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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. About killing for a living: The last figure I’ve learned is that appr. 13% of all EN users are paying for the service. This means that every paying user is funding 8 non-paying with their use of EN. What is left over after this is used for development, improvement and a little shareholder value. There are 2 explanations possible: The free service is so good that most users do not need to pay Most users are not willing to pay for the Premium / Business features of a note taking / information keeping system Both explanations do not promote this to be a field of getting rich, fast track. It does sound more like hard work, money earned by serious effort. And believe me: The business application segment of the market is even worse, because there must be more than 1$ earned for each nickel spent. Show it, prove it, or you are not even in the race for the order. Cost of introducing or switching software is so high that you really need to be way ahead of everybody else to win new customers.
  2. I do not use the internal reminders of EN much. Most reminders are in Things 3 as my task manager, with links to a note if the content is in EN. My last direct reminder came up on the 1st of November, and the E-Mail was send and received just fine. Maybe issue a support ticket and let them look it up on the server side.
  3. Then there is maybe something else going on - at what day of the month your limit is usually resetting ? Even if there is a backlog, it should start syncing those notes that are stuck in there. This should create newly synced notes. If you want to reset everything, you could go Premium for just one month. This will give you an upload limit of 10GB, it will move the size limit of a single note up to 200MB and you have access to support, if things do not unlock by themselves. Maybe it is worth the value of a cup of Starbucks brew.
  4. The notes can be shown in the sequence they were last updated, with date. If you change a note, this will make the note upload again, using again the full Size against your monthly allowance. So if you want to make a lot of small changes to larger notes, it is better to change them using the web client.
  5. @dcon This is for sure no dirt, this is a block of sensors on the back side scanning array not working. I doubt that this can be fixed without replacing the part. If it is the sensor itself or a conversion chip I cannot say from viewing the scan. But there is no signal coming from this part of the sensor. So it is simplex scanning (like you do), or go for a replacement. Personally I do most of my day to day scanning by my iPhone today, using the ScannerPro-App. My ix500 is employed when scanning more than apps. 10 pages. And the new ix 1500 is a very nice scanner ...
  6. If you delete a notebook with notes inside, the notes go to the trash. As long as you do not empty the trash, the notes can be recovered. But it is not possible to recover the notebook. So the best way to get things back to normal is to first recreate the deleted notebook as a new empty notebook. Then use a desktop client if possible, go to the trash, select all notes you want to restore and select the „Move notes to ...“ command to move the selected notes from trash into the new notebook. If on the web client or a mobile client, you can move one note at a time only.
  7. All clients have been updated recently. Part of the updates were forced by updates of the underlying OS, but more and more of them deliver new or unified functions to the users. I would have understood the question a year ago - today I regard it as uninformed or polemic.
  8. If an article is clipped, it will more or less copy the code AND the content into EN. This is as mobile friendly as the website is from which it was copied. Because websites detect which device is calling, they will submit a version that is good for display on the device that will be displaying it. If it is a desktop, the mobile version probably will not be delivered - and can’t be clipped. There is not much EN can do about this. If you want to get things independently from the device, get it and convert it into a pdf before sending it into EN.
  9. About the use of „tools“ on a computer (Mac, Windows, whatever): All tools that go beyond what the creator of the OS think is appropriate carry a certain risk. Users should know this, and decide on their ability to manage things themselves. On the other hand, the OS sometimes leaves issues that without the tools a normal user (who will not run tasks through command line modifications) can’t resolve. My user experience: Macupdate on my Mac is the paid version. Yes, it is not even cheap, but it saves me so much time that I regard it a good investment. I have never experienced it to install anything else than new versions of software that I have decided before I want installed on my Mac. Sometimes it is not able to install the latest version completely, but then it loads the DMG and I can do the rest alone. IMHO the risk of running outdated software exceeds by far the risk of running a tool to help with staying current. Security specialists regard running the actual versions of OS and Apps as more important than using an antivirus-software. AppCleaner works fine, and opposite to just dragging an icon on the trash, I can see what the app I want to uninstall has put on my disk, and what is recommended for deletion, and what to keep. I feel better by knowing. I’ve made quite a number of uninstalls up to now, and in not a single case anything got broken by this. And if this would happen, I run TimeMachine and could always go back before the point when I hit the uninstall button. I do not doubt that for some users it is better to pay for a specialist looking for their Mac than to service it alone - and I am sure that for somebody who earns his living by doing so, users that will not use publicly available tools to help themselves are an important customer group. Both will not stop me to recommend what IMHO is working and helps to keep my Mac happy, my EN running and myself productive.
