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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Strong message, wrong addressee: The forum is user driven. If you want to contact EN on your concerns, it is through a support ticket. Maybe they can offer you some help. You do not tell which version of the Windows client and of Windows you are running. I am sometimes using the Windows client as well (I am mostly on iOS and MacOS) and can not report any loss of information. Maybe you should uninstall and make a fresh reinstall is you feel things are not reliable.
  2. Since you have a Basic account, you are not entitled to use EN support on technical issues. The only support is available for account issues. This is a limitation applied by EN, maybe because they want to be able to offer support for paying customers as a feature. So they may tell you to submit a ticket, but when you log in, they check your account status, and the support option is no longer available. If you describe your problem here, maybe someone in the forum may be able to offer some help.
  3. In one of the videos it is explained that testing is primarily done in the web client. Reason is that doing fixes there is much easier than in downloaded software betas. So it is the web client first, then a last stop of app betas, before a feature is rolled out. Apart from changes forced from the outside (like the Mac/iOS upgrades) it is said that future changes will first bring all clients together in terms of layout, function and if ever possible code as well. New features are postponed after this, because the current multi-layout multi-platform situation does not allow for a real progress for all users. At least this is what I understood from the series of videos.
  4. Part of the new security measures by Apple: Browser extensions come by App Store. Apps other than extensions can still be downloaded from websites. There are just more questions about security before they are allowed to install.
  5. You can very easy create another account. So better check twice. If the account is correct, you can force a sync by holding opt/alt + shift before clicking on the sync symbol in the EN toolbar.
  6. Well, this is standard stuff. So it is hard to avoid, i agree. But still: Where is the root cause of that issue, compared to other installations ? When have you done the last complete uninstall ? With complete I mean really wiping the EN installation from the Mac. I use the app AppCleaner, and make sure to check all items down the list. Maybe make a backup before, just to be sure. Then I restart, and reinstall, with the version from the EN website (not from the AppStore). Everything from the server will be copied down again, which may take a while.
  7. iOS and EN app are on the actual release ? When an app crashes (any app ...), there can be „data residue“ of all kinds in the iPhones RAM. When the app is restarted, this debris from the former session can cause all type of problems. It is hard to detect what caused it, because each situation will be different, so the data that got stuck will be different. To avoid this, after an app crash you should power down the iPhone, wait a few seconds and switch it on again. You did it right when the apple icon is displayed on the screen. When powered off, the internal memory is wiped. Thus the OS will make a clean restart with a refreshed memory. If a crash happens more often, you should uninstall and reinstall the app that causes it.
  8. In addition, there is another possibility in iOS: When you are on the content you want to save, click on share (square with arrow) Pick the „print“ option On the now open print dialogue, select the number of pages you want to print Then pinch outwards with 2 fingers, like „opening“ the preview of the document This will convert the printout into a pdf document. This is open now. Now click again on „share“, select Evernote. The pdf will be saved as a new note into Evernote. The advantage is you get a clean pdf by this. If the website allows for it, choose the „reader“ view before clicking „share“ the first time. This will eliminate nearly all ads and other disturbing stuff from the page.
  9. Not having this problem. Probably it depends on some side effect of actions you take while editing. Yes, I agree, this probably should not happen, but it obviously does, and I do not think it happens to many people. Maybe it would make sense for you to find out what actions prompt these changes. Thus you could avoid them, or try to get EN to modify the code.
  10. If you do not want to have credit card information slip out - do not clip the page when you have entered your credit card data. If you do not want to send your browsing history out - do not clip everything. If you use web clipper, you can not avoid to send the complete page with all content plus meta data about the clipped page to the EN server. This is how it works. Technically this is handing it over to EN, even if nobody reads it. So they have to tell you in the privacy disclaimer. If you want to use a local process, „print“ the webpage to a pdf, and send this to EN. It will copy as well to the server (if it is not going into a local notebook). But this happens to all information you safe in your EN account.
  11. Often it is even enough to shut the iPhone down (I mean, really by switching it off), and restart it. If this does not do the job, uninstalling is the second step that in most cases solves everything left over when shutting down did not work.
  12. Which beta do you mean ? What Version of iOS are you running ?
  13. Using EN for Password management is like using a Multitool for a serious handcrafting job: It will do, but without excellence, and it will not spark joy while doing. I think there are many good reasons for encrypting entire notebooks - for storing passwords the note encryption feature is already enough, if one decides to use it for this purpose.
