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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. From the release announcement Copy image would sometimes not be available from the image’s right click menu Well copy image is available but does not actually copy the image just an empty box when copied to Word
  2. I would check the web version of EN because that should be an accurate reflection of what is on the server.
  3. We've seen this consistently thoughout the preview and beta stages. It takes a while for it to roll out (as stated in the announcement). I don't know what the priority is based on but may well be geographical with the USA going first. Mine has not updated yet either.
  4. The way that "search" and "filter" interact is confusing until you get used to it. There is an added complication in your workflow because if you have a nested hierarchy of tags selecting a tag in the sidebar slects that tag and all the child tags. So it only finds notes tagged with the parent and all the children. The key principle is start with search and filter from within search or use the filter menu later. There are two approaches that would give you what you want. I'm going to search for the text "issues" in notes tagged $current 1. Just use search When you search you need to approach it in the order "filters" and then text. In this case I need to add a filter for the $current tag. I start typing $current and the tag comes up in the search results within the search box Clicking the filter then gives me: I've now got a list of other relevant filters which I could also add if I want to. There is no option to filter for notes containing pdfs for example, because there are no notes tagged with $current that contain pdfs Now I can add the text ("issues") and my final result is: 2. Search then filter You can search for the text first and then use the filter menu to narrow down your search Unfortunaely I get the complete tag hierarchy not just the relevant tags. I can search for the tag within the hierarchy if I want to or just browse. In the end I get exactly the same result. As @DTLow says you can always use the advanced search syntax but you don't have to in this case. There are a few cases where you do need the search syntax particularly if you want to find notes with any of a list of tags (rather than all). It's also annoying that you cannot save a search constructed using filter even if it does exactly the same thing as one constructed using search.
  5. I think the suggestion might have been about a table of contents within a note that will navigate to different sections of the note. This has been asked for in the past and personally I think it would be really useful. It is currently easier to have several shorter notes linked together via a TOC note rather than one long note. That works well unless you need to share or print all the notes.
  6. If you use the share system does the other user need to have an EN account? If they do then EN already has their email address. If they don't then you are absolutely right. I've only really shared notebooks with other EN users or made non-confidential notes available to anybody with the link (and then you don't need an EN a/c)
  7. Completely agree. It is ridiculous to have to download a file in order to add it to an email. Images are also really difficult to get out of EN. Copy and paste is a basic Windows functionaility and it should just work.
  8. You cannot save a "search" created solely with the filter menu. I'd love somebody from EN to explain why not. Three possible workarounds. 1. Search for everything by searching for * in the search box. Then you can add filters from the filter menu 2. Start with a search. You can add tag filters using the filter menu later if you want to but EN has to believe it's a search not a filter to save it. You can add tags from the search menu as well but you need to know their names as you don't get the hierarchy. 3. Use the advanced search syntax Play with the search and see what comes up. When you get used to it it actually works quite well.
  9. In the legacy version I search and get a list of notes. If I update one of the notes e,g remove a tag that is in the search criteria the note immediately disappers from the view. Awesome behaviour! In the new version we have two issues: 1. When I make the change it takes some time for the changes to be reflected on the server and hence in the search. This is much faster than it was but is still a significant delay 2. You cannot easily refresh the search. It doesn't happen dynamically like in the legacy version. You have to go back to all notes and then either construct the search again or if it is saved click the saved search. A simple refresh the search button would make this alot easier.
  10. I don't understand why we should want this behaviour either. It only happens from me from a shorcut or recent document etc, not from a normal search. You can double click on a saved search to open the note in a separate window.
  11. Send to EN has for me always a bit odd, appearing and disappearing with different versions of the legacy client. I now simply drag the file onto the note list which works for me.
  12. I can't reproduce that behaviour. When I press alt- ctrl-2 I do go to the search bar. We've seen odd inconsistent behaviour of short cut keys over and over again so EN need to add this to the list.
  13. I;ve seen this and I thought I must be cracking up! It doesn't seem repeatable so I will take some screen shots if it happens again.
  14. You could try unclicking tools -> preferences -> save data at logout. I'm not sure whether the Windows version with no local caching currently gives you any advantages over the web version You can't!
  15. You need the main notebooks window NOT the sidebar. Click the notebook icon in the sidebar and a different window pops out. You can do everything you want from there including creating stacks. You can't drop and notebook on to another notebook but you can use the three dots menu for the notebook you want to add.
  16. You seem to be missing a whole line above what you have in your screen shot
  17. It is a work around. When the hyperlinks issue was raised in the beta there was a statement by EN staff member @Austin G that they were looking into it. So it might reappear but don't hold your breath. If you have access to the beta forum the discussion is here:
  18. I have no idea why you can not search or filter within a stack. If you are in All notes you might be lucky and the notebook is in the list (this is possibly based on recent use??) or you can add it with notebook:ABC. Easiest is definitely to get into the mentality of notebook -> "filter" -> text which obviously seems most logical to the developer.
  19. The work around (which I actually prefer because I can never remember the correct format) is to simply drag and drop a windows shortcut into the note. The shortcut can be to an individual file or a folder. Works like a dream (and works in the legacy version too).
  20. On the filtering. You can select a notebook first and then just filter with the filter menu. It's very similar to the search you just can't add text.
  21. Choose the notebook first open the search bar beneath the search bar is the name of the notebook (very faint gray) and "add filter" in blue Click add filter and then add whatever other filters and text you want So this search is for notes in my @inbox folder which contain images and the word "daily"
  22. You can narrow a search within a specific notebook but not in a stack. You can filter both within a notebook or a stack. Edit: You can select a stack but then the filter icon disappears which is insane. You can. From the full notebook menu click the three dots for the stack
  23. We gave loads of input through out the preview and beta stages - they just released it anyway. I can't think of a single thing that has been raised since release that had not already been raised in the preview and beta forums. It's not a compulsory upgrade but I don't think EN appreciate that without a detailed road map of which features are coming back there are alot of people worrying about whether the product will ever meet their needs again.
  24. I've only used it to confirm that images pasted from the web are pasted as links not as actual embedded images. Having been through various preview versions and 5 betas I can assure you that this is not chronologically an early beta despite the fact that it feels like one. Early versions were unusable. I can now do most of what I need to do on the current version although it is slow and takes more steps to do things.
  25. It was promised in the EN YouTube video about the new search that the old search syntax would continue to work - and it does. I agree that Boolean search is an obvious omission in EN. I did read something from ages ago that stated that the multitude of different EN versions made Boolean search difficult to implement. Perhaps with a common code base and searches largely taking place on the server, Boolean search is something that we will see in the future. Meanwhile, although the search has a few problems and you have to approach it in a certain way that seems logical to the developers, I generally like it and will be easier for most users while retaining the things that power users need. It has also improved massively since the early beta versions when I was creating posts with names like "The current search/filter set up is ridiculous"
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