  10. Maybe go to the web client on the EN website. Log in, and check whether your pics have synced to the EN server. Thumbnails are generated on the server. If the pics did not reach it, no thumbs will be created.
  11. Good question. Maybe to get the complete picture would be to find out how many users share EN links to other task managers like Todoist, Wunderlist (RIP) or like in my case Things 3. I share content by a link into Things, because I want to have my active reminders in just one place. And this place is not EN, because task handling in a dedicated task manager is far superior today. For me the question is How many Users of EN use a task manager as well ? How many of these share content from EN with their TM ? How many users that use reminders in EN use another TM without sharing ? How many task manager users use no EN reminders? etc. The question to EN is whether the current reminders work so badly that people refrain from using them, but use other apps to do the job.
  12. Wipe out the old installation with AppCleaner. Not only run it, but actively check ALL items in the AC-window to be uninstalled. When you reinstall, use the version from the EN Website, not the one from the AppStore. After installing, make sure it gets ALL permissions in the Macs settings, Security & Privacy.
  13. It is the right place, just mention that you are posting about the „new“ webclient. About the memory usage pop up , I have read this before in the forum. Maybe search for it.
  14. Are you guys installing from the EN website, or from the AppStore ? If it is from the AppStore, try the direct install from the website instead. Before installing, wipe the old installation clean by running AppCleaner and check ALL positions in the AC-window to uninstall. Then after installing make sure it has ALL permissions in the Macs settings, Security & Privacy. I really went down the list of categories, then in each category the list of items and clicked on every issue to allow access. If this will help, I do not know. I came from Mojave, and my EN is running fine on my MBP 2018 model.
  15. Thanks for housekeeping - ya´knw how it looks if nobody cares 😱
  16. @dcon Can you post a visual of your scanners problem here to see what it might be ?
  17. My steps are described in this post. Probably you can skip some since your initial setting is different. The key after you got the scanner working is to set up profiles in ScanSnapHome to scan directly into EN. And not that the scanner can only work with one computer at any time. So if it was connected to another one - or the same one with another OS ? - before, it may have trouble to connect to your Mac under the updated OS. Somehow my post will not be copied as a link, so this is the text: My steps have been: Uninstall all ScanSnap SOFTWARE from my MacBookPro using AppCleaner app, to really wipe all parts of it. Caution: This will as well erase the folders containing copies of all scans, so make sure to back them up (copy them to another folder) if you still need the content. Link the ix500 to the Mac using the USB cable. Go to the Fujitsu website and upgrade your firmware to the latest edition available for your scanner. Caution: If it is an EN edition scanner, it will be converted to a normal ix500 by this. This can’t be reverted - and without doing, the new 64bit-SW will not run with your scanner. (*) From the Fujitsu Website get the DMG with the ScanSnapHome-Software. Install it on your Mac. Go to the Macs settings, Security & Privacy, and go down the list of settings in the last tab. I think the one before is the Firewall. Check each category, and where ScanSnap or EN is mentioned, make sure the option is checked. Connect to the scanner via USB, set it up (WiFi etc.) and run a test. It should work now. In ScanSnapHome create profiles that allow you to scan directly into a new EN note. (*) I did not have to do this, since I have a standard ix500. Maybe you have to get the ScanSnapHome running first before you can upgrade the firmware. You have to try how it works, or go through Fujitsu support on this. From my knowledge, ScanSnapHome will not work with an EN edition scanner. Anyhow, the scanner should run the latest firmware, even if it was a normal ix500 from the beginning.
  18. Personally I would refrain from blaming somebodies motivation to be trolling on a certain issue. It takes more than „trolling“ motivation to serve the forum users since years with good and sound advise, reaching nearly 18.000 posts yet. But maybe the nearly 4.000 likes were earned from the Everlasting-Troll-Fanclub - whoever knows ??? An alternative would be to reflect on ones arguments and accept that other (maybe more experienced) users have other positions. We don’t have to agree here on everything, and a good exchange never ever did any harm to any of us, besides cutting oversized egos to shape.
