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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. You will be interested in the full search grammar here: https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/search_grammar.php To search for notes created over 6 months ago try: -created:20210123
  2. This works for me. There was a problem with -tag: in saved searches but that for me seems to be solved now.
  3. Did you get an email a few weeks back saying that "We’ll upgrade you into a new, more powerful Evernote plan at the same price you’re paying now."
  4. I certainly hope so. My next subscription date is in my billing info but unlike some people the price is not mentioned. Clicking to change the frequency form yearly to monthly tells me I am on the higher price despite having paid the original price. I've raised a support ticket because I want to know what I will be charged given that the email I received said "We’ll upgrade you into a new, more powerful Evernote plan at the same price you’re paying now." I hope they didn't mean to continue "until you get to your next renewal when there will be a 22% price hike".
  5. and a hefty price rise despite assurances that "We’ll upgrade you into a new, more powerful Evernote plan at the same price you’re paying now." (my emphasis).
  6. @Clay ElrodSame here. It was working earlier today but activity on the forums suggest they are having major problems with sorting this out. It will probably get sorted if you are patient. You could raise a support ticket as well.
  7. The link from a calendar event to a note only happens within Evernote. So if you go to the calendar widget in EN you can create or navigate to a linked note. It doesn't effect the Google calendar itself. You can go from the link in the note to the entry in Google calendar but I don' think that is what you want.
  8. I think they are moving out of being a purely note taking application. If that worries you, it might be time to move to something that has no desire to be anything other than a note taking app. I certainly would also prefer not to have to choose between a note or a task. I am slowly getting used to using ctrl-N (on Windows) The point about starting in the title or the body of the note has supporters on both sides. Again shift-Tab quickly gets you where you need to be if they don't reverse the decision.
  9. Same here. I paid £44.99, The email I received says My billing history page tells me when the next billing date is but unlike yours doesn't actually say what the new amount is. I need to clarify this but it certainly looks like they have broken their promise.
  10. If you search for the word it will bring up a list of notes as usual. If you look at a note where the word is contained in a pdf, provided you have the pdf in one of the embedded views, it will highlight the word in yellow just as it would if the word was in the body of the note. Hitting ctrl-F (Windows) brings up the search in note menu box pre-populated with the search term. You can use this to cycle through the hits in the pdf. In this screen shot I'm on the first hit (in blue) and the second hit is just below it in yellow. Note that the feature is not available for the free plan.
  11. I completely agree. I fully accept that it is within EN's gift to decide which features should be available at each level. However Boolean search and geographic search seem like pretty fundamental things for a company which, as you say. prides iteself in it's search abilities.
  12. This was announced by @Shane D. here: It includes a reference to https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 for a list of all the items you can now use with contains: However this just has a list of the filters. The advanced search syntax documentation which is referenced from here has no mention of contains: at all. So far my attempts to use contains: beyond the two specific examples given in that article and the three tasks searches mentioned in another post have been limited. Is there a definitive list of what can be searched for and the actual terms to be used? For example the filter for pdfs is called "PDF Files". None of the following work for me: contains:pdf contains:"pdf files" contains:PDFFiles contains:PDF For the record the following do work: contains:address contains:url contains:task contains:taskCompleted contains:taskNotCompleted
  13. The announcement says: NEW: More search options, including Boolean terms and geographic search to find precisely the information you need. which doesn't suggest to me the withdrawal of advanced search options just the addition of Boolean search
  14. There are now different levels of non-team membership: free, personal and professional. https://evernote.com/compare-plans I've been moved from premium to personal. Personally I don't think there are many features in professional that I could justify paying the extra money for. There is a clear comparison in the web page above so you can decide for yourself.
  15. Happily it seems to be OK for me. I assume you have tried simply logging out and back in again. Also worth trying the web version. Otherwise I would raise a support ticket.
  16. Have you checked what your membership level is on the website? Mine now says I am on EN personal as expected.
  17. Yes. EN has some global keyboard shortcuts that work even if you are not actively in EN. They can all be disabled or changed. Just open the keyboard shortcuts menu (help -> keyboard shortcuts or ctrl+/) and modify them as you see fit. However it should be alt + ctrl + N not alt + N. alt + N desn't do anything for me.
  18. insert -> code block It is just a monospaced text box with a grey background.
  19. Good suggestion. I just copy the text of the search query into a code box within a note and then copy and paste as needed. I have always done that to get around the fact that you can't link to a saved search from a note (well there is a work around in the legacy version) and my Dashboard notes sometimes need to link to saved searches.
  20. It has been reported elsewhere. Existing saved searches also do not work (and they used to in V10 so it's not just a V10 issue).
  21. I don't believe so. EN also only give you the ability to choose from 9 of their templates not the entire library. It's a great idea but currently completely useless!
  22. I think you have summarised the situation perfectly. Certain actions like ctrl Q or using a "shortcut" to the note generate this special "note and sidebar but not note list" view. I don't think there is a way to intentionally get this view ot to avoid getting that view in those special circumstances. I suppose if there were specific notes you wanted to view in this way you could add them as favourites but that is not really even a workaround. It's been raised before but no resolution.
  23. In my experience filtering by tag is pretty much instantaneous but searching, because it is now done on the server, can take some time. I just tried it and of course today both are instantaneous!
  24. All I can do is to agree that there seems to be an issue with searching for multiple words within images. Sometimes neither word is highlighted and sometimes one but never both. I think find within document (ctrl-F) will only find text rather than words within images. As you can no longer look at the results of the OCR within the enex file I don't really know how to progress. I suggest a support ticket.
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