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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. See my post above. What OS ? Updated recently ? OS and/or EN-app ? File Vault running ? etc. When I look up EN in the activity monitor, it usually just takes appr. 1% of CPU. No lag at all when typing into a EN note.
  2. To set up some order: Yes, it would be nice if EN notifies a trusted device whenever there is a new account login. Dropbox is doing so, and I feel safer by this. For me, if you say there was a third party login there was a third party login - period. You will know when you entered your account, and if it was not you, it was somebody else. Via VPN, Proxie or TOR does not play a role - however it is well known that the „bad guys“ use these tools to cloak their real location and setup. The foreign Android device entering form the US may well be an automatic data retrieval server running Linux working down a huge account/PW-database with stolen passwords situated in Mongolia, or wherever. They will connect to a network of computers that muddle up the location and hide who is behind it. It is highly unlikely that all of your devices are infected. But if you have malware on your laptop, everything you do there can be reproduced. There is malware that will take a picture of your screen every X seconds while your PC is active. Then even one-time-Code-lists are no longer safe. To exclude this, I would make the security setup from a completely different machine, possibly with another OS and with a browser set to „private mode“ before starting Evernote.
  3. It is not possible if all security measures were properly (!) applied (option 1), or you are the first in a row of breaches to come (option 2). Pick your choice ! If you are not sure whether you applied the measures properly, the best thing would be to get some help by a person that knows how (personal contact or paid professional). If I would have had an intruder, I would rather rebuild account security from scratch, than just changing my PW.
  4. What I do when I run into problems with displayed content on an i-device is different: Open the website, document, etc. If available, on websites I use the reader option Press the share button, select „print“. A print dialog box will open. Select if necessary the page range. Put 2 fingers on the little document in the box, „pinch“ outwards (move both fingers apart) The document will open as a pdf in the standard pdf display Use share again, select Evernote, add information like title, notebook and tags Save, done ! The „clean“ pdf created this way will be OCRed by Evernote It can be post-processed using a pdf editor, like PDF Expert. This works for me in all cases that show problems with other options.
  5. On iOS this is build into the OS itself, and EN just needs to borrow it, like other apps do. A full font Management is not available under iOS. Even apps that have extended functionality like Pages are more restricted than the same app on the Mac. Many others don’t go further than EN, even editors like iAwriter only have smaller/larger functions. What would be more important to me would be an easy way to structure text, like header / subheader / etc. Ideal would be full markdown capability brought into the EN editor on all platforms.
  6. Just tried to provoke a syncing issue on my iPad, by switching flight mode on and off while creating and editing notes. The iOS client is similar to android because it has no full local database and relies on syncing to the web data. No problem at all, the notes stayed marked with a green arrow to show they needed syncing until flight mode was off, but they were always accessible and could be edited, while offline as well as online. Maybe there is something specific to the Android client. So calling in to support should be the next step.
  7. For me there is no need for yet another switch build into the software. It just bloats the GUI and makes troubleshooting more complicated. If I want or need it, I can easily change or disable the hotkeys, as shown above. On the other side the fast clipping function is a useful tool on occasion.
  8. When I tried, it was on a pdf with public access through the www. Just tried again, worked again on a completely different website, as it worked always for me with iOS. There is an issue with pdfs using Firefox on win-desktop, but this is a different story. What does it mean „PDF was simple Bill from one of my accounts“ ? Maybe the issue is with the source.
  9. Sorry, then no idea. A chromebook is restricted by itself. This leaves submitting a support ticket - or another user may help.
  10. Your post is short on relevant details like platform, OS, app version etc. But I assume you are talking about webclipper in chrome on a desktop. If you search the forum, you may find a number of related threads. It seems there has been changes on the chrome side Evernote is/was not able to fix from their side. I am not sure what the status of this is now (not using chrome myself), but options are - do an own forum search, maybe there is a thread with a solution - go for support, they should know - use another browser. I am on Firefox on my Win10-PC, and on Safari on my Mac, on both webclipper works
  11. I think that nowadays most users are multi-device, multi-platform. In my case it is Windows, Mac and iOS. If I had to estimate, I would rank my iOS use way above 50%, the rest split among Win and Mac. But most of my serious editing is done on one of the desktop clients, as the note-by-note approach of the mobile client does not allow for multiple notes transactions like joining, batch moving to target notebooks and multi-tagging.
  12. Dear Ian, dear team, first, the new openness and integration of users is very positive. No company can tell everything, but involving users to get feedback - like in this thread - is always leading to a better product. Second, I like the incremental approach. Much better to improve things in steps, we all can feel, try and comment on, than being promised a big leap whenever (and often never). Third, any focus on the engine that drives EN is very valuable. For me what counts is the reliable, performant structure deep inside, not wet, shiny paint on the surface. Keep up the focus, keep up the drive !
  13. Anybody should be happy to learn that EN has outsourced the data storage to Google (or Amazon, or Microsoft, or ... any other major cloud service). This is common practice today for a lot of companies. It does not mean that Google is handling the data, they just run the data center on which the EN data (which is my data, your data, our data !) is saved and processed. This means the data is super-save, distributed over a number of data centers, backuped to an extend that a single company could most likely not guarantee. If you use the data stored in your EN account professionally, you should think about closing a data processing agreement with EN. For European users with professional data use, this is obligatory under European data protection laws. I did this, with a very professional reaction by EN and without additional cost. Just issue an support ticket, briefly explaining why you want to add this amendment to your account. EN confirms in there that the data will be handled and protected in compliance with the new European data protection laws (which is to my knowledge the strictest ruleset of all G20-countries).