  19. My steps have been: Uninstall all ScanSnap SOFTWARE from my MacBookPro using AppCleaner app, to really wipe all parts of it. Caution: This will as well erase the folders containing copies of all scans, so make sure to back them up (copy them to another folder) if you still need the content. Link the ix500 to the Mac using the USB cable. Go to the Fujitsu website and upgrade your firmware to the latest edition available for your scanner. Caution: If it is an EN edition scanner, it will be converted to a normal ix500 by this. This can’t be reverted - and without doing, the new 64bit-SW will not run with your scanner. (*) From the Fujitsu Website get the DMG with the ScanSnapHome-Software. Install it on your Mac. Go to the Macs settings, Security & Privacy, and go down the list of settings in the last tab. I think the one before is the Firewall. Check each category, and where ScanSnap or EN is mentioned, make sure the option is checked. Connect to the scanner via USB, set it up (WiFi etc.) and run a test. It should work now. In ScanSnapHome create profiles that allow you to scan directly into a new EN note. (*) I did not have to do this, since I have a standard ix500. Maybe you have to get the ScanSnapHome running first before you can upgrade the firmware. You have to try how it works, or go through Fujitsu support on this. From my knowledge, ScanSnapHome will not work with an EN edition scanner. Anyhow, the scanner should run the latest firmware, even if it was a normal ix500 from the beginning.
  20. To implement „nested notebooks“ would not be „a lot of effort“. It would mean to re-write the complete EN database, and every piece of software running on it. Or it would mean to change the database, and still rewrite the complete software plus having a performance issue. Currently the relation between a note and a notebook is a 1:n - Relation. One note belongs to exactly one notebook, and one notebook can contain a large number of notes, but only in this single notebook. No single note can exist in another notebook at the same time. This quite basic and easy to read. If you go nesting, this changes to n:m, which in a database is the most complex relation, in need of an additional table that contains the links / relations between the objects. It is much more difficult to read by software, and performance sucks if you do not take additional measures. The creation of multi-dimensional links between notes in EN is done by tagging, which is much stronger than any notebook-nesting, and is fully supported by the EN software including the EN search logic. It is as simple as that: Who believes he needs nesting of notebooks, is not working with EN, he is working against the EN program structure. Such a person should probably go somewhere else, or learn how to use EN as it is designed. P.S. Stacks are no example of how this could be done, because they were done by putting a „stack“ field into the header data of each notebook. This does not create a deep nesting, and even this „cheap“ 1-level-nesting is even today not really supported by the EN software. Stacks are visible, but they do not serve to organize information logically.
  21. This is clearly not how it should work, and not how it works with my account. You are paying your dues as a Premium member - I think you should challenge support on this.
  22. Sounds interesting. Currently if I know I will have a bad connection in the next time (like when on the train), I disable sync completely, work locally and initiate a sync when I have a solid uplink. This is not good, but better than broken notes by a bad sync. Probably it would only make the settling of sync conflicts demanding. At the Moment a Sync conflict can arise when on one device a note is changed without internet connection, and the same note is changed on another device as well. If sync is local, the conflict would spread before it can be settled. But as I say, this may be a small price to pay for a relevant gain.
  23. I am on ScanSnapHome since quite a while, now under Catalina. USB is working, WiFi is working (I had some trouble with it, and you use an USB connection to set it up again), Cloud is working. The app itself seems to be on the lean side regarding functions, but these are available when you setup profiles. So I created some profiles like EN-simplex, EN-duplex (both with OCR), HighRes etc. When scanning, I choose the appropriate profile, and there we go. To use the SW, one has to convert the EN edition scanner to a normal ix500 by firmware update. It makes it work as any other ix500 (like mine, which was a standard one from the beginning), but it can’t be reverted. In general for a normal User the ScanSnapHome-solution IMHO should do the job. And for those who need more, the scanner should work with another software solution specially able to serve advanced scanning tasks. But these do not come for free when buying the scanner.
  24. Maybe I am not such a hardcore user, most of the things mentioned above I have not even noticed before. For my typical workflows I enjoy a sufficient support by the Mac app. If there are things missing that work with the Windows app, I have probably not missed them because I do not use them. Example: Import folders: Yes, now it was mentioned I used them when I was on Windows. I scanned into folders, and it got converted into new EN notes. Since I have my Mac, I either import directly from my scanner (ix500) into EN, or I scan from my iPhone with ScannerPro via a workflow I have set up as well directly into EN. So I don’t miss anything. And I know that if I need to setup an import folder one day, I could use for example Hazel to get the files into EN notes on my Mac as well. Less elegant, with an additional piece of software, but it works. In general I agree: Other users with other use cases will use and need to use such functions, so it would be nice to have all the clients unified and happy.
  25. Maybe the EN server has thought of this frequent mailer as being a spammer. Probably you should issue a support ticket, to have it reviewed and if it was spam-locked get it unlocked again.
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