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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. What are you trying to highlight? If the text is in an "HTML content" box you will not be able to highlight it unless you "simplify and make editable" first. Normal text should be no problem and there is now a choice of hightlighting colours
  2. I don't think EN would class this as a bug. They have decided that any line that starts with a checklist/checkbox will be a checklist. They have no objection to you using a checkbox provided it is not at the beginning of a line. I actually like checklists but when I need a checkbox at the beginning of a line I just add another character (e.g. - or .) first and also make use of the <open square bracket> <close square bracket> shortcut.
  3. You can still do it using the search syntax. Just type stack:"stack name" before the rest of your search. The inverted commas are only need if there is a space in the stack name. You don't say what platform you are using but in the desktop versions there is a search box in the filter for notebooks Alternatively if you type the beginning of the note book into the search you will get a list if suggestions which includes notebooks. Clicking the notebook name takes you to that notebook and you then have the option to filter by that notebook.
  4. Just to point out the sorting by reminder date is available on the desktop versions, provided you are in the list of notes with reminders (reminder tab)
  5. I think reaching the server and being indexed by the server are two different events.
  6. For me the html box normally comes from text add using the webclipper or by emailing a note into my ccount although I have ocassionally come across old notes that seem to have it for no apparent reason. This new feature is EN's attempt to cope with increasingly complex websites which often get messed up if converted into EN's native format. You can remove the html box by using "simplify and make editable" (wand icon which appears when you hover over teh html text header) or cliupping as simplified article in the first place. Both approaches will probably mess up the formatting.
  7. V10 has a very clear distinction between searching and filtering which in my opinion is not helpful for the user. Clicking the tag in the sidebar list or the filter is "filtering". Using tag: in the search bar is "searching". The main functional differences are that: you can save a search but not a filter (the workaround is to search for * and then filter) the timescale for being able to find a recently tagged note is different The offline behaviour is different I'm saying different rather than being specific because the difference for me seems to change with updates - although I'm not happy with that explanation and I could be wrong. Searching for a newly tagged note is never going to be instantaneous in the new system. Normally it takes a few seconds. Sometimes it takes longer or never seems to work. It has improved massively over the lifetime of V10 but is still not nearly consistent enough
  8. Valid points but the original question concerned a "large number of notes" (which are not going to be found in the sidebar). The thread was then hijacked to talk about multi selecting tags which again is a valid point but not what the thread and my answer were about. My answer was correct but was not the correct answer to a question that had not yet been asked and wasn't related to the original question!
  9. As you are a premium member you should raise a support ticket with EN giving as much detail as possible as to what the problems are. For me EN V10 is certainly different, is still missing a few features which I miss from the legacy, is sometimes slower and frequently takes more clicks to achieve something but it does work such that I rarely use the legacy nowadays.
  10. I think the point is that if you use the web version you don't have a choice. If you copy an image from the web and paste it into a note in the web version it only pastes a link and not the actual image. It displays the image so you think it has been pasted but it can't be annotated and if the image is changed or deleted it will effect your note. This used to be the behaviour in early desktop versions of V10 (hence my original post) but that has now been corrected. The web version should just be brought into line with the desktop versions.
  11. If you double click the note in the note list it will open it in a new window
  12. When V10 was released the amount of functionaility in the sidebar was severly reduced. Over time this has slowly increased so I hope the old shift-click functionality to select multiple tags will return at some stage. Measnwhile for desktop users the legacy remains and, as @PinkElephantpoints out, there is the search syntax which also allows you to search for tag1 OR tag2 etc
  13. This post is about multi selection of notes. How could you select notes from the sidebar? Notes don't appear in the sidebar. You cannot multi-select tags from the sidebar and I've certainly raised elsewhere the need to reinstate shift-clicking tags to select more than one.
  14. If you point at the expand note button (top left of note window) nothing happens unless the cursor is on the very top edge of the button. The reverse process using the collapse note button works as expected. Can anybody reproduce this or is it just me?
  15. I agree. The complexity of modern websites sometimes makes it very difficult to work out what is going on. Even so you would expect a consistent result even if the image was being produced using some javascript wizardry rather than being a traditional fixed html image.
  16. The menu you see does seem to be very context and website specific. Generally I see the menu with either 3 or 4 sub options but it does always seem to include clip the image. I haven't tried lots of different websites though. I suspect that it's limitations imposed by the website rather than a problem with webclipper. If you are able to select the image (ie highlight it) you could then use the webclipper and choose the "selection" option.
  17. I don't think this is a syncing problem. The screen capture is done on your computer and added to EN on your computer. It then syncs up to the server. When I use alt-ctrl-S I get a Windows notification message: and the screenshot is immediately available in my default notebook with the title as shown in the Windows notification. Are you sure the screenshot is actually being taken? You could try the icon (click the elephant icon and then use the capture screen icon). Also EN will not do a full screen capture by default - you need to drag a Window to get it to capture anything.
  18. How are you generating the screenshot and on what platform? If it's done locally on the desktop app using the capture screen function it should appear immediately (and then sync up to the server). If it is done in the webclipper then it should be immediately available in the web version of EN but take a few seconds/minutes to arrive in the desktop.
  19. I don't think you can do that I don't think this is exactly what you want but it might help:
  20. Did you notice the dates of the two posts? Things have improved massively in the last 7 months. For me everything now seems to work fine. Like @gazumped I also suggest you raise a support ticket.
  21. I don't know whether this would help. It works if the pdf is in single page view. Click on the title of the note or within the note (but not the actual pdf) Hit ctrl-F to bring up the search within a note function. It should be prepopulated with the search term. You can then use the arrow keys on the search toolbar to cycle through the locations, each one of which is highlighted
  22. Here are a few observations. I'm going to use a screen capture of printed text because I don't normally scan handwriting but the principles should be the same. - The note information no longer includes a statement as to whether the images have been indexed. This is very annoying for problem solving. - The number of words for me appears to be simply the number of words which are typed in the body of the note. Here is an example. No words in the note but as you can see from the yellow highlight it has found a word - In the legacy version if you download the enex file for a note which has been ocr'd there is a list of the found words together with their location coordinates within the image. This also illustrated beautifully the "fuzzy" nature of the process where each word in the image can be assigned several recognised words. If you download the enex file for the same note in V10 the recognition data is missing. It still works so therefore must be stored elsewhere. I have found in the past that EN sometimes just refuses to carry out ocr on particular notes. At least with legacy it was clear whether the process had happened or not. Now we are completely in the dark. My experience pre V10 was that the best way to get EN to do the ocr was to either: 1. Make a change to the web version of the note. Can be just text 2. Make a change to the image in the desktop version.
  23. I assume he means the three header levels which become <h1>, <h2> and <h3> in the .enex file The fact that EN are doing it this way does bode well for internal linking within a note at some stage in the future.
  24. You can download all the attachments (images, pdfs etc) from a note in Windows V10 by right clicking the body of the note and choosing "save attachments".
  25. Doesn't seem to work in V10 Windows desktop.
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