  14. Since the one-time with heavy syncing I have reported above, no more problems. Sync is fast, search is working, switching apps or time-out has no effect on the responsiveness.
  15. Hello David, just tried it - because I want to be correct in saying so, I do not have the problems described: Opened a website in Safari Opened a pdf on this website, a new tab opens with the pdf While the pdf is on display, clicked on share, selected Evernote from the apps line A box opens, I introduced a Title (sometimes it puts it right in there, in this case not), picked the notebook and a tag, clicked then on save Very briefly, the data transfer disk shows up Go to Evernote App, it syncs on opening, and the note is there ! So it works with Safari. Chrome I do not use, but I use a handful of other browsers (Cliqz, Firefox klar) on occasion and did not have a problem there either. iOS and EN app are at the latest available release level (no betas), tested on iPad Pro 10.5. I do not have problems either doing the same from my iPhone 6S+.
  16. Today I have had a sort of freezing as well again. What was different to before: While the app did nothing, the data connection wheel kept spinning and spinning. In the end I force -closed the app, waited a few seconds, reopened and things were o.k. again. Now I had regrouped a lot of notes a few days ago, like tagging, moving from inbox into the destination notebooks, merging and deleting notebooks etc. This alone was worth more than 1 GB of upload consumption, because EN treats all this as new content. The iOS client does not hold note content, but still a lot of overhead / metadata. So first I can not reproduce this, because I will not redo that many notes in the next future. But I will observe if it was a one-timer (then probably caused by a lot of syncing), or if it will happen again. If this takes place, I will go straight to reopen the support ticket on this that was closed when the new client version got released. For serious work on the database, I use the Mac or Windows clients, but most of my EN day to day retrieval happens on my iPad. I want this to perform dead sure when I need it.
  17. When I scan documents with my iPhone, and send them to Evernote, it just creates a new note with the scanned document as content, and the properties (title, tags) assigned to it by the scanning app. No new window. Just when I use the ix500 ScanSnap, a window is created. This is an Evernote window, not a scansnap-app window. So somehow the transfer of the scanned document into Evernote makes EN show a new window, with this note as content. For each scanned document a new window is created. When I scanned a lot, I have some housekeeping to do. For me, scanning things is the most important source to create content in Evernote, followed by Webclipper and forwarding E-Mails into the account. Creating and typing notes in EN I do comparatively scarcely.
  18. Sometimes it is just try and error. As an example: When I scan something from my ix500 into my Windows Evernote, it goes straight into the database, without an extra window. When I do the same scanning into my Mac, each scan opens its own little window, that I will have to close later. Why ? No idea ! I have not yet found the switch to kill it. And the scanning interface is very different in Windows and Mac. But this is Fujitsu, not Evernote.
  19. What may have an influence is the second option from top down „Open note links ....“. You have switched it off, so no new window from there. Another may be in the clipper tab the topmost option „Clip forward. ... „ (or something, have to translate this stuff) In the Mac client these two are those that may have an impact on this new window creation.
  20. Go to Evernote.com in the Internet. Go to the help & Training section. Click on send us an e-Mail. If not yet registered, you can proceed as guest. Or register, creating an account is possible without having a subscription. The accounts & payments section is open to everybody, not only paying users. Post your question there, with a valid E-Mail-adress.
  21. Searched today on iPhone/ 3G while out of office, still working fine for me.
  22. Thanks for the comment. My congratulations are mature, because on my devices it went bad some time ago, and is now and still fixed. Since the new release I had no search-freezes any more, not on iPad nor on iPhone, not on WLAN nor on mobile data (4G+3G), not with 12.2 or 12.3. I am far away to think that by this, anybody has to experience the same - even when iOS is typically much more stable with solving issues on all devices because the devices are well designed, and get fresh OS-releases every few months. So if you still have trouble, and as a premium user, I think a support ticket is the logical next step. Would be nice if you keep us posted about how it evolves. There is always „one more thing“ to learn.
  23. From how I understand the process: - a new release goes first to the company homepage, for download and free installation - the same goes to the App Store, for the fruit shop guys to check and approve it. This does not depend on the software provider, but on the App Store Operator. Sometimes it takes a while ... - There are cases in which the App Store Version is permanently restricted, for example because of the obligatory sandboxing. In these cases, there May permanently exist 2 versions, one for the App Store, and one for free installation. This means: If you need a fix fast, get the downloaded version. If you can’t install this (managed Mac etc.), maybe you need paaaaaaaaaatience (sorry).
  24. Existe un Nuevo post sober problems similares:
  25. If you use the keyboard, the undelete button is above the keys, the symbol at the very left. If you use a real keyboard, there will only show a small menu bar at the bottom of the page, where the undo is found as well. Beside it is the redo-option. A further option in iOS is to activate the „shake to undo“ option in the settings of iOS. Somewhere in settings, general, .... Mine is in German, so I am not sure how this spells in Englisch. Looks weird to hold your iPad firmly with a furious look in the eyes and rattle it, but it will open a little window asking whether you want to undo the last action. For me this is enough undo in iOS in practical life. Sequential undo some steps backwards might be nice, but is IMHO not essential.
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