  14. Well, the trash is internally treated as another notebook, with some specialties. Among them is that doing a normal search, notes in trash will not show. It is possible to search the trash itself, just select it before typing the search text. And I think this is why the trash is synced automatically as well to the server. Deleting a note just sends it to the trash; out of sight, but still only one action away from being recovered. By syncing it, EN takes care that one can delete a note on an android phone, but recover it later on a Mac desktop. This is a nice feature when you change your mind, but if you do not want to sync something, you have to delete it completely from the trash as well.
  15. Between black and white there is a sea of grey, so go ahead. Regarding the tone of the discussion, I think there is created a lot of fuss about a very minor aspect. First I do not know any advertisement that promises „Webclipper for each and every browser, yet invented or not, possible or impossible, etc.“. There are several (!) workarounds to continue clipping and filing, at least Chrome (and it’s derivates) plus Firefox with Webclipper. And there is a continuous communication from the company to the users about what they do, how far they are and what is the next step. No need to apologize, for what ? They even did this, several times, from the CEO for those to read who care. And then there is a fact that does work for everybody who wants to leave: EN makes it easy to export ones data, and others make it easy to import them. It will not be 1:1, but close enough. So if one wants to move where there is no web clipper, not at all, it is a) possible and b) makes no sense to complain here and announce to go somewhere else, where the desired feature is entirely missing. So I think we can agree that nobody has to apologize to stay, nobody has to apologize to leave, and everybody is allowed to have his own opinion, stand for it and take a lively discussion when different positions clash. Have fun !
  16. You are on a payed account, so you could try to open a support ticket, and let them help you out.
  17. ... then put some butter and Marmelade on top, and enjoy the snack.
  18. Sometimes I wonder how Homo sapiens made it here, through eons and eons without all the gadgets that keep us happy and busy all day long 😉 I think we all have our strategies to cope with what life may throw on us, and that is it. Some month ago I held a little presentation on how to safeguard your virtual existence against threats and disaster, part 1 „At home“ to my friends at my Rotary club. Did you know for example, that you should not only use WPA2 to secure your WiFi, but a key with close to 64byte length as well ? Who the F.... wants to share a 64Byte Key to relatives and friends that come for a visit, and want to use your WiFi ! But if it is much shorter, it can be cracked inside of a few days with equipment costing less than 100$. And you can create a QR-code of the key and hang it to your router, for easy copying with a smart phone. They took the presentation as a man, but decided to live their lifes happy everafter. We agreed to postpone Part 2 „On the trip“ until further notice ...
  19. Yes, but how do you loose a note ? The only way I know is to delete it, and empty the bin afterwards. Even when maybe you do it because you have made the experience back then that you have needed / used it, I still think it is a lot of effort for a very remote chance of needing it. I just hope I do not have to come back to this one day because I have just lost „the note of my lifetime“.
  20. A 50MB - note is from my experience something that should stand out a bit, like a number of large size pictures, a video etc. Maybe you have a lot of this stuff (then it would make sense to go Premium anyhow), otherwise it should be relatively easy to find and burn.
  21. Who believed that pruning an outgrown software ecosystem back to its roots and core would be done in a matter of weeks or months underestimates the task at hand. You can not simply do a fresh design from zero, because the world keeps turning, new OS releases keep appearing, users want to get their stuff fixed etc. So we can believe one of two options: 1) Ian and the pack are sitting there in EN country, counting the bucks rolling in and laughing out loud that these users still stick to the sinking boat, or 2) the team is sincerely working on keeping us happy AND redesigning big parts of the code Basis at the same time If you are up for Option 1, I honestly think you should prepare to leave the party, and go searching for greener pastures. If you are (like I am) for option 2, I think it is self inflicted injury to continue with „mimimi“ about the fact that for a couple of days there is no web clipper on one of the several browsers available for MacOS. I have invested my energy instead to get web clipper for Firefox, and am happy clipping and Evernoting ever since. Took me less time to get it up and running than typing this post.
  22. ... or Firefox, if you as well try to avoid having your whole virtual life goggled up for you. Have upgraded to Catalina recently and installed Web Clipper on Firefox as one of my first actions under the new OS. Just works like it did in Safari before. I still count the days until it will be back on Safari, but it makes the wait much more comfortable and productive.
  23. I think it is a leftover from the time when it was introduced. It shall remind you what a great tool you are using, and that there is this new cool option. In general I agree that it is sort of helpful to have the templates layer, and one has to approve that they really made it super easy to use. But this ease of use comes along with having it sitting right there on top of every new note. So as said before, just ignore and start typing ! Or better, think about the notes you start regularly, and if you could not create the one or other template to make things faster and more structured for yourself. Templates can really help you to achieve this.
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