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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. Clicking on a tag currently lists only 128 notes. Do you get the correct number of notes if you search rather than filter? tag:"tag name" Also have you tried the web version - that removes any issues about synchronisation etc.
  2. Very interesting. I cannot replicate the behaviour. I've used a search as close as I can to yours ie to search for all notes that do not contain two tags both with spaces in their names. -tag:"current affairs" -tag:"Time management" When I save it, clear the search by going to all notes and then rerun it I get exactly that text in the search bar again and exactly the same number of results. I have seen the behaviour of EN putting the search text in brackets before but I can't currently find a saved search where that has happened. As I said in the other thread there was a problem with the -tag syntax in saved searches in the past but it has been solved for me. I wonder whether starting with a -tag is the problem. Starting with a * didn't work at all but: intitle:* -tag:"current affairs" -tag:"Time management" gave me the same results. Searches for all notes with something in the title and don't contain the two tags. I wonder if that might save more successfully for you. Something to try until it gets sorted.
  3. There was a problem with saved searches containing the -tag syntax. It was solved. Are you on the latest version (10.20)?
  4. I'm not that surprised but it was worth a try. Personally i avoid wildcard characters (* and ?) in titles, file names etc because it never ends well. That's not just an EN thing but a gneral rule of thumb for all programs.. Having said that i put three stars follwed by a space at the beginning of some note titles and EN found them with no problem so i'm not sure that is the problem. All I can suggest is what I said before:
  5. As far as I can see the title of his note is *** Books (with a space) not ***Books so I'm not sure your explanation can be right. @romanrusso have you tried intitle:books I know it shouldn't make a difference but it would be interesting to try.
  6. I agree that saved searches are less visible than in the legacy version. If you give them memorable names then they will come up when you search and you can also make a saved search a shortcut.
  7. I think you will need to provide a bit more detail of what you mean if you want anybody to respond.
  8. Advanced search syntax still works and has actually been expanded.See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/search_grammar.php
  9. There are so many ways of adding a tag to a note it is difficult to know what you have tried and find cumbersome especially as I don't even know what version you are using. Limiting my response to keyboard only methods for the desktop version (Windows but easily translatable o mac): Bottom tag area. F3 and then type the tag. Typing letters bring up the tags beginning with those letter. Arrow keys to move between them. Enter to select Edit tags menu: alt-ctrl-T. You can either search for tags (now you get all the tags containing the characters not just those beginning with the characters). Cycle through them using the arrow keys, press space bar to select. Home and then up arrow to go back to the search input field (a single key for this would be helpful). Enter to close the window. I would personally like some more cutomisation of this menu - particularly the ability to have an alphabetical list as well as the hierarchty list although I suppose you could argue you already have that in F3.
  10. It is actually how tags can be created from the tags field at the bottom of a note in V10. As people get used to that perhaps the clipper behaviour will seem more obvious.
  11. Alternatively just use the search syntax which is much more powerful than the filter and in some cases easier to use. Try using the filter to find all the notes created two years ago - painful.
  12. A quick search of the forums will show you that here are plenty of other people who would like this feature. These requests though go back for a long time, well before V10, so it seems very unlikely that it will happen given that V10 would presumably have been an ideal opportunity to introduce the changes in architecture required. The problem we now have is that some of the workarounds that people have used in the past are no longer available: If you sort by uptated date you can no longer change the date to be way into the future so that it always appears at the top Notes with reminders no longer appear above the normal notes in the notebook This leaves us with: Starting the title with a suitable character to bring it to the top if you sort alphabetically Changing the creation date to be a date way in the future if you sort by creation date Having a "pinned" tag to allow you to quickly select those notes from a particular view which would be pinned if the facility existed. This is my preferred method although it has been made more difficult by the inability to multiiselect tags from the sidebar. Therefore you need to use the filter menu which in my opinion is less convenient.
  13. I, like you, have never understood why you cannot save a filter even if the results and intention are exactly the same. The workaround is to search first (e.g. a search for * will bring up all notes) and then filter. Because it is then a "filtered search" you can save it.
  14. Probably like you, the best I could do was to find notes that contained a code block and a specified word but that word need not be in the codeblock.
  15. Working for me in the UK. You can get the web version number by clicking "Need a little help?" at the bottom of the sidebar and then "release notes". I am on 10.20.4
  16. It is, and there is the facility for people to upvote it if they feel the same way. I would probably also give them some feedback via help -> share feedback in the app.
  17. I don't believe so. Annoyingly it is possible on the web version. You can have as many tabs as you like each with EN running in it.
  18. Not really a solution - more problem solving. Do you have V10 on your phone or are you still using the old version? Does the search work and are the notes present on the phone? Some people have suggested that logging out of the desktop version after unticking tools -> preferences -> save data at log out may solve the problem as it forces a resync. I would normally recommend contacting support if basic troubleshooting doesn't work but obviously that is not an option in your case.
  19. Fortunately the UK keyboard seems to be the same as the US keyboard with not even a shift required. Thanks for pointing it out though - I will be more cautious about recommending it as a "short cut"
  20. alt-ctrl-N is a global keyboard shortcut on Windows and will create a new note in a new window even if you do not have EN open infront of you. You don't say which operating system you are using but there will be an equivalent shorcut for mac.
  21. Shame it doesn't recognise the link automatically. Having to explicitly create the link with ctrl-K is a bit of a pain but still a step in the right direction.
  22. Just type in the name of the new tag, ignore the suggestions and hit enter. Obviously you can't put the tags into a hierarchy.
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