to control how and with whom the content is shared. Use tags to organize the notes in that notebook into a logical meta-structure. Use search to retrieve information. For this a Premium account helps a lot, because it makes all content fully searchable, including pdf and picture files.
  14. Since I fixed it through completely uninstalling and reinstalling (see my posts above in this thread) I am running completely without the problem. First with Mojave, since a few weeks under Catalina (currently 10.15.1). The issue has not returned. @evrenaute Just took a look on your zip-file. We are all users here, so posting it in the forum will not do anything. You are on a paying account, so you could push it on support together with a ticket. Maybe they can do something to look into the problem, and find out what happens on your Mac.
  15. If you want to share, you can do this already with the basic account. It will work, but only with the restrictions that come with the Basic status. To use the sharing, one of you needs to create a notebook and share it to the other person. Then both can load stuff in this shared notebook, and take it out. But only the account that created the shared notebook will have full control over it. You can create more than one shared notebook if you want. It gets better if the person who creates the notebook is on a Premium account. With this come features like searchability of content (pdfs and pictures as well) and note history (a change log). The other person can stay on Basic. Business Accounts are a completely different thing. They are build to support a group of users in close interaction. One can define user groups to work jointly on a set of documents, arrange workflows, control user access to notebooks etc. In a Business account there must be at least one admin who sets it up and maintains the structure. All participants get 2 accounts, one for collaboration and one for personal use. Both have Premium rights, and the business one has additional powers, but is under control of the admin user. The personal one comes on top, for use on non-business notes. From how I understand your usecase, I would go with one or both participants on Premium level, and crate the necessary shares. Business is not needed for what you describe, and seems a bit of overkill for it.
  16. @janeblonde 1) Das hier ist ein Benutzerforum. Wir helfen gerne, von User zu User. Was wir nicht können, ist z.B. ein Aktivitätsprotokoll auswerten. 2) Wenn deine Daten weg zu sein scheinen (also alle ...), dann bist du vermutlich einfach in einem anderen, versehentlich angelegten neuen Account. Das kann leicht passieren, einmal den Benutzernamen falsch eingegeben, EN legt einen neuen Account an, öffnet ihn, und nichts ist da. 3) Die einfachste Kontrollmöglichkeit ist der Web Client: Im Browser auf evernote.com gehen, mit den richtigen Benutzerdaten anmelden, dann siehst du die Daten direkt auf dem EN-Server. Es sollte alles da sein. Der Web Client zählt für dein Gerätelimit nie als Gerät, dort kommst du immer hinein. 4) Am besten den neuen Account löschen. Geht am einfachsten auch über den Web Client, wenn du die falschen Zugangsdaten noch kennst. Ansonsten einfach stehen lassen, frisst kein Heu. 5) Was du jetzt wie zurücksetzen musst, damit du nicht mit gemerkten falschen Zugangs-Daten wieder in die falsch Schiene gerätst, hängt von dem EN-Zugang ab, den du verwendest (Win, Mac, iOS, Adroid). Wichtig ist, dich ganz neu mit den richtigen Zugangsdaten anzumelden. Allgemein: Du verwendest einen Service, ohne dafür zu bezahlen. EN beschränkt für diese Anwender den Support-Zugang, weil die Leute, die im Support sitzen, das nicht für umsonst tun. Daher die Beschränkung, dass nur zahlende Benutzer direkten Support bekommen. Falls du mal ein Problem hast, das du ohne den Support nicht gelöst bekommst, besteht die Möglichkeit, für einen einzelnen Monat einen Premium-Zugang zu kaufen. Dann löst du dein Problem, und gehst danach wieder auf Basic. Kostet ein paar Euros, aber du musst nicht gleich ein Jahresabo bezahlen.
  17. @Michael GouldingPersonally I handle my Abo through the Apple AppStore. Depending of your setup (Apple ID etc.) this might be another option to throw some money on them.
  18. What operation do you mean exactly ? On my MBP I run Catalina and EN in the lastest versions. Copy and paste of text between notes, from a note to another program and from another program into a note - everything works seamlessly. Before you do the big un-/ install loop, maybe check through settings - security - privacy of your MacOS whether all EN checkboxes are checked.
  19. Interesting deep dive into the Windows engine room. The only way I know to improve the workflow a little would be to collect the pics in a folder, convert it there using a program capable of batch conversion, and then create the note(s) from there. I like Irfan View for operations like this, because it can resize, change the file type and rename in one go. Or just take it as it comes, bytes come cheap these days.
  20. @Michael GouldingBefore you downgrade: It seems the details of the Basic plan are to change. It still needs to be shown on the EN website yet, but it is getting more strict in some aspects. Depends on how you use EN if this is going to affect you when going Basic.
  21. O.K. Seems EN release management is a bit off the road at the moment. Since running into problems with the sandboxed execution when installing from the AppStore, I always take the direct install instead of the AppStore. @Shane D. Hello Shane, could you look into this matter. I would expect the EN website and the AppStore to be loaded simultaneously with the most recent release.
  22. Since Safari 13 / Catalina, Apple is not allowing to install browser extensions outside of the AppStore. The EN app itself , and other helper programs can still be found on the website, and can be installed from there.
  23. Weird - one should think that you get the most recent version with the most recent OS. I am running 10.15.1 (Catalina), have Skitch 2.8.1 and it does tell me this is the latest available version. MacUpdate does not find a newer version neither. Let us see how this turns out ...
  24. Note history is a feature that runs in the background on the EN servers, for all accounts. But access to it is only possible with a paid account. If you need to get access to history, you could sign into Premium for one month.
  25. 2.8.1 seems to be the latest version for the Mac. The "4" probably was a typo